Hidup ini penuh warna, Tuhan yang mengizinkan sesuatu terjadi atas hidup kita agar kita makin bertumbuh di dalam Dia. Hargailah setiap waktu dan kejadian yang terjadi atasmu
Senin, 23 April 2012
Look Up
Look Up
When the day is clear and the skies are blue, you cannot help but feel joy in your heart. In the same way I want to give you a clear day in the spirit today my child. Unfortunately though so often you are looking down at where you are walking instead of looking up towards the sky.
So often you are analyzing what you are doing and if you are doing the right thing, that you forget to simply look up to me and to take my hand. For I am the one that is leading you and I am the one that is opening the clouds in front of you. However, if you never look up to see the good things that I am doing then you will not experience the joy that I have for you!
So look up! Do not get bogged down with getting it right or by trying so hard. Look up and trust that I am opening up the way ahead of you. Have more faith in my ability to see you through than in your own to walk this road. For although I have called you to walk this way my child, it is I that made the road and it is I that am opening the skies before you.
Never forget that I hold this world in my hands and if I could create it, then I am also well able to lead you in the way that I have for you today. So look up and let my hope start to fill your heart. You will see that I have never let you go and that I did not forget about you.
You will see that I have gone ahead of you to prepare the way and that I have paved the road for you. You will see that I have taken everything into account. So look up and rejoice, for I am making the skies clear for you this day my child. Amen.
Jumat, 13 April 2012
Get Empowered

Get Empowered
Let me water the dry ground today my child. For it does not take long for your spirit to become thirsty and dry. The problems of life and the struggles you face quickly take away the goodness and the anointing in your life. That is why I call you to my presence once again.
To drink deep from me and to experience my love and joy once again. In the world you will often have tribulation, but be of good cheer, because I have overcome the world! I have overcome it with my power and when you come to me you can partake of that power. This is not something that you can only taste of once, but you can take hold of it again and again.
If you would only take time aside with me to hear my voice and to reach out to me, you would be watered and empowered again. So when the tribulation comes and you feel dry, it is time to run to me child. It is time to embrace me and to allow me to fill you up once again. As I do this, you will grow stronger.
The more you do it, the stronger you will become. Right now you might look at your circumstances and feel overwhelmed by them, but just a bit of my power will give you what you need to overcome. So do not just come to me when times are difficult, but come to me especially when times are easy so that I can prepare you for the tribulations up ahead.
When you come to me all for the time to be empowered, then no matter what happens, you will always be ready and will be able to overcome, says the Lord. Amen
pertumbuhan rohani,
Kamis, 12 April 2012
Different Seasons

Different Seasons
The rain lasts only for a season and then the sun comes out to finish off the work. In the same way, I am taking you through different seasons that might seem contradictory. The rain and the sun seem so opposite, yet they are both needed for growth. In the same way my child, I will take you through seasons of rain and of sunshine.
There will be times when the season you are in might feel bleak. You will feel as though the goodness is gone and that you have to push through. Do not become discouraged when you face a season like this, because it is all part of the process that I am taking you through. Soon enough the rain clouds will clear and then the sun will break through.
As I take you by the hand, I have only good things in store for you my child! So do not become discouraged or wonder why I am leading you in the way that I am - for I am doing a good thing in your life! I know where you are headed and the best way to take you there. I know what you need and what it will take to bring the goodness out of your life.
So trust me again this day and thank me for every season I take you through. For as you are diligent to submit to each one and to learn from each one, you will begin to see the fruit of it. You will see the growth and know that I led you clearly and that I desire only good things for you my child. Amen
pertumbuhan rohani,
Rabu, 11 April 2012

"God is not looking for brilliant men, is not depending upon eloquent
men, is not shut up to the use of talented men in sending His gospel
out in the world. God is looking for broken men who have judged
themselves in the light of the cross of Christ. When He wants anything
done, He takes up men who have come to the end of themselves, whose
confidence is not in themselves, but in God."
- H.A. Ironside
"When we become too glib in prayer we are most surely talking to
- A. W. Tozer
"Some people read their Bible in Hebrew, some in Greek; I like to read
mine in the Holy Ghost."
- Smith Wigglesworth
"I am convinced that many evangelicals are not truly and soundly
converted. Among the evangelicals it is entirely possible to come into
membership, to ooze in by osmosis, to leak through the cells of the
church and never know what it means to be born of the Spirit and
washed in the blood. A great deal that passes for the deeper life is
nothing more or less than basic Christianity. There is nothing deeper
about it, and it is where we should have been from the start. We
should have been happy, joyous, victorious Christians walking in the
Holy Spirit and not fulfilling the lusts of the flesh. Instead we have
been chasing each other around the perpetual mountain.
What we need is what the old Methodists called a sound conversion.
There is a difference between conversion and a sound conversion.
People who have never been soundly converted do not have the Spirit to
enlighten them. When they read the Sermon on the Mount or the teaching
passages of the epistles that tell them how to live or the doctrinal
passages that tell how they can live, they are unaffected. The Spirit
who wrote them is not witnessing in their hearts because they have not
been born of the Spirit. That often happens." - A W Tozer
"With all your getting get unction." - Leonard Ravenhill
pertumbuhan rohani,
Minggu, 08 April 2012
Keep Praying

Keep Praying
No matter how dark the clouds are, the sun will surely make its way through. My child as you have been reaching out to me, I have heard your prayers and although your needs are as dark clouds, your faith will shine through and break them apart. For the difficulty is only for a season and the enemy can only bring his attacks for so long and then he must step away.
So do not grow weary in reaching out to me. Do not grow weary in praying and calling on my name. For the prayers of the just avail much and I have surely heard your cry and will answer. I will not delay, but I will reach out to you and break through the need and the obstacles. I will reach through my child.
So press on today. Keep reaching out to me and I will reach out to you. Keep holding onto me and I will hold onto you. Keep praying and trusting in me and I will come through for you.
Look and see my child - the clouds will part quickly and then you will be able to revel in the warmth of the sun and see those needs met once again.
pertumbuhan rohani
Jumat, 06 April 2012
Know My Love

Know My Love
My child, I call you as a groom to the bridal chamber. I call you to lie down on roses and to enjoy the warmth of my presence. For in the world, you will face tribulation, but I have overcome the world. It is here in my presence that you will also learn to overcome.
As you receive more from me and hear my words, it will impart the power to you that you need. Then you will stand up again and know that you can overcome any obstacle that faces you. So come to me for this moment and drink in my presence and my love. Let my love be like milk and honey to you.
Let my words feed you like fresh bread and let my touch be as warm oil over your head. For you are indeed lovely to me my child. You are indeed precious and I gladly died for you to give you everything that you could ever need.
So come to me and develop this relationship with me. Let me show you my love. For it is this very love that will empower you. It is this very tenderness that will give you what you need to overcome.
So come away with me. Steal this moment away with me and taste and see that I am indeed good, says the Lord.
pertumbuhan rohani,
Unlimited Power

Unlimited Power
My child is anything too hard for me? Why then do you look at the things that you cannot do instead of the things that I can do? For as you look at your own limitations you overlook my boundless ability.
For as I created this world with the breath of my mouth, so also am I able to create miracles in your situation. As you look at your resources and abilities, you will always feel like you are coming up short. You will always feel that you lack and are not able to meet the standard.
But my child, I did not call you to live up to your own standard but mine. I did not call you to walk in your own ability, but in my power. For you can only do so much in yourself and then your resources run dry. My power and resources though will never run dry. I will always have more to give you.
So why struggle with your limitation? Grab hold of my limitless power instead. Let go of your weaknesses and your failed attempts then. Let go of your inability to reach the goals.
Then grab hold of my hand and I will take you to the goals. Where your abilities end, mine will start and I will surely lead you further and higher than you have ever been, says the Lord.
pertumbuhan rohani,
Selasa, 03 April 2012
Your one source of everything

Your one source of everything
Do you feel weak and powerless? Do you feel like you have somehow been disconnected from the source of life? My child, just come to me afresh and let me revive you.
Open yourself up to me and let me overflow you with my living waters. Stop for a moment and come to me to receive my cleansing. For the dust of life has accumulated on you and it has made you weary. Come and drink from my living waters that are gushing like a waterfall at all times.
If you want to stand in that waterfall all you need to do is to come to me to receive. Do not be satisfied with the little portion you have but come to me for more. I delight in blessing you and I delight in giving you more. You have to just come and ask and I will gladly give, says the Lord.
Let me overflow you with my joy. Come and let me overflow you with my love. Come and let me give you what you have been crying out for, says the Lord. For I am your one source of everything. I am your father. AMEN
pertumbuhan rohani,
Minggu, 01 April 2012
A Sweet Song

A Sweet Song
As spring comes you can hear the birds singing their song, heralding in the season. However, when you are busy and rushing from one place to another, you do not hear their song. It does not mean that they are not singing, but rather that you are just too distracted to take it in. It is only when you are quiet and take time to sit and listen, do you suddenly hear the melody.
My direction to you is like that my child. It is a sweet song giving you the joy and hope that you need. Unfortunately, you can get so busy with so many things that you do not hear my song.
Your mind often gets filled with so many thoughts and fears and frustrations, that you miss out on the melody. Then there are other times when you are so busy praying and talking and trying to reach me, that again, you do not hear my sweet words.
My child, just take a moment to be silent in my presence. Do not rush me. If you had to suddenly rush at a dove that was letting out its song, it would fly away and you would lose the moment. In the same way, each time that you rush and push and try to demand, you miss out on the opportunity to just listen.
Just listen to me today. Trust me to speak to you. Trust me to get my song through to you. So often you struggle and cry out to me for my direction. In fact, you are crying out to me so much that you cannot hear my song through your cries.
So have faith in me and listen to the words deep inside of your spirit. Listen to my sweet song washing over you even now. As you do this, you will feel the peace that you have been asking for.
For I do indeed sing over my beloved and even now I am washing over you with a sweet and tender song with words of love and hope. So stop to listen. Quiet your spirit and trust me to get through to you.
Trust me to break through the clouds and the noise around you. Then suddenly my voice will become clear and the words that you hear will revive you once again. Listen for me child and you will not be disappointed, says the Lord. Amen.
pertumbuhan rohani,
Leave It There

Leave It There
I watch over the seasons and the tides. I watch over the lilies in the fields and I make sure that the grass flourishes in its season. If I can care for the grass that is here today and gone tomorrow, do you think that I have overlooked your needs my child?
My child, I see the needs and I see your struggles. I have heard your prayers and I see the things that you have need of even before you ask them of me. So come to me child. Come to me and give me your needs. Put your needs at my feet and then trust that I will take care of them for you. For your failure has not been to put your needs at my feet, but rather not to leave them there.
When circumstances get difficult and you suddenly do not see a way out, you quickly try to fix things yourself. In that moment, you take back the needs you put at my feet. Does this mean I do not see your needs any longer? No my child, I see them. Rather it means that you take away the power I could have used to meet those needs.
So trust me again! Do not just put your needs at my feet, but leave them there. As you do that, I will pick them up and I will answer your prayer. Your prayers avail much and I will surely move on your behalf.
So leave your cares at my feet and as you do that I will show you the right road to take. I will arrange the circumstances and show you what you must do. However, let me decide what it is that you must do - do not try to make this decision yourself.
For when I am the one to decide for you, then you can rest assured that every last need will be taken care of. So bring me all of your needs once again and then leave them there. Then you will overcome and just as the grass enters into a new phase of growth and abundance, so also will you see a new season start to manifest in your own life, says the Lord. Amen.
pertumbuhan rohani,
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