Kamis, 25 Desember 2014

Conditioned to Spring Up

Conditioned to Spring Up

A seed when it stretches its roots cannot be seen by the naked eye. Underneath the surface, it's roots break through the hard ground and spreads out to look for a source of water. It takes root in the soil and its progress is slow.
Yet, when it has established itself, it springs forth above the ground. The strength it took to spread its roots has been exercised so much, that when it breaks forth, it does so very quickly.
So you too are changing from a place unseen to the naked eye. Just as that seed muscled its way in the hard soil, you too, are being conditioned to shoot up quickly. Do not despise the limitations and the pressures that surround you then. It is these very things that are exercising you to shoot up when the limitations are removed.
Travail and stretch and allow the pressures to make you into that seed that shoots up before the naked eye. For, indeed, I am conditioning you to do just that, says the Lord. Amen.

Commit Your Plans to the Lord

Commit Your Plans to the Lord

When you punch in a destination on a GPS, the directions will appear and it will take you to your end goal.
It is the same with me, my child. When you know where you want to go, I will indeed order your steps before you. And as you commit to stay on that path, I will cause you to get there. Even if you get lost or make a wrong turn, I am able to recalculate your route so that you may get to your destination.
However, first you must decide on where you want to go. As you do, I will show you the fastest way.  I will steer you in the right direction and when you have made a wrong turn, my Hand will pick you up and put you back on solid ground.
So do not fear the journey, nor be afraid to get lost, but set your face like a flint, knowing that I am your navigator and I will indeed, get you to your promised land. For this journey is not based on how well you know the land or your driving abilities, this journey is based on my ability to set you on a path and to keep you there. When you commit your way to me, my child, your plans will indeed prosper. Amen.

You are a Treasure

You are a Treasure

Listen to my voice in the wind and you will hear of my love for you my child. For you are beautiful and wonderfully made. You are unique and lovely to me. You are a treasure in my hands that I hold with great delight. For I rejoice at the good things I have in store for you. I look into the days ahead and I smile at the blessings and gifts I have laid up for you.
So put your eyes on me again and know that I am here to love you and not to harm you. I am here to bless you and not to curse you. I am here to teach you and not to judge you. For when you know my heart and you come into the intimate inner room, you will realize that I always had a place for you.
A place of joy and of intimacy with me. So come and realize that this is what I created you for! I created you to be a blessing for me and for me to be a blessing to you. To hold you in my arms and to meet your needs and to fulfill the desires of your heart.
Know today that you are my treasure and that I delight in you. Knowing this and taking hold of this will help you to understand the road I have led you on. It will also increase your faith, because you will come to trust in me. Trust in me because I am the one that died for you and loves you. Trust in me because I seek your good more than anyone else can. Come, my treasure, and rest in me and let us look forward to the future together.

Minggu, 21 Desember 2014

Lift Your Head

Lift Your Head

My child, you have been staring at the ground for such a long time because you are so afraid of going in the wrong direction, afraid of stepping into a pothole and are so afraid of stumbling. Lift up your head my child because it is not for you to see where you are going, but mine. You are walking with your hand in mine and I know the way so I will definitely not let you fall or go astray.
Lift your head and see all the beautiful things that are around you as you walk with me. It is not about the destination, but the journey with Me that changes you and molds who you are. Lift your head so that you can feel the sun on your face and so you can see people around you and so that you can clearly see Me. I am waiting for you to turn your face toward mine. Let me lead you and enjoy the journey!

I am the Treasure you Seek

I am the Treasure you Seek

My child, all this time you have been exhausting yourself, running around, trying to find treasures out there in the world. You have been trying to find peace and love in all the things that the world has to offer. But my child, my love for you is sufficient and it is my love for you that is the very treasure you seek.

I have never left you nor caused your foot to slip, says the Lord. I have been by your side all along. And even as you have ventured out trying to find the things you are craving deep inside your heart, out there in the cold world, I was standing beside you, gently wooing you into my presence.

My child, just put that all aside. Put aside all the striving and take my hand afresh even now, says the Lord. Trust in me and allow me to lead you by the still waters and the green pastures. For it's in my lap and in my embrace, that you will find the peace and love you seek. It's right here, in the stillness and quietness of my presence that you will be satisfied.

In my right hand there are pleasures forevermore, says the Lord. So come to me now and stop running. Amen.

Climb the Mountain

Climb the Mountain

All you may see in front of you may be mountain after mountain, but do not be discouraged my child, for with each mountain you climb, you will develop different muscles, you will encounter different challenges as well as have different views when you reach the top.
Do not be afraid of the climb because I have given you everything you need for the journey. You will discover tools and equipment that you have never used before because each mountain will require different skills to climb. Each journey will change who you are and give you a different perspective when you see the world from each mountaintop.
If you get weary or lose strength, know that you will not have to climb with your strength, but mine. Just keep your eyes fixed on reaching the top, for I have much to show you when you arrive. So set your heart to climb and find the joy in the path I have set before you.

Calling all the Hidden Warriors

Calling all the Hidden Warriors

To all those who have been hidden, your time in the background and in the shadows is coming to an end. There is great need in the body of Christ for those who are passionate and burn with the fire that I have put inside of them to change the face of the Church and to repair my Bride.
You feel as if you have been abandoned and many of you have been petitioning me in the darkness, hidden from the eyes of the world. Did you know that that season was so that I could prepare you in secret? Did you know that in the silence and quiet I have heard every cry, every prayer, every time you have poured your heart to Me? In the place of separation I have trained you, and refined you for the right time to emerge and do damage to the kingdom of darkness.
It is the time for you to come out of hiding and to speak with the fire that burns in your heart. I am calling you out of what you were to what you must be for the body of Christ. Leave behind the past and step out into the light. This is the time, this is the hour that you are needed. Leave your old life behind for I have called you to something greater than you can imagine. Be bold and step into the light.

Stand in My Strength

Stand in My Strength

I understand that you feel weak my child. I understand that you feel insecure and incapable. My child, let my power and my anointing cover you in your weakness. Let my presence penetrate you so that you may stand as me and not as yourself.
For as you step into who you are in me, I am the one who lives this life that you live now. I am the one who enables and empowers you. So stop hiding in your own weakness and in your own insecurity, my beloved, but step into me.
Put me on as if I were the very clothes you wear each day to face the day. Clothe yourself in my glory and in my power and you will overcome the enemy. You will overcome the world and you will stand as me.
And as you stand as me, my child, you will turn many hearts towards me for now they will see me and not you any longer. Now they will see my power and my glory and not your insecurity, says the Lord.
So run into my arms and let me transform you into who I have made you to be, says the Lord.

See the Task at Hand


See the Task at Hand

My child, you are like my arrow that I shot out into the sky to go forth and accomplish a specific purpose, says the Lord. Even as that arrow glides through the winds and pushes through the weather, so are you high up in the sky right now, experiencing some turbulence. 
However, never forget my child, that I am the one who has sent you and that I am the one who will get you to your destination. I am also the one who commands the wind and the weather and I will make sure that regardless of what happens around you, that you will reach your destination.
All you need to do is to be fixed on the task at hand. Look to me each day for direction so that I can lock your coordinates in, even as an arrow would have a clear direction. Do not allow your circumstances to deter you from what I told you to do. Do not allow the enemy to come and overwhelm you with His lies, but remain on track with what I have promised you.
The wind and the rain may cause you to slow down and it may make it difficult for you to see, but as you remain focused, all these things will not matter, for I have not moved, my child. The direction and the promise I have given you stands sure and true. So keep pressing forward, my beloved, and before you know it, you will reach your goal in my mighty name. Amen.

Sabtu, 20 Desember 2014

Trust in Me to Prepare You

Trust in Me to Prepare You

Consider a little child that is about to go to a foreign country, for vacation - to a place he has never been. It is for his mother to pack what he will need. She knows what the weather is like, if he will need shorts and T-shirts or sweaters and pants. She knows the conditions and packs accordingly.
She packs those things that will bring him comfort and make him feel at ease. In the same way she leaves behind the unnecessary items that she knows will just take up space. The clunky toys that will just get in the way, she leaves behind. The bulky coat that is not needed in a tropical climate is put away as well.
He does not know what to pack or leave behind, but leaves it for his mother. In the same way, the place ahead that I am taking you to, you do not understand what you will and will not need. You may think that clunky toy must be taken with you, but what you do not consider is the room it takes and what else will have to be left behind because of it – it cannot be afforded.
So let me sort through what you have. Allow me to pack for your future my child. Just as that child trusted in his mother, so you must trust also in Me. If I say that you will not need this baggage, if I say that you cannot bring along that favorite security blanket, or your favorite toy, then trust in Me and believe that you will not need it.
Let go and trust in Me, my child. For the future ahead is a foreign land to you, exotic and beautiful. You do not know in yourself, what you will need to thrive there. Let go then and allow me to take control. Amen.

The Wind of Resistance

The Wind of Resistance

My child, do not be afraid of the strong wind that comes against you. Do not let it deter you from your goal, but keep moving forward. Just because you feel resistance it does not mean that you are moving in the wrong direction.

Know that the enemy will try and stop you and discourage you from moving forward. He does not want you to succeed and he will not make it easy for you.

Instead of giving in, face the wind and speak to it, just as I spoke to the storm. Tell it to be still and indeed, those winds will bow and surrender to My Word. Set your face like a flint instead. No matter how strong the wind may be, there is nothing stronger than I. Indeed, in Me, you can do anything you put your heart to.

The goal is near and closer than you realize, my child, so do not give up. Set your face like a flint and keep moving forward.

You are the Head and not the Tail

You are the Head and not the Tail

In my Word, I have called you the head and not the tail. I have made you into my image and that image is one of success and one of a ruler. So do not look to your circumstances and bow your knees to it, but rise up and realize that I have given you authority to turn those circumstances around for good.

You are not the tail that follows and submits to circumstances, but the head that leads and directs the way that the body should go. In the same way, child, take control by using the power that I have given you. No matter how impossible the mountains may look, realize that there is nothing impossible with Me. So open your mouth and begin to speak forth those things that are not, as if they were.

Stand on my promises and speak my words into your situation. Then where there was death and barrenness, you will see fruition and rich land. Where there was darkness, you will see light. Speak my words and take action on my promises and indeed you will see change. I will be right there by your side, says The Lord. I will have my angels go and do what you speak forth.

For indeed you are the head and not the tail, and I have given you all that you need to take control. Amen.

A Season of Rest

Apostle Colette Toach

A Season of Rest

Look my child as the waves begin to ebb in your life and I bring to you a new season of refreshing. Consider the waves in the ocean. The same waves that can cause terrible destruction are the same that can tumble to the beach and bring with them a sense of peace and assurance.
So just as you have experienced the crashing of the waves over you, so also will you experience the peace it can bring also. For it is only when you have passed through the storm that you can appreciate the fullness of the peace that follows. And so in the same way, although I led you through the storm, it had a purpose to display the power of my peace in your life also. So come to me this day and allow me to bring you into this rest.
Put the memory of the storm behind you now and listen only to my heartbeat and rest in the warmth of the sun. Then the same storm that was crushing before will become a memory and you will begin to see the good things that it brought about in your life. So come and enter into my rest and see the goodness I have for you says the Lord. Amen

The Treasure is in the Journey

The Treasure is in the Journey

As you look out on an open road, you can only see so much with your eyes. There comes a point, where there is no telling what lies ahead. Only until you come up to that point, will you see further up ahead.
However, it is easy to look off so far into the distance and wonder what lies beyond the hills. So much so, that you forget to look right in front you to see the obstacles that you must face today. Only until you take the very first steps in front of you, will you be able to get to the distance ahead.
So do not concern yourself with what could be around the corner, or over the hills, but instead face what is front of you, my child. For tomorrow new things will spring up, but today are filled with it's own worries.
Instead, you are looking at the destination and the promise that I have given you and asking yourself why nothing looks as I have promised. Child, it looks nothing like it, because you are not there yet.
Until you set your foot on this road and move forward, the scene will not change. This is a journey that I am taking you on. So walk it out and start moving ahead. Then you will see that there are valleys and there are mountains and that indeed this is a journey with changing landscapes.
As you move forward, you will look back and see how far you have come and when you reach your promised land, you will see that treasure was not in reaching the goal, but the treasure was hidden in the journey along the way, says the Lord.

Stand Firm

Apostle Colette Toach

Stand Firm

Rise up with the sword that I have put into your hand my child and stand firm on the promises that I have given to you. Have I said it and will I not do it? Have I not declared it and will I not make it good? For my word will not return to be empty but it will accomplish everything for which I sent it. 
So hold onto my promises as a sword and cling to these rather than to your doubts and fears. Cling rather to the hope than to your fear. Cling rather onto my Word than on the images that the enemy would put into your mind.
For each day is a struggle of the mind as you consider which to hold onto – the sword of my promise or to the fears the enemy puts into your mind. I know that each day is like a battlefield, but know that I have overcome! I have already won the battle for you  my child and all you need to do is cling to those promises. Cling to the truth and make a choice in each moment of your day to hold up that sword instead of to buckle under the pressure of the voice of the enemy.
Then as you stand I will bless. As you remain unmoved, I will bring a wind and remove the enemy from you and bring to you the promises that I have declared. Stand firm this day my child and you will surely see my salvation says the Lord. Amen

Nothing is Impossible for Me

Nothing is Impossible for Me

My child, I have put before you a clear track for you to walk on. Yes, it may be like a narrow rope, but this is the path I have for you. Now, you could become anxious because you are wondering how you are ever going to walk on this rope. You can try to figure out in your own strength, depleting your own resources, how you will go from here to there. 
Or you can merely take my hand and know that I will indeed get you to the other end, says the Lord. For is my hand too short to reach? This is the path I have chosen for you. So take my hand and know that I am God. Take my hand and know that I will indeed lead you in the way you must go. Do not base what you see on your own strength and your own understanding, but base it on my strength. Nothing is impossible to me.
In your natural mind there is no way that you can get to your destination on that tiny, little rope. However, by my might and by my power, there surely is a way. So take my hand this day and trust me, says the Lord.

See as I See

See as I See

My child, I know the desires of your heart. I know what you desire and need even before you ask. I know that you have been walking through a tough season in your life. Just know that through it all, I have never left you nor forsaken you. It is time for you to fix your eyes on me and to press on forward into the season I have ahead of you.
For as long as you hold onto the old and as long as you revel in how difficult things may be where you are at right now, you will not move forward into the new that I have indeed placed before you, says the Lord. So my child, just let go and fall into my strong arms. Just let go of all the striving and just allow me to paint a new picture for you. Allow me to change the season you are in and as I do, just all the while trust in me.
I have you in the palm of my hand and I will never let you go, my beloved. What you are going through right now may be hard, but look at me. I will show you things from my perspective. I will show you the solution to all that you are experiencing and as you tap into my joy, before long, you will rise up to new heights, says the Lord.
So press forward. Do not stop and do not stand still. Rather rest in my promises and allow me to propel you forward.

Jumat, 19 Desember 2014

Your Full Armor

Your Full Armor

Pick up your shield and your armor and the sword that I have given you, child. For indeed, there is nothing that I have not already put under your feet. There is no weapon, no warfare, no stumbling block that can stand in your way. For I have given you all the power and strength that you need to succeed.
Wake up then child, and stand on the head of the enemy that I have given you. You are the victor so stand in it and know that I am with you. Take up the Word, hold onto my promises and then stand against the enemy. When you know who you are in Me, then you will also know that your enemy is a defeated foe.
There is nothing to fear. Stand on the ground that you have been given then, child and see the victory that you have been given. See the weapons that I have given you. See the throne that you sit on and see the foe that I have put as your footstool. Rise up and reign today child and let us conquer the day together! Amen.

The Mighty Eagle


The Mighty Eagle

Look at the eagle and see how he soars in the sky. He spreads his wings and rests them on the current. He soars into the storm and embraces the strong wind. Instead of fighting the current, he uses it to get to where he wants to go.
So it is with the circumstances and pressures in your life, child. Embrace them and allow them to stretch you and to make you as a mighty eagle. Let each wind that comes your way, cause you to soar higher. Let every current lift you up and stretch you above your ability. Then as you open your eyes, you will see how high you have been lifted up.
So do not be afraid of the storm, do not be afraid of the resistance of the wind, but allow it to carry you to new heights. For indeed you are a victor and you were made to fly high above the clouds. Amen.

Sabtu, 13 Desember 2014

As Bright as the Sun

As Bright as the Sun

Look at the sun. It is not ashamed to shine. It cannot hide, but comes out in brightness and gives light to the world. My child, so it is with you. I have put my glory in you and when you step out, you step out in the might of the sun. You shall bring life and light when you are in a place.
Just as the sun cannot hide, so you should not hide. My favor is upon you, my child. My glory I have placed in you. You may be just an earthen vessel, but inside this earthen vessel, I have hidden heavenly treasures.
So know also that it is not up to you to shine, but it is my power in you, that will come through. So step out and see yourself as the bright shining sun that you are. As you do, I will shine through you and where you go, I will be. Where you speak, my words will bring life. You are my shining light, child. Just as the sun cannot hide, so you cannot be hidden. Amen.

Kamis, 11 Desember 2014

Do not Fear

Do not Fear

Do not fear, but trust in Me, my child. Just as I could fall asleep in the middle of a storm because I trusted my Father, so you can find rest in me. When you fear is when you believe that you have lost control. Indeed, you may have no control, but I will never lose control.

I have you in the palm of my hands, child. I know how to make the storms quiet in your life. So look to me in trust in who I am. Calm your spirit and lift your eyes up to Me. Remember again who I am. I am your Deliverer, your rock of salvation and your refuge. Do not fear my child, but be still just as I am still.

Rabu, 10 Desember 2014

The Door is Already Open

The Door is Already Open

My child, I have placed before you an open door that no man can shut. So why are you trying to still unlock this door in front of you? I have already unlocked it. All that remains for you to do is to open that door and walk through it, says the Lord.
You are overcomplicating things. You don't need to first find the right key to unlock this door for I have already done that. You just need to open the door and walk, my child.
Don't allow the enemy to distract you and don't let your mind get in the way of what I have already spoken to you about deep inside your spirit. I have given you the direction you have asked for and now it's for you to start walking. It's for you to take the first step. You don't have to do my part, you just have to do your part and that is to walk, my child.
I love you so passionately and I have such great things in store for you. So step forward boldly now, leaving behind the complications going on in your mind and setting to flight the lies the enemy is trying to whisper in your ear! You are a victor in me, and to me, nothing is impossible, says the Lord.

Seeing With My Eyes

Seeing With My Eyes

My child, there are many things that you may encounter that are ugly, heartbreaking and discouraging. However, know that for every evil that you may see, there is also my presence that brings light to every dark place.
There is not one single sickness that I cannot heal, no person beyond redemption or situation that I cannot turn around. I am the one who has made the oceans and the mountains. I am the one who has created the birds of the sky, flowers of the field and the stars in the sky. Nothing is too hard, or beyond my reach.
For every ugliness that the enemy uses to discourage you, look to the glory and wealth of goodness and beauty that I have put all around you. As you turn your gaze to Me, you will see more of Me in every circumstance. You will see what is possible rather than impossible because I am with you. See with My eyes my child and see a world of opportunities to overcome and to stand victorious over the enemy. Rejoice and rest in the knowledge that I am with you!

Time to Step Out

Time to Step Out

My child, you have overcome every obstacle I have put before you. You have climbed every mountain I have asked of you and have been content in every circumstance. You have learned to come to Me for your every need and know My voice. Now it is time for you to leave the safety of the womb and for you to go out into this world to destroy the work of the enemy.

Realize though even though you do not feel ready, I see your heart. Trust that the road that you have already walked has prepared you for your journey ahead. You have every weapon, every provision and every support that you need for what I have called you to do. I have created you to be a warrior to bring light to dark places, to rescue the captives and bring hope to the hopeless.

I have called you for such a time as this. It is time to step into the destiny that I have seen for you before the foundations of the earth. Do not be afraid, but rejoice in who I have created you to be. Step out in joy and faith for everything that I have done in you!

Always With You

Always With You

The times that you stumble my child, are the times that I am there to pick you up. The times in which you fail, is the time for you to see that you can do all things through Me. The times that you feel like giving up, I am there to wipe away your tears and give you strength to keep you going. Do you know in each valley, each failure, each mistake, I am there to be with you and to walk you through each and every event and to be by your side? 
Know that there is nothing that you experience that I do not already know and experience with you. When you cry, I cry with you. But I am not just there to dry your tears. I am also there to give you armor, to give you strength and to strip away the veils that keep you from seeing Me. 
So my child, do not be discouraged. Make your mistakes. Stumble and fall. Take a risk and go and do. Do not be afraid of the valleys, the mistakes, or the messes. There isn't anything that I cannot cover with my grace and my love. You have Me to offer the body of Christ. Do not worry about the mistakes. Think about Me and that I have everything that you need to pour out to my people.

Jumat, 05 Desember 2014

Expect a Good End


Expect a Good End

A man can spend his whole life traveling the world and not have seen everything. So why is it that you look out and believe that this is it for you?
As this same man travels, does he not see different lands? Is he not delighted with an oasis in the desert or awed at the vastness of the sea? When he comes upon a chain of mountains, will he not be silenced at its glory?
So too, is your journey with me, my child. When you follow after me and allow me to lead you, change is inevitable. Do not look at the land around you and believe that this is it.
There is more to be seen and more to be lived. Yes, some lands are a stretch of desert, yet that does not mean the whole earth is a stretch of desert.
No, there is change that comes as you keep walking forward on this path. So look forward to what new features are up ahead. Know that you have not seen it all, you have not heard anything of the future, you know nothing of the pleasures that I have in store for you.
For indeed, the thoughts I have of you are good ones. I come to give you a hope and a future with an expected end.
So move forward with great expectations, child and do not be discouraged at anything that life throws your way. Instead, expect good things that await you, just around the bend. Amen.

Time for a Heart-Clean


Time for a Heart-Clean

When you clean up a room and just do daily maintenance in that room, it's so easy to just sweep around the table and around the chairs. But there comes a point when you realize that dirt has been accumulating under the table and under the chairs and so you finally pull that table away and move the chairs so you can really clean up.
My child, sometimes you do just that in your walk with me. You come to me and you clean your heart in my presence. However, at times it just becomes a routine instead of a proper cleaning process through which you really get clean and really accomplish results.
My child, I am calling you to run to me and to allow me to touch every part of your heart. Don't just do mundane routine maintenance. Come to me with all of you and let me touch and clean all of you!
Don't be afraid and don't be rushed or pushed into anything. Know that I love you so much and that it is to my great pleasure that I receive you on my lap. It's my greatest desire to bless you and to give you all that you need and ask for. However, let me do that in my way. Let me touch you the way I see fit, my child.
So just run to me now and allow me to touch all of you. I love you so much and you are so very special to me, says the Lord.

Kamis, 04 Desember 2014

His Hand is not too Short

His Hand is not too Short

If you look at a little child, there are many things that child cannot do or reach yet. It's too small or too short to do certain things an adult can do. My child, perhaps you feel that way right now when you look at your circumstances. You feel like this little child that is too short to reach the top shelf to get something.
My child, let me remind you that I am your Father. I can do all things. I can reach anything and do anything. All you need to do is stop trying so hard and turn to me so I can help you.
At times my solution will be to just heed your request and do it for you. At other times, I might provide you with a ladder to reach that thing you are trying to get to. My child, I love you and I always have a solution I am always at your back. I am always there to lift you up when you are down.
Just place your trust in me afresh. My ways, are not your ways. My love surpasses everything you think in your human mind. My child, I have good plans for you. Plans of hope and of a wonderful future.
So as you stare your problems in the face today, look to me instead. Talk to me about them and let me provide you with a solution, says the Lord. I love you so much my precious. Run with abandon now and be at rest!

Rabu, 03 Desember 2014

Filling the Void

Apostle Colette Toach

Filling the Void

I am the taste in your mouth that you are looking for. Just like in the natural when you crave something that your body needs, so also am I the answer to the craving of your heart. For only I can fill the void and help you feel loved. Only I hold the power to make you feel fully satisfied. For the things of this world and the affection of others fill the need for just a moment, but my water fills you all the time. Just like I offered the living water to the woman at the well, so also do I offer it to you today.
When you receive my love, you will never feel unloved again. When you accept my praise and adoration, you will never feel unappreciated again. For man can meet these needs for a moment, but my water satisfies you fully. I am here to fill you up and to make sure that you are never hungry again. I am here to fill you up so much that you have enough to pour out. For I understand the needs in your heart. I understand the hunger for affection, tenderness and love – for I put those needs there!
I did not put those needs there to leave you begging my child. I put them there so that I could be the answer to them. So that I could meet them fully. So come to me then and allow me to love you. Allow me to be there for you when others are not. Allow me to praise you and to reveal myself to you. Then you will rejoice and realize that everything is truly found in my presence. Let the guard down and let me in my child, then I will fill you up and you will never be thirsty again says the Lord. Amen.

I am Always There

Apostle Colette Toach

I am Always There

Look around you my child. Can you see the air that surrounds you? Although you cannot see it, you know that it is there. You can feel it there as you breathe and it fills your lungs – giving you life. In the same way, although you cannot always see Me, I am always there – I am the very air that you breathe. I surround you and I am in you. As you abide in me, so also do I abide in you.
Just because you cannot see me with your naked eye, does not mean I am not with you all of the time. Just like the air is like a cushion around you at all times, so also am I surrounding you at all times! I am there when you rejoice and I am there baring your pain when you suffer. I am there when you feel afraid and I am there when you feel like you have failed. I am always there – no matter what happens in your life. All you need to do is reach out your hand and acknowledge me.
Acknowledge that I am by your side and reach out by faith to take my hand. Then you will feel my arms comforting you when you feel weak and my heart rejoicing with you when you are glad. Be aware of me throughout your day my child. For I have never left you and I never will. I have been and always will be there for you. Amen

Honey for Strength

Apostle Colette Toach

Honey for Strength

My presence is milk and honey on your tongue my child. My presence is sweet and it feeds your spirit, giving you strength once again to face the battles that surround you. For just as Jonathan took up the honey and it brightened his eyes, so also do you need to taste of me and know that I am good.
For just one moment of my presence and just one word from my mouth has the power to brighten your eyes and make you strong again. You do not need to run around and look for a huge outpouring of my spirit to be strengthened. No my child, it takes only one taste of my presence to give you the edge that you need to stand up once again.
So come and be strengthened. Come and take my hand – come into my presence and put your problems aside for a moment. Let the cares fall where they may and sit in my anointing for a little while. Before long, your eyes will brighten and your heart will feel strong again. Then you will be ready to face the rest of the battle and in my name, you will surely overcome says the Lord. Amen

Selasa, 02 Desember 2014

Relax in the Hammock

Relax in the Hammock

Drink the goodness and richness of my anointing and soak in the truth of my Word, says the Lord. Even though the stresses of life have been many, as you come to me, you will feel like someone relaxing in a hammock and just enjoying some time to chill. You will drink that fresh water and it will satisfy you. You will rest in that hammock and it will feel like you are being given strength to rise again.
My presence and my Word are new and fresh for you each day. As you run to me and as you abide in my Word, you will soon notice that no matter how busy it gets and how much comes at you in life, you have access to that hammock, that secret place at any time. It doesn't even matter where you are, you can escape to my presence, take a sip of anointing and a bite of my Word and you are all set to go.
Trust in me my child and come and hide in me, says the Lord. I have everything that you need. Retreat to your own personal hammock and get strengthened to walk the road ahead, says the Lord.

My Timing is Perfect

My Timing is Perfect

My timing is perfect, says the Lord. I have placed you on this path and I know what needs to happen when. You may have questioned certain things my child, but trust me that I know what I am doing.
You have seen the challenges up ahead and you have seen the many attacks of the enemy and the difficulties that he has thrown in the path. Now you wonder whether this is even of me or whether I placed you here.
My child, know that my timing is perfect. I know what needs to happen when. So all I require of you is to put your trust in me. All I require of you is to put down your will and what you desire and take on my heart so that you can spread my love.
Stand in who I am inside of you and trust in me. I know what I am doing. I will move you and use you as I see fit, says the Lord. Don't doubt me just because the challenges have become great. Trust in me and take this one step at a time as I direct you.
As you do that, the wiles of the enemy will not swallow you up. As you do that, what he intended for evil will not come to pass, but I will turn it around for my good, says the Lord.

Keep Running the Race

Keep Running the Race

My child, I know that the race you have been running has been a long and arduous one. My child, realize though that I am not interested in how many times you were close to giving up, but in how many times you were ready to trust me afresh, take my hand and keep running.
This day I am calling you to run into my arms again to receive the strength that you need to keep moving forward. For great are the plans I have for you and many are the roads that you are yet to walk. But don't be afraid my child but place your trust in me. Stand in my strength and press on forward. I have so much in store for you.
Come to me and let me show you the goal ahead. Let me give you the tools you need to keep running. Take my hand and run with all you have inside of you. I have called you. I have given you all you need. Now it's up to you to step out and trust me. It's time for you to put your faith in me and trust that I can indeed do it.
I am your savior. I am your lover and I am the one who holds your life in my hand. So trust that I can indeed empower you and take you by the hand to run this race, says the Lord.
Trust in me, my beloved and know that I will indeed see you through, says the Lord.

In the Eye of the Storm

In the Eye of the Storm

Be still my child and I will calm the raging storms within you. When you close your eyes and focus on me then you will find peace, no matter what your situation may be. In the eye of the storm is where you will find peace and so it is with Me.
Instead of running from the storms and the chaos that sometimes life may bring, stand still and stand strong and wait upon me. Still your spirit and listen to my voice. Above the noise and above the storms, my voice will quiet your soul.
So do not run around and try to stop the storm. Do not run to try and put everything back into its place, but still your spirit and look upon me. When you have peace, then you will also see clearly and you will see that with a word, you have the power to tell the storm to quiet down. In me, you will find the peace that you need, child. Amen. 

Senin, 01 Desember 2014

My Peace is Key

My Peace is Key

Just as the sunrise announces a new day, so does the peace that I have, available to you, give you the strength to stand and press forward in your walk each day.
If you give into the pressures around you and allow them to come down so hard on you that they begin ruling you more than you can rule them, then you know that you are not standing in my peace my child.
For my peace indeed transcends all understanding and guards your heart and your mind. So return to me right now and allow me to come in, says the lord.
Look to me and look at this as the dawn of a new day. Put aside all the striving and hand those pressures to me. Then once you are in my peace, you will be able to handle those pressures with no problem.
So come to me now, my child. I have peace for you in abundance, says the Lord.

You Have Overcome

You Have Overcome

As you have stepped onto this new road my child, you see all the challenges on the path ahead. You see the rocks, you see the twists and turns and you even see the little pebbles. 
My child, instead of looking at the obstacles, look into my eyes and look at the goal ahead, says the Lord. For when you look at where you are going, what you are facing on the road to get there, doesn't matter anymore.
For you are more than a conqueror in me and I will indeed see you through, says the Lord. So look to the goal ahead and you will notice that you kick those pebbles in your sleep and that you can climb over those rocks without even trying. 
For I have laid out this road for you and I am sending you on this path, because I have a clear plan and a clear purpose. So don't be afraid but embrace it and take my hand as you run on this road, says the Lord.

I am All You Need

Apostle Colette Toach

I am All You Need

My child, I have provided everything that you need to fight every battle, to climb every mountain and to overcome every obstacle that is in your path. Do not be discouraged or intimidated by a Goliath that blocks your way. No matter what your situation looks like, remember with me at your side, you have all that you need.
For my hand is powerful, my resources unlimited, and my ability to give you everything you need for your battle is just a prayer away. Realize, however, that your help may not come in the form that you may expect. Look to my hand and where I am working and you will recognize your provision when it comes.
Rest in the knowledge that everything about your situation is in my hand. I have been at your side every moment of your walk with me. Trust in me - the one that loves you and has given you authority over anything the enemy may throw at you. Come to me and let me equip, strengthen and give you the courage to overcome. There is nothing you cannot do with me at your side, says the Lord.

Light the Fire

Apostle Colette Toach

Light the Fire

There may have been days where you despaired of ever doing anything for me, but your time of waiting is over my child. Now is the time for you to open your mouth and heart and share the passion and fire that have been burning inside of you in secret. The time has come for you to come out of hiding and step into the call that I have given you.
Step out in faith. Though you may not know what you should be doing or where you should be going, as you come out of your place of hiding, look to me and I will direct your steps. Your path has already been paved for you before the foundations of the earth. All you need to do is to just walk.
Leave all the disappointments and failures of the past behind and set your eyes on the path ahead. I have not called you to fail, but to set my church on fire with what I have put inside of you. Now is the time, now is the season to ignite in others what I have put in you.
Every experience you have had in the desert will serve you in ways you have never anticipated. Rejoice that this is the time that every test and fire I have put you through has produced in you pure gold. Step out my child! Come and take the land that I have given to you! You have been trained and equipped for this battle. Come and walk out the passion that I have put deep inside your heart.

Senin, 24 November 2014

Lean On Me

Lean on Me

When the pressure comes and the storms are great my child, know that even in the midst of all that, I never leave you nor forsake you. I created you so that I could have fellowship with you. I created you so we could be together. So even when you go through tough things, lean on me.
Ask me what is happening and I will give you the strength to keep going. I will give you the direction and wisdom you need so you can walk past the storm and rise up to new heights in every area of your life.
Lean on me in all that you do my child, and you will experience victory after victory, says the Lord. For I have already paid the price for you so that you can stand sure and strong in your life. So come and take my hand afresh and I will see you through to the other side.

A Time of Sowing

A Time of Sowing

Even as a farmer throws seeds onto the ground after the fields have been plowed, so am I calling you to a season of sowing now my child. I have given you so much that you can now take and pour out. Your hands are overflowing in wisdom, faith, hope, love, joy and just all the good things I have poured into you.
You have endured a long season of ploughing and preparing but now it's time to just run and pour out. Now it's time to take those seeds and to plant and invest, says the Lord.
Don't be afraid but just look at the goal ahead. Don't be afraid but pour out! Give all that you have to those around you, says the Lord.
I am by your side and I have taken you through much change as you have worked on this field. Now just sow and stand in faith and I will take care of every other need that you have, says the Lord. Move on forward and see me at work in your life in a way you haven't seen me work before. I am by your side and I have many great things in store for you! Amen.

Jumat, 21 November 2014

Do Not Give Up!

Do Not Give Up!

Do not be alarmed my child, when things do not go perfectly as planned. When I have given you a promise, it is amazing and lifts your spirit like nothing else. Yet, as you have opened your hands to receive this promise, you must also stand firm on it and not let the enemy take it out of your hands.
You must wait on my instructions and then act on it when it is given. Just as a child is first conceived and then carried for 9 months before it is birthed, so are my promises to you.
A mother takes time to nurture the child so that it grows healthy in the womb. She travails and feels the birth pains when she is in labor. She takes care and she abstains from anything that will harm her child. So it is with the promises that I have given you. You must protect it in the spirit. You must birth it and push through, even when the pain is too much to bear.
Just as a mother does not give up in the middle of labor, so you cannot stop pushing through when the end is so near. Stand on my promise and do not give up, child. When you see the birth pains, rejoice, for then you know that the promise is right there at hand.  

Kamis, 20 November 2014

The Truth will set you Free

The Truth will set you Free

You hear my voice and you know me my child. I have been with you all along and speaking into your ears. I have not changed my mind about you, child.
But when you do not hear my voice, when you have not felt a touch from me, it will feel as if I have left you all alone. The truth is though, that I will never leave you nor forsake you. You simply need to come to me and to feel my presence once again.
Circumstances and the pressures of life will wear you down and bit by bit you will lose the spiritual edge you once had. Don't you see though, that it only takes one decision and one moment in my presence to be refreshed? Come and let me tell you the truth about you – the truth about where you are headed and who you are.
When you hear the truth, it will indeed set you free. Then you can shake off the weariness and the lies of the enemy. You will see where you have accepted defeat or where the wool was pulled over your eyes. You will know that I have been with you all along – and when you know this, no wind or shaking will be able to move you from your place. Come to me then, and let me tell you of the plans I have for you, for they are greater than you have imagined.

Rabu, 19 November 2014

Rest Under My Wings

Rest Under My Wings

Do not fret or fear my child, but rest under the shadow of my wings. Look at the birds of the air. The baby birds in the nest simply rest under the covering of their mother. They do not fend for themselves, nor do they seek to fight for themselves. The mother bird protects them and watches over them. She feeds them and protects them from prey.
In the same way, my child, you have come to me and so you are no longer on your own. For every soul that is given me, I will protect them with my own hands. It is not up to you to make every good thing happen in your life, my child. You do not have to war and fight, as the world does. You can come and rest under the shadow of my wings. You can find refuge there and trust that when times are tough, you have somebody who will make a way for you.
Let go of the striving child, let go of the fears that things will not work out, but rest in me and trust in me to feed you and to fight for you. Amen. 

Selasa, 18 November 2014

I am Your Strong Tower

I am Your Strong Tower

My child, look at the forest and the trees therein. They grow strong and sturdy and they can take deep roots in the ground. They grow to become like giants of the land and tower over the city. Yet, with a fire, it can all be destroyed in a moment. It can be burned down and made to nothing.
So it is with all the works of your hands. You must learn to lean on me and let me be your security. Allow me to be your strength and do not depend on your own hands alone. For what you build can be demolished, but I am a strong tower in your life that will never change. Do not put your trust in riches and in your works, but put your trust in me.
Then you will always dwell in peace and your soul shall prosper. Then, whether you are prosperous and have strong trees all around you or whether in drought, you will not fret, you will have peace.

Senin, 17 November 2014

You are Ready

You are Ready
My child, when you are learning new things, it can be challenging, difficult and a lot of times frustrating. You reach out to Me for help, and wonder why you do not hear an answer. The reason is not because I don’t want to help you, or that I don’t care about your struggle, but it is because I know that you already have everything in you to overcome the obstacle. Before I let you face a difficult situation, I already have prepared you in ways you may not recognize.

I have strengthened your muscles and given every tool that you need to overcome in every circumstance and to learn new things for your next season. It is not for Me to show you, but for you to make that discovery in the heat of battle. In the discovery process, you will see the road ahead more clearly, and that I have not missed one single detail in your preparation.

I have seen the road that you will travel and I have made every provision for you, my child. Rest in the knowledge that in every moment I am with you and am watching you with great joy and expectation of your success!

A Work of Art

A Work of Art
When a painter prepares a canvas for painting, there are steps that need to happen before the artist can actually paint. This is so with you my child. There are the plans that I have for you and I wait in anticipation for the moment that I can put paintbrush to canvas so that the world can see the manifestation of my heart on the canvas.

But if the canvas is not properly prepared, the paint may crack, the colors may not be true, or previous images from other painting may taint the beauty of the painting that I desire to create now. So be patient my child. There is a process of preparation that I am lovingly doing to make sure the image that I paint is one that will bless everyone that will see the painting.

Do not worry if you do not see the results at the moment. It is not about the final painting, but it is also about the process of preparation and I take joy in every single step. So be excited for what is to come, because the time will come when everyone will witness the masterpiece that is you!



"Love is kindled in a flame, and ardency is its life. Flame is the air
which true Christian experience breathes. It feeds on fire... True
prayer MUST be aflame."
-- E. M. Bounds

"The Gospel is not an old, old story, freshly told. It is a fire in
the Spirit, fed by the flame of Immortal Love; and woe unto us, if,
through our negligence to stir up the Gift of God which is within us,
that fire burns low."
-- Dr. R. Moffat Gautrey

"Could a mariner sit idle if he heard the drowning cry?
Could a doctor sit in comfort and just let his patients die?
Could a fireman sit idle, let men burn and give no hand?
Can you sit at ease in Zion with the world around you DAMNED?"
-- Leonard Ravenhill

"Their iniquity -- pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness."
-- Ezekiel 16:49

"Brethren, it is just so much humbug to be waiting for this, night
after night, month after month, if we ourselves are not right with
God. I must ask myself -- 'Is my heart pure? Are my hands clean?'"
-- Comment from the Hebrides Revival

Your Burdens Are as Little Balloons

Your Burdens Are as Little Balloons
The problems you are faced with and the cares you carry right now my child, seem so big to you. However, to me, they look like little balloons. They are nothing big or heavy for me.

So just approach my Throne afresh today and come into my presence. Stop running around trying to handle all these problems and cares. I tell you over and over in my Word that you can run to me and lay down your burdens. I show you that I have green pastures and still waters for you,

My child, if what you are experiencing in your heart and spirit is not green pastures or still waters, then know that you are carrying too many cares. I am the one who takes care of those things.

Sure, take responsibility for the things that are going on. But what you don’t realize that in coming to me with everything and handing me all the problems and burdens, you are indeed taking responsibility. As you lay them down at my feet, I can give you wisdom and guidance as to what to do.

However, you always try to find a solution on your own. Run to me for the solution and the wisdom. I love to pour that out to you if that is what you lack. So come and lay down your burdens and your care. I love you my child.

Put the Load Down

Apostle Colette Toach

Put the Load Down

My child, even though the burdens you bare seem heavy sometimes, realize that I am always here to help you carry them. For I do not expect you to carry a load that would crush you. With each load that I give you, I also give you the means and support you need to carry it!
Each load I give you has a purpose to shape you and to lead you in the way that I have designed for your life. It is the enemy that puts a load on you that you cannot carry. It is the enemy that would seek to crush you with loads that I never intended for you. So put aside the loads that are not your own. Put aside the cares that are not yours to worry about and set your sights only on what I have given to you.
For when you strip away all the burdens you are carrying that belong to others, you will see that my burden is indeed light and my yoke easy! For with my load I have given you the anointing and the strength to carry it. You will only see this when you put down the loads that are not yours. So put each load down at my feet right now. Each load, responsibility and care that is not yours to carry. Frustrations that are not yours to worry about. Give them up to me and allow me to be God in each of these situations.
Then suddenly your own load will make sense and you will feel the joy you need to carry it. Come to me and lay aside every weight of care my child and I will surely give you rest.

When to Run. When to Rest

Apostle Colette Toach

When to Run. When to Rest

Come beside the still waters and be refreshed this day my child. For I know the way that you have traveled and the way that you will yet go. I know that you will need this time of refreshing to face the journey that is ahead of you. So be sensitive to my voice. Learn to incline your ear to me so that you know when to rest and when to press on forward.
For I know what will happen in your life. I know the next steps that you will take. I know when you will need a rest and when you will need to suddenly run the race ahead of you. So remain sensitive to me child. Remain sensitive to the still small voice inside urging you to rest or urging you to run. For when you rest and run according to my command, you can be sure that you will take rest at just the time you need it and that you will win the race in perfect time also.
So come to me, for I will call you to rest when you do not expect it. Trust me when you hear the word to rest though, for I know what is around he corner! I see what you cannot see. Trust my eyes. Trust my guidance. As you allow me to lead you in this way, you will find peace and you will see that I have planned the way ahead for your good and to bless you my child. So come to me daily then. Listen to me and know when to run and when to rest. Then you can expect success to follow, you says the Lord. Amen.

Steady as a Rock

Apostle Colette Toach

Steady as a Rock

My child, I have you in the palm of my hand and I will not let you go. Although the floor under you seems shaky at times, know that my hand is holding you up and that I will keep you steady in the storm. I will keep you safe even though everything around you seems to be falling apart.
For although circumstances can be shaky and people can change their minds, I am steady and I do not change. I am the only constant thing in your life that you can lean on. So lean on me and cling to me, knowing that my promises remain and that my love is secure.
I will never go back on a promise I made. I will not take back a blessing I gave. I will not steal from you the fruit of the land and I will not drop you when you need me the most. No, I am always here – steady as a rock. All you need to do is fall onto me and to hold on tight. Then it does not matter what is shaking around you, because I remain strong. I am your rock my child. Come to me and stand in the confidence that I have for you, says the Lord. Amen.