Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Keep on going!

Keep on going!

The ground you have been working on has been dry. You have felt like your work is in vain and that you are not getting anywhere. You feel like you have been working the same spot over and over and still you do not see a change. My child know that I am right there with you and know that none of your work has been in vain.

I have been there all along and as you have put your hand to the task faithfully. I have been working behind the scenes. I have been loosening the ground from deep down within.

Just keep on working and keep on trusting in me knowing that the rains are near and that the many seeds you have planted will blossom. All the hard work of pulling out those weeds and loosening up the dry ground will pay off. Just keep on pushing on. Keep on trusting me and just put your hand to the task.

My blessing is upon you. Never forget that I am the one who makes everything come together. I am the one who causes the seeds to sprout and the ground to carry enough nutrients for them to survive. I am the one who brings about the rain.

Nothing you do can change that. Just keep on pushing forward in my love and keep on trusting in my power. Before you know it you will look up and see a beautiful land blossoming with all sorts of flowers and precious things. I have you in my hand and I want you to know that nothing has been in vain, says the Lord.

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011


Mengucap syukurlah dalam segala hal, sebab itulah yang dikehendaki Allah di dalam Kristus Yesus bagi kamu (1 Tesalonika 5:18)
Melayani kaum marginal tidaklah mudah, kadang saya merasa kesepian dan di salah mengerti bahkan oleh sesama rekan sepelayanan. Kami sangat jarang mendapatkan dukungan donasi hingga akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk membentuk usaha bersama dengan saudara seiman untuk mencukupi kebutuhan hidup maupun misi pelayanan kami.
Beberapa bulan pertama semua berjalan dengan baik, sayangnya lalu rekan usaha kami yang notabene saudara seiman menghilang dengan semua modal kami. Kami merasa amat terpukul, kecewa, marah dan frustasi. Kami bertanya-tanya,”Mengapa Tuhan izinkan hal ini terjadi bagi kami? Setelah kami meninggalkan “zona nyaman” dan menanggapi panggilan tersebut, mengapa kami harus menghadapi kesulitan yang mendera?”
Semua seolah berjalan lambat, pertolongan Tuhan seperti tak kunjung tiba. Hingga satu persatu barang berharga pun terpaksa dijual. Apakah yang tengah Tuhan hendak ajarkan pada kami? Saat perang berkecamuk di batin dan pikiran, tiba-tiba Roh Kudus mengingatkan firman Tuhan,”Mengucap syukurlah dalam segala hal.”
Sangat mudah mengucap syukur akan kebaikan Tuhan di saat semua berjalan dengan baik, tetapi bagaimana ketika keadaan sulit masihkah kita dapat mengucap syukur pada Tuhan?
Doa: Tuhan tolong kami untuk dapat melihat kebaikanMU di saat yang sulit sekalipun. Amien.
Firman Tuhan: 1 Tesalonika 5:16-18, 22-24.

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

Riding High

Riding High

Consider the surfer that rides the waves. He is able to be lifted up so high and be carried along with the speed of the wind and the water. However it is not by his own strength that he does these things. All he needs to do is to get himself in a position where he can catch the wave.

He cannot make the wave and he cannot blow the wind. He cannot even dictate how high or fast the wave will carry him. All that he can do is catch that wave and see where it takes him to. This is part of the joy and thrill of the ride. It is not knowing where it will carry you, but still enjoying the journey.

My child I desire your life to be this kind of journey in my presence. All that you need to do is come into my presence and get yourself in a position to catch my wave. Stop trying to make the wave or to create the right circumstances. Simply trust me. You cannot dictate where I will carry you or where you will end up. All you can do, is get yourself into position and to surrender.

I know what your future holds and I know the rocks that lurk under the surface of the water. I also know the tides and the seasons and I hold them all in my hand. So trust me. Trust me to carry you to the place that you need to go. For I know your needs better than you know them yourself. Do not try to control this journey or to dictate to me where you should go. Trust me.

Trust that I know exactly where you must go. You will find that often the direction that the wave carries you is not where you intended to go. Let go of your control child. Let me surprise you. For I delight to give you good things. I delight to show you wonders. You will not see these wonders if you plot your own course or decide for yourself where you will go.

Rather put that control into my hand. Then as you wait on me and as you throw your hands up and finally give up to me, I will lift you high and carry you. I will raise you high above your circumstances and where before you felt as if your feet were in mud, you will suddenly soar above the ground.

I will lift you high and you will feel the wind in your face and a new thrill in your spirit. You will be free from restrictions and the things that tie you down. So come child. Start to enter deep into my presence and then watch as the wave begins to swell and as I carry you away.

Calling You out of Hiding

Calling You out of Hiding

The whistle is blowing even now to signal a new start of a new journey. The trumpet call is going out into the earth even now, to call you to step onto a new road with me, says the Lord. Can you hear the sound? Can you feel the ground shake as the mighty call is going out?

My child, that call is going out for you! It is time for you to rise up and to take a step forward. You have been hidden away for a long time. You have wandered around in the desert for a long season walking in circles, never sure when the train would stop by again to pick you up.

Never sure if you would ever find a way again to reach new land and to step onto a new road. You were never sure if you would ever make it out of this drought. You thought that you are the only one who believes in more, that you are the only one who believes that there is a greater purpose.

But my child, you are not alone. The time in the desert is over now, says the Lord. The call is going out and the train is approaching. Get ready to jump aboard and get ready for the journey of a lifetime. You have cried out to me for change.

You have cried out to me for such a time as this where you could go and pick up your armor once more and go into the new land that you knew was there. It is time now. It is time.

So heed the call my child. I know you have gotten comfortable in the desert and have somehow given up on any train every stopping by. This season was for a purpose and it was good. I prepared you in the hiding place and did more in your heart and life than you realize.

But I need you to get ready to run now. I need you to get on that train and move forward so that I can bring the pieces together and that the new land, the land that I have promised you, that I have promised my church, can be taken.

Come now child and get ready for a race, says the Lord. You are my warrior and I want to raise you up and want to show you the way. I want to equip you so that you can fulfill the plan that I have for you which in turn will fulfill the greater vision I have for my body, says the Lord.