Senin, 24 November 2014

A Time of Sowing

A Time of Sowing

Even as a farmer throws seeds onto the ground after the fields have been plowed, so am I calling you to a season of sowing now my child. I have given you so much that you can now take and pour out. Your hands are overflowing in wisdom, faith, hope, love, joy and just all the good things I have poured into you.
You have endured a long season of ploughing and preparing but now it's time to just run and pour out. Now it's time to take those seeds and to plant and invest, says the Lord.
Don't be afraid but just look at the goal ahead. Don't be afraid but pour out! Give all that you have to those around you, says the Lord.
I am by your side and I have taken you through much change as you have worked on this field. Now just sow and stand in faith and I will take care of every other need that you have, says the Lord. Move on forward and see me at work in your life in a way you haven't seen me work before. I am by your side and I have many great things in store for you! Amen.

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