Minggu, 21 Desember 2014

Climb the Mountain

Climb the Mountain

All you may see in front of you may be mountain after mountain, but do not be discouraged my child, for with each mountain you climb, you will develop different muscles, you will encounter different challenges as well as have different views when you reach the top.
Do not be afraid of the climb because I have given you everything you need for the journey. You will discover tools and equipment that you have never used before because each mountain will require different skills to climb. Each journey will change who you are and give you a different perspective when you see the world from each mountaintop.
If you get weary or lose strength, know that you will not have to climb with your strength, but mine. Just keep your eyes fixed on reaching the top, for I have much to show you when you arrive. So set your heart to climb and find the joy in the path I have set before you.

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