An Invitation
My presence is like an open meadow littered with flowers and grass. It is full of life and it has in it every good thing. It is not limited and it does not demand anything of you. It is a place of rest and of comfort. My child, I invite you to come into this meadow.
Come and rest in me a while. I do not have any demands for you. I do not expect anything from you, only that you come and spend some time with me. For you are my beloved and what blesses me the most, is to have your time and your attention.
I do not need you to work hard for me. I do not need you to strive for me either. I simply desire to be with you. I desire to share in your fears and in your joys and to be a part of your life and to have the place of honor that I deserve.
My blessing and this meadow of rest is not limited and you can come to me at any time. You do not need to wait and you do not need to earn this place. It is available to you when you need it. So run to me daily. Come and simply fellowship with me.
My servants Adam and Eve came to me daily to fellowship. It was during these times I could give them direction and I could also fill their need for company. So do the same with me. Come to me daily and let us talk about your life and the directions you want to take.
You will see that I am very interested in you and in all that you do. I want to be a part of your decisions and of the roads you are walking. Come and learn that I am more than just your heavenly Father. I am also your friend and I am also there to get involved in the smallest parts of your life.
So come away to the meadow with me now. Rest and look up at the sky. Let your cares and fears leave you and you will realize that it is here in my presence that you will find what you have been looking for, says the Lord.