Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

The Hope of Life

Consider a fountain that gushes into the air. Not only is it beautiful, but it also brings the hope of life along with it. In the same way my anointing is a river of life flowing inside of you my child. If only you would let it gush out of you, it would bring beauty and the hope of life to all of those around you. You will not bring life with your own works or your striving. You will not bring hope with learning or trying. No my child, that life only comes from my spirit and that spirit is inside of you! Inside of you is the anointing and the answer to every need. So stop striving for a moment and hear my voice deep within. Realize that I have given you a treasure in your spirit and it is for you to pour out to others! It is not only for you to drink from, but to hand out. I have done something wonderful inside of you my child. I have created it, that when you pour out to others, that your own garden is watered! So put your own needs and fears aside for now and pour out to others. Take the rivers of living water inside of you and meet the needs of those around you. Pour out in love and in hope. Minister and encourage. Give where you can. Then you will be like that fountain gushing high into the air! You will become a thing of beauty that others are drawn to. You will become the hope of life to each one. So pour it out my child! Then as you pour out the small portion you have, it will increase until a trickle becomes a mighty rushing waterfall. Step out with what you have and I will surely increase you, says the Lord.


SAAT SAKIT GIGI Jika satu anggota menderita, semua anggota turut menderita; jika satu anggota dihormati, semua anggota turut bersukacita (1Kor 12:26) Sedang nikmatnya saya minum kopi saat sarapan pagi, tiba-tiba gigiku berdenyut. “Aduh!” setengah berteriak. Ternyata ada tambalan gigiku yang retak hingga saat air panas itu melaluinya gigi pun terasa sakit. Sepanjang hari semua akivitas saya terasa kurang menyenangkan akibat gigi yang sakit. Rasanya sulit untuk berpikir, sulit untuk berkonsentrasi, cepat jengkel bila ada teman yang mencandai diri saya. Sepanjang hari itu wajah saya terlihat masam dan bagai induk singa yang siap menerkam mangsa atau lawan. Gigi bukan merupakan bagian tubuh yang besar, gigi bagian yang kecil tetapi ketika kita mengalami gigi yang berlubang. Gigi tersebut dapat mempengaruhi seluruh tubuh kita. Teman-teman sekantor yang tahu penderitaan saya merasa turut prihatin dan memberi saran untuk sementara mengkonsumsi obat tertentu untuk meredakan rasa sakit sebelum pergi ke dokter gigi. Ada pula yang lalu memberi diri untuk pergi ke apotek membeli obat yang dibutuhkan. Mereka juga menyarankan dokter gigi yang memiliki reputasi baik untuk saya berobat. Hati saya terhibur dengan kebaikan dan perhatian teman-teman sekantor. Kita merupakan tim kerja yang kompak dan sudah seperti keluarga. Terlintas dalam benak saya kehidupan kita sebagai anak-anak Tuhan. Akan sangat indah bila kita bisa saling mendukung dan memperhatikan seorang dengan yang lain. Ketika ada seorang diantara kita yang sakit, kita datang memberi semangat, mendoakan dan bila ia tak mampu kita bawa dia untuk berobat. Setiap anak Tuhan merupakan bagian dari tubuh Kristus. Penderitaan satu bagian, yang terkecil sekali pun akan membawa dampak bagi tubuh secara keseluruhan. Saudara-saudaraku, mungkin kita selama ini bila pergi ke gereja hanya mengharapkan Tuhan memberkati hidup kita. Kita berdoa dan berharap rumahtangga langgeng, anak-anak hidup dalam takut akan Tuhan, pekerjaan dan harta diberkati agar berlimpah, diberikan kesehatan dan bisa hidup bahagia sampai ke rumah Bapa. Tidak ada yang salah berdoa untuk hal tersebut hanya ingat bahwa kita ini merupakan bagian dari tubuh Kristus. Dimana Tuhan mengingatkan agar kita saling mengasihi, memperhatikan,mendoakan dan peduli terhadap sesama kita. Mari kita saling mengasihi dalam Tuhan. Doa: Tuhan tolong kami mulai hari ini untuk saling mengasihi dan peduli. Amien. FT: 1 Korintus 12:20-26

Senin, 09 Juli 2012

Take a rest and fill up

Take a rest and fill up

 Even as a car can run out of fuel very quickly when it drives uphill a lot, so can you lose your power after having had to push on forward for a long time. Just like an engine needs to rest from time to time, and the gas tank needs to be filled so do I want you to rest and be filled. It is good to press on forward and to journey forward up the hill. But if you push the car for too long without taking breaks in between, you will have the hood smoking and the gas running out sooner or later. Just like you would not do that while driving a car in the natural, do not do that by following me in the spiritual. You need times to rest and to be filled up. You need to give your engine time to cool down and regenerate and you need to fill that tank. So take time to steal away with me each day, to let that engine cool and that tank be filled. As you do that, you will reach the mountain top much more quickly and much less frustrated! I love you and my strong hand and favor is with you all the time. Trust in me and take my power with you wherever you go, says the Lord.

Launching you like a bullet

Launching you like a bullet

 I am preparing you to be shot forth into the kingdom of darkness. Even as a bullet rests in the gun shaft for a while and is being lined up perfectly before the trigger is pulled, so am I lining you up perfectly before you are shot out into the darkness to bring light. I have given you all you need, I have already empowered you. All you need to do is let me line you up. Allow me to bring together the circumstances, allow me to polish you and place you in the spot you need to be, so that when I pull the trigger, you can be shot out in power. Trust in me says the Lord. I am preparing you for greatness. I am preparing you for the right time. I am lining you up in perfect accordance. So just surrender and allow me to do what only I can do, says the Lord.

Fix your eyes on the goal ahead

Fix your eyes on the goal ahead Although the clouds are think and dark around you, I am right here by your side, says the Lord. For yes, the fire may be hot right now and the waters may overflow you, but my hand is not too short to reach you. My hand is not to short to touch you and pull you out of the heat! Do not focus on the storms around you, put fix your eyes on the goal ahead. for the fire is there to make you shine. The storm is there to lift you higher and to equip you to withstand more. I am making you into my mighty warrior. I am making you into my star! Trust in me and fix your eyes on what lies ahead, says the Lord. Expand your vision and do not only look at what is happening right now but look at what is in the future. There is more that I have for you. There is more that I have called you to my child. Fix your eyes on me and on the goal ahead this day, says the Lord.