Sabtu, 20 Desember 2014

See as I See

See as I See

My child, I know the desires of your heart. I know what you desire and need even before you ask. I know that you have been walking through a tough season in your life. Just know that through it all, I have never left you nor forsaken you. It is time for you to fix your eyes on me and to press on forward into the season I have ahead of you.
For as long as you hold onto the old and as long as you revel in how difficult things may be where you are at right now, you will not move forward into the new that I have indeed placed before you, says the Lord. So my child, just let go and fall into my strong arms. Just let go of all the striving and just allow me to paint a new picture for you. Allow me to change the season you are in and as I do, just all the while trust in me.
I have you in the palm of my hand and I will never let you go, my beloved. What you are going through right now may be hard, but look at me. I will show you things from my perspective. I will show you the solution to all that you are experiencing and as you tap into my joy, before long, you will rise up to new heights, says the Lord.
So press forward. Do not stop and do not stand still. Rather rest in my promises and allow me to propel you forward.

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