Senin, 01 Desember 2014

My Peace is Key

My Peace is Key

Just as the sunrise announces a new day, so does the peace that I have, available to you, give you the strength to stand and press forward in your walk each day.
If you give into the pressures around you and allow them to come down so hard on you that they begin ruling you more than you can rule them, then you know that you are not standing in my peace my child.
For my peace indeed transcends all understanding and guards your heart and your mind. So return to me right now and allow me to come in, says the lord.
Look to me and look at this as the dawn of a new day. Put aside all the striving and hand those pressures to me. Then once you are in my peace, you will be able to handle those pressures with no problem.
So come to me now, my child. I have peace for you in abundance, says the Lord.

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