Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

A Shower of Blessing

A Shower of Blessing

My child I love you so much. I have so much blessing in store for you. I want you to come to me and approach my throne boldly. I want you to expect my abundant blessing in every area of your life. So often do you come to me only hoping that I hear your cry.

You do not come in faith and in childlike trust. But I want to let you know that you can come boldly, my child.

I am the maker of the heavens and the earth. I hold the treasures of this world in my hands and I can make anything happen. Do not forget who I am and do not forget who you are. I love you so dearly and it is my greatest passion to provide everything you need in much abundance.

I have not called you to walk in lack and I have not called you to walk in depression. You are a child of the king of kings and in me you have access to everything.

I love you dearly. So come to me, boldly and unafraid because I delight in showering you with my blessing, says the Lord.

Blog ini merupakan bagian dari pelayanan dunia maya (e-ministry) dari Eagles Nest Ministries dan pelayanan pastoral (e-church) Eagles Nest Fellowship. Pelayanan kami memiliki visi untuk “Memberitakan Kabar Baik, memuridkan dan mengutus setiap anak Tuhan untuk ‘menjadi gereja’ dimanapun mereka berada”.
Pelayanan kami fokus pada penginjilan, missi penanaman gereja, pemuridan dan memperlengkapi tubuh Kristus. Kerinduan kami dapat mengutus setiap anak Tuhan untuk dapat menjadi terang dan garam dimanapun mereka berada sebagai saksi Kristus hingga Kerajaan Tuhan ditegakkan dan diperluas.
Pelayanan kami berada di bawah naungan Tuhan Yesus Kristus, di dunia kami merupakan utusan Injil dari lembaga United Christian Faith Ministries.
Bagi saudara seiman yang mau konseling, turut terlibat pelayanan, mendoakan, bersahabat dengan kami atau menyalurkan dana untuk perluasan Kerajaan Tuhan dapat menghubungi kami di 081330135643 atau email: davebroos@yahoo.co.uk atau melalui Facebook (Dave Broos). Sedangkan bagi mereka yang mau mendukung pelayanan ini melalui dana dapat menyalurkannya melalui Bank BCA no rek 0081824788 atas nama Dave Broos.
God bless you all,
Salam dan doa,
Ps. Dave Broos

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

Take a Moment

Take a Moment

After a race it feels like you have spent all of your resources. Your mouth is dry and your hands are shaky. You are much like Samson when he slayed the thousand with the jawbone of a donkey. He had pushed through and at the end of it all, he felt so weak.

The anointing had lifted and suddenly he realized how human he was. Even as he lowered his arm, I did not forsake him, says the Lord, and even now I do not forsake you. As you have pushed through and even done the things I asked of you, I know that you are weary.

Yet my child, now is not the time to try and find the strength that you need from external sources. Samson cried out to me and I gave him water from the rock. In the same way, I am telling you to cry out to me so that I can lead you to water.

For when you reach out your hand to me in your weakness, you will realize that there are rivers of living water bubbling up from deep inside of you. A well of life that never runs dry. No matter how thirsty you are or how weak you feel, there is an abundance there to give you life once again.

So reach out to me now and let the water that is inside of you begin to bubble out. Take a moment to stand still and to feed on my Spirit. Take a moment to hear my voice. Stand in silence for only a moment, so that you can get direction for the rest of the journey ahead.

When you take this time to hear from me, not only will your spirit be fed, but you will also hear my voice and receive the direction you need. When you do it this way, then I go with you and I will not let you down. When you do it this way, you will never run out of resources.

Take a moment to reach out to me, and let my strength fill you once again. Amen.

Blog ini merupakan bagian dari pelayanan dunia maya (e-ministry) dari Eagles Nest Ministries dan pelayanan pastoral (e-church) Eagles Nest Fellowship. Pelayanan kami memiliki visi untuk “Memberitakan Kabar Baik, memuridkan dan mengutus setiap anak Tuhan untuk ‘menjadi gereja’ dimanapun mereka berada”.
Pelayanan kami fokus pada penginjilan, missi penanaman gereja, pemuridan dan memperlengkapi tubuh Kristus. Kerinduan kami dapat mengutus setiap anak Tuhan untuk dapat menjadi terang dan garam dimanapun mereka berada sebagai saksi Kristus hingga Kerajaan Tuhan ditegakkan dan diperluas.
Pelayanan kami berada di bawah naungan Tuhan Yesus Kristus, di dunia kami merupakan utusan Injil dari lembaga United Christian Faith Ministries.
Bagi saudara seiman yang mau konseling, turut terlibat pelayanan, mendoakan, bersahabat dengan kami atau menyalurkan dana untuk perluasan Kerajaan Tuhan dapat menghubungi kami di 081330135643 atau email: davebroos@yahoo.co.uk atau melalui Facebook (Dave Broos). Sedangkan bagi mereka yang mau mendukung pelayanan ini melalui dana dapat menyalurkannya melalui Bank BCA no rek 0081824788 atas nama Dave Broos.
God bless you all,
Salam dan doa,
Ps. Dave Broos

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

Look Up!

Look Up!

Look up and see that the sun is breaking through the clouds. Just as the sunflower follows the sun, so also am I calling you to follow me my child. When you look up into my face and look at the promises that I have given to you, then you do not see the darkness around you. You no longer see the lack or the problems.

You no longer see the impossibility of a situation, but only the possibility. So look up to me child! Look into my eyes and as you do that, the rest will fade away. Soon you will begin to see like me and understand like me.

Your problems will fade and what you thought to be a mountain in your life will suddenly become a molehill. What seemed so impossible before, will suddenly be possible.

If you are trying with your own strength, you will always come short, but my power is limitless. And so as you begin to follow me and listen to my voice, you will feel a load lift off your shoulders.

You will see that you can run this race and win it. You will see that you can cast any mountain into the sea. It only begins as you lift your face up to follow me. Look up now child and follow me and everything else in your life will make sense once again.

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

An Opening Coming Soon

An Opening Coming Soon

Do not be afraid to walk the road ahead that I have prepared for you says the Lord, for my hand is over you. Even though you might not understand the way that I have set and you cannot see clearly now, know that I will never forsake you.

There will be times when dark clouds will come and there will be other times when the enemy might put rocks in your road, but never forget that I am there for you. I am there walking the road with you and I will point the rocks out to you.

I will be there to move the dark clouds from you. So do not rely on yourself any longer or on what you can see with your own eyes, but rely on what I can see and on what I can do. My child, do not be afraid, for I will never forsake you. Look forward to the way that is ahead, for soon you will see it open up to a wide field and a broad way.

Then you will see that the way I have led you is for a purpose. You will see that the road you have walked has not been in vain. Rise up and walk the road once again and soon the way will open up, says the Lord.

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011



What might seem like an obstacle is an opportunity for promotion my child. So do not look at the thing that is standing in front of you as something that is there to get you down. Rather see it as an opportunity to overcome.

For only when you face the pressures and you overcome can you see that with my power you can do all things. The reason why you failed in the past is because you tried to do things in your own strength. This led to disappointment and you wonder now if you can face what is ahead of you.

It is I that has led you to this new mountain and it is not to discourage you child. Rather it is to give you an opportunity for promotion. To overcome now what you could not in the past. To rise up now where you could not before. Together we will rise up.

With my help you will be able to do what you could not before. So take my hand and face what is ahead of you. Face it with faith and with determination.

Then you will surely rise up and when you stand on the top of this mountain your hope will soar. You will know that I am your God and that I have prepared the way ahead of you my child.

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Time to be Refreshed

Time to be Refreshed

There is much that you have learned and much that you have done, but now is a time to rest in me, says the Lord. For this is a day of refreshing and I am calling you to come and rest again in my presence. For you have run hard and accomplished much, but you must get rest for the remainder of your journey.

For there is much I still want to do in your life and blessings that are way beyond your imagination. All of this begins though in my presence. As you rest in me, it will be as if you are sitting in the middle of a gentle river.

The dirt that you are covered with will be washed away. The heat of the day will start to melt and all the stress that you have carried with you will be swept away with the stream.

When you are refreshed, you will have strength to stand and run the race again. For now though drink of me and know that I am good. Revel in my presence and let me refresh you my child.

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Let Go of your Own Ideas

Let Go of your Own Ideas

You have sought me for a long season my child and you have asked me to bring renewal and restoration into your life. You have sought me and you have cried out. Circumstances have once again taken over and you are discouraged. You are on your face and you are saying to me WHY....

My child don't you see that I am right here for you? I have never left you and I never will. I am right there by your side and I have been working on your behalf all along. I never stop. I care for you and long for you 24 hours a day.

My child you have closed your heart because you have not received exactly what you wanted from me. I desire to bless you abundantly and beyond anything you can imagine. I have more for you than what you see right now. I want to give you far more.

So let go of your little ideas! Let go of your imaginations that tell you to have a result to your situation a certain way. I am the Lord your God and I know what is best for you. Trust me afresh. Come to me afresh and hand me control.

I have everything you could ever need and I have the perfect plan already laid out for you. But if you keep on running on your own track, reaching out for the things you think need to happen, you will remain in this frustration and Satan will only be to happy to keep you there.

Just break out now and see the bigger picture. Open your heart once again to see through my eyes, because you have stopped doing that. Sure you came to me and you cried to me, but your heart was not open to see what I truly have for you.

I love you dearly my child and I want nothing more than to see you blessed. Wake up out of your slumber and see my love. Wake up and see that I have not left you.

Just open your heart and let go of your control. As you do this, you will feel my touch come upon you like never before. As you do this you will feel a freedom enter your heart like never before.

As you do this you will truly rise up out of the mud and climb the mountains you have desired to see, says the Lord!

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

I Have Not Moved

I Have Not Moved

Before you were formed in your mother's womb, I knew you. I chose you and I brought you into this earth. I have held you in the palm of my hands from the beginning of time, and I have never let you go.

If you feel frustrated and feel that I am miles away from you, my child it is not I who moved. I have been there all along and I have watched over you from the beginning. You have moved! If you desire to feel my closeness, all you have to do is reach out.

Let go of everything that is stressing you out and drawing you away from me and just reach out and touch my hand yet again.

As you come to me in faith, I will meet you. As you reach out to me in hunger, I will fill your mouth with every good thing. You are so very precious to me.

I have planned your path every step of the way and even if you take a wrong turn sometimes, my grace is bigger than any failure. I love you and I delight in being there for you. Even if you have sinned and you are full of the flesh, my arms stand wide open to you.

I want to help you break free and I want to put you on a new path. A path that will lead you to victory and blessing. I do not intend for you to crawl along in life and just make it! I want you to live in abundance.

So grab my hand afresh and open your heart to me so that I can do what I desire to do. I want to bring healing. I want to set you free from bondage and I want to meet the desires of your heart.

I love you dearly, child. Move back into my presence now and I will begin a work that will result in a vessel more beautiful than the world has seen before, says the Lord.