Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

A new vision for you

A New Vision for You

When a fire has raged across the land and brought everything to death, it is difficult to imagine that underneath all the ash that a new beauty is waiting. With the same magnitude that the fire brought destruction, so also will the ash that remains bring forth a greater beauty.
In the ash lie seeds that have never had the chance to flourish. So even though everything looks dark, within a small time and with a little rain, what was desolate will suddenly start to blossom.
Then you will look across the land and see new flowers and seeds growing that you never knew existed. In the same way there are things in your life that have been burned to the ground. There are dreams and hopes that have been dashed and in the same way you are tempted to look at these things and see only the ashes. However, my child I have come to give you beauty for ashes. I have come to bring life to seeds that you did not know of before.
For every vision and dream that has died, I have so many more waiting just under the ashes that are ready to come to life. They sit and wait for my gentle breeze and for my rain to fall. So do not look at the ashes any longer. Do not look at what you have lost any longer. Do not look at the past and become discouraged.
Rather look at the flowers that are about to blossom. Look at the promises that are to come and the new visions that I have prepared for you. When you look at these things, you will not remember the bad things any more. You will not struggle with the past, but you will have tremendous hope for the future!
So look up! Look up and be encouraged and see that I have given you a blessing and done a new thing in your life, says the Lord.

Here comes your flower field

Here Comes Your Flower Field

It only takes a single flower in a desolate field to bring with it the promise of hope. In the same way, it only takes one promise of mine to give you something to hold on to for the future. So look today at the promises that I have given to you my child. Each one of them are like flowers in a field.
If you can only hold onto a single promise, this already brings you hope. However, as you take hold of one promise, you will find others coming to your mind. I will bring to your memory so many others that I have given to you through the years. So do not lose hope my child. Rather look to my promises.
Go back and think of every promise that I have ever given to you. Go and look at all the blessings that I said I would do and hold onto these. Do not allow the enemy to come and steal them from you. Do not allow the doubts and fears to dig them out of the soil. Put away the voices that would distract and cause them to be uprooted.
You will find though as you hold onto a single promise that it will flourish in your hand. Then before you know it others will also begin to take root and what started as a single flower will become a flower field. Then the promises will outweigh the doubts. The blessings will outweigh the loss. My word will become what you will base your life on instead of your circumstances.
So look up! Take hold of the promises. Remember them again today and write them down. Look over them and remember the good things that I said I would do in your life. As you do this, you will see something new happening. A new life will come to you and you will rejoice and look forward to the good things that are waiting for you my child.


Let my Word Direct Your Path

Even as a little child that is growing up to learn the ropes of life, so are you learning the ropes in your walk with me, says the Lord. When a child first learns to respect the father's authority, it takes a while for them to understand what is acceptable and what is not. My child, I give you my law and my word not to harm or restrict you, but to lead you in the perfect way you should go.
A father makes sure the child knows what is okay and what is not because he loves them and because he wants them to grow up to be a success. A hard line can be a blessing because then the child feels secure and at rest. This is what I am doing with you also, says the Lord. Do not look at my word and think that I am drawing a hard line and throw your hands up in despair.
Rather take the line I am drawing and take my words to heart. Walk in obedience my child and walk in the power that I have given to you. For what I have given to you in my spirit is limitless. There is nothing that is impossible to me and I live inside of you.
It is when you look at your circumstances and at the world around you that you are limited. The world is restricted even though perhaps you seem to see freedom at times. It is not freedom at all. They are bound by the flesh and by the traps of the enemy.
So take my word today and apply it to your heart and soul. Let it be like the law a father sets and that draws a hard line in a child's life. Let it pierce your heart so that you may tap into the freedom I have called you to, says the Lord. Let it give you a path to walk on so that you may tap into the limitless resources I have given you with my Holy Spirit.
Take it and rise up, says the Lord. Take it and run in victory!

The Secret of Spiritual Warfare

The Secret of Spiritual Warfare

When the enemy comes against you like a flood, it is easy to see the spiritual warfare you have to face. You feel the struggle and you feel as if a mighty load is on your shoulders. However, I am here to remind you my child that this battle was won many years ago.
When I died on the cross, I won the battle for you. I overcame the enemy and I dethroned him. I made a fool of him publicly and took back from him the keys of death and of hell. So often though he tries to make you forget that. He tries to get you to engage him in warfare on your own. However, all you need to do is stand in my blood.
This is indeed the greatest warfare of all. To stand in the finished blood of calvary and to know that this battle is already won. When you know this and you stand in faith, then the enemy will run from you. He will know that his authority has been stripped. However, if you try to engage the enemy on your own, he will win. He will bring thoughts into your mind and remind you of how many times you have failed.
He will point out all the things that can go wrong and he will try to make you think that his army is greater than anything you could defeat. My child, spiritual warfare is a rest and when you know your authority, you do not run as a soldier into battle, but rather as a king that sits upon the throne and rules and reigns in my name. So stand in your spiritual armor. Stand and see that I have already brought you your salvation.
Stand in my blood and see the enemy run away from you. For this is the greatest weapon you could ever use against the enemy - my blood and the knowledge of who you are in me. So hide behind me today. Hide behind what I have done for you. Hide behind my finished work and watch the enemy flee before you, says the Lord.


Praise and Perfume

Just as perfume wafts through the air, so also do I call you to diffuse my fragrance in this world my child. However, so many of my children are afraid to let this fragrance out. Instead they wait until they are alone with me, before they express their praise and the good things that I have done for them.
They thank me and give me honor in their homes, however it is when you are in the world that this praise needs to shown more than ever.
For when you are full of love and excitement it is not difficult for everyone to see it. In the same way, do not be afraid to show your excitement and joy to others for the things that I have done in your life this day.
Let all the praise for me begin to pour out of you like perfume. Then just like perfume in the natural draws attention, so also will your praise of me bring attention to me.
It does not take much to reflect me in this world my child. You do not need to come with great words or understanding. Rather keep your praise of me on your lips. Remind those around you of the good things that I have done in your life.
Then as they see the goodness in your life, it will stir up their own hunger towards me. The perfume that is inside of you will begin to attract them. So be bold today my child and put my praise on your lips.
Give me honor in every area of your life, whether you are alone in your room or public in the world. As you reflect my glory through this praise, I will surely bless you and cause you to be led to the places I need you to go.
I will send you to the right people that need a touch of what I have. So diffuse my fragrance now. Go out today and declare my praises to the people, says the Lord. Amen.

Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

Rejoice in my Goodness

Rejoice in my Goodness

This is a day to rejoice in my goodness my child. There are many circumstances that will come and go, but my goodness remains forever. There are conflicts that will come and go, but my peace remains forever. Do not doubt then whether I love you or not. Do not doubt if I have heard your prayers or not, because I called you since the beginning of time!
I have you in the palm of my hand and I continue to pour my grace over you. Only look at my goodness! Do not look at the struggles or your lack. Do not look at your weaknesses or inability to follow through. Instead look only at my goodness and you will suddenly see that all things are possible in my name.
For it is in my name that you will find my goodness and it is through faith that you will experience it. So look to me now. Trust that I have every good thing planned for you. Then as you keep looking at me and remembering all the good things I have done for you, the way you view yourself and your life will change. The veil will lift and you will see yourself as I see you.
You will struggle if you keep trying to look into yourself to find the solutions and the answer. You will only dig up more of the flesh. However, if you look to my goodness and how perfect I am, then I can come and conform you to that image.
I can begin to bring that goodness into your life and along with it the peace that you need. So look into my eyes and dwell on my goodness alone and see how your heart begins to be encouraged and how much it will change who you are, says the Lord. Amen.

Water out of the Rocks

Water out of the Rocks

It was when the sun was beating down and there seemed to be no way out that I caused water to come from the rock for the Children of Israel. In the same way do not look around at the wildness and think that nothing can be done. For I am able to take the very rocks around you to bring about the living water that you need.
For the children of Israel did not suddenly find an oasis. They did not walk and find a hidden source of water or a flourishing land. No it was when they were hard pressed for a miracle that I sought to show them my glory. In the same way, do not think that I will need better circumstances and an easier way to provide for you my child.
Rather I will take the very rocks and the very difficult situations around you to show you my blessing! I will cause water to gush out from the very rocks that will make you stumble and have been a struggle for you.
All you need to do is trust in me alone and to not lean on your own understanding. It is in moments like these when you will see how much I have reached out to save you. You will know that I am your God and that I have not forsaken you.
You will see that I am able to do the impossible and no man will be able to take credit for it. No man will be able to say, "this is my doing" for it would have been something no one could have done. If I could show such favor under the old covenant my child, how much more now will I show you this same favor?
If I could accomplish such great things in the past, how much more now where I dwell inside of you? So do not look at the rocks and wilderness around you and think that nothing will be done. For you will come to see that it was me that led you into the wilderness – not to make you suffer – but rather to bring about a miracle in your life.
So come now and see the good things I will do. See how I will move in mighty ways. Then you will surely know that I am your God and that I am with you all of the time, says the Lord.

I have seen the seeds you planted

I have seen the seeds you planted

My child I have seen your heart. I have seen all those little things you have given to me. I have seen all the times you poured out and no one noticed. My child, I want you to know that I noticed and that I was there. I want you to know that I paid attention and that I am about to expand you.
My child just trust in me afresh. Give me your whole heart and persevere. Know that I see everything you do and everything you give. I am your father and I love you dearly.
I delight even in the silly things you do. I delight when you sing to me. I delight when you give your all to me. Do not discount those little things but trust in me. Know that I have you in the palm of my hands and that I am preparing a new road for you to walk on.
I have heard your cry and I have sent out my angels to go work on your behalf. I love you so dearly my child. So just come now and rest in my strong embrace.
Revel in my love and rest assured that I have taken care of every single need and desire you have. I have taken care of your circumstances also and I am making a way where you see no way.
Just let go now and find refuge in my strong arms, says the Lord. Leave the rest up to me. AMEN

Learn to adjust your speed and gear

Learn to adjust your speed and gear

For even as a car driving along a highway has to switch gears and adjust its speeds on the journey, so do you need different things at different times my child. You are like that car driving on that highway. You need my power and also my wisdom to know when to go fast and when to slow down.
You need my way of thinking to see when which gear will get you where you need to be. So trust in me and come to me each day to see exactly at what speed and gear I would have you travel.
I have direction for you every second of the day. My wisdom is grounded deep inside of your spirit. All you have to do is come and ask. All you have to do is slow down and look to me, says the Lord. For I have set you on this road and I have placed you where you are.
I have the answers you are looking for and I have the details you are missing by yourself. I am right here and I am ready to give you the instructions you need.
Only dare to stop and to come into my presence. This way, your car will travel at the perfect pace and it will head for the perfect goal, says the Lord.

The new land is at hand

The new land is at hand

The old is gone and the new has come, says the Lord. What was is no longer and I am busy painting a new picture for you now. In order for you to enter into the new land I have set before you, you simply need to let go of the old. The old has become very comfortable to you.
The pressures you faced in the land you have travelled in up until now have become something you are used to and that you can easily handle.
In fact, it is those pressures that have brought you to the door you stand before today. However, they will not push you forward into the new, says the Lord. It is time to leave the comfort zones you are in and to head into a land that is completely unknown in every regard.
For it is then that I will be able to make something new. It is then that I will be able to transform you. It is then that I will come upon you with my power and I will make you into what you need to be to display my glory my child.
For it is not good enough for you to be the vessel you are today. It was good for the old season and you were able to contain the things I wanted you to contain. But now it is time to go higher. It is time to think bigger and it is time to reach more for me, says the Lord.
So do not be stubborn but let go of what you are used to. Let go of what has worked up until now and let me lead you into something new. Let me take you by the hand and show you what I have for you on the journey ahead.
So take my hand, leaving your backpack at the door, and entering into the new with your face set as a flint. I will raise you up and I will guide you along the path one step at a time, says the Lord.