Kamis, 20 November 2014

The Truth will set you Free

The Truth will set you Free

You hear my voice and you know me my child. I have been with you all along and speaking into your ears. I have not changed my mind about you, child.
But when you do not hear my voice, when you have not felt a touch from me, it will feel as if I have left you all alone. The truth is though, that I will never leave you nor forsake you. You simply need to come to me and to feel my presence once again.
Circumstances and the pressures of life will wear you down and bit by bit you will lose the spiritual edge you once had. Don't you see though, that it only takes one decision and one moment in my presence to be refreshed? Come and let me tell you the truth about you – the truth about where you are headed and who you are.
When you hear the truth, it will indeed set you free. Then you can shake off the weariness and the lies of the enemy. You will see where you have accepted defeat or where the wool was pulled over your eyes. You will know that I have been with you all along – and when you know this, no wind or shaking will be able to move you from your place. Come to me then, and let me tell you of the plans I have for you, for they are greater than you have imagined.

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