Soar Through The Clouds
Look forward with expectation, says the Lord for a new day is on the horizon and with it comes my blessing and my joy. For although you have had your time of night and of mourning, I am coming with a new thing and with a new blessing.
For just as the sun rises and chases away the darkness of the night, so also will I chase away those things that have weighed heavily upon you my child. The lightness of the day will lift the burden from your shoulders and you will be able to stand once again.
However, I do not want you to stop there my child. I want you to go further and begin to fly. For as low as you have been and as much as the enemy has oppressed you, I will lift the weights from you and cause you to soar above the clouds.
For even though the enemy sought to bring you down, my eye was not blind and my arm was not weak. I will use even those things that he tried to discourage you with and I will turn them around into a reason for rejoicing.
So look up! Look up and see that a new day is at hand. Put aside now the weights and cares and run towards me. Then together we will soar through the clouds, says the Lord.