Minggu, 21 Desember 2014

Calling all the Hidden Warriors

Calling all the Hidden Warriors

To all those who have been hidden, your time in the background and in the shadows is coming to an end. There is great need in the body of Christ for those who are passionate and burn with the fire that I have put inside of them to change the face of the Church and to repair my Bride.
You feel as if you have been abandoned and many of you have been petitioning me in the darkness, hidden from the eyes of the world. Did you know that that season was so that I could prepare you in secret? Did you know that in the silence and quiet I have heard every cry, every prayer, every time you have poured your heart to Me? In the place of separation I have trained you, and refined you for the right time to emerge and do damage to the kingdom of darkness.
It is the time for you to come out of hiding and to speak with the fire that burns in your heart. I am calling you out of what you were to what you must be for the body of Christ. Leave behind the past and step out into the light. This is the time, this is the hour that you are needed. Leave your old life behind for I have called you to something greater than you can imagine. Be bold and step into the light.

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