Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

What Makes God Angry?

Matthew 23:13 (NKJV)
“But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in.”

What Makes God Angry?
As we examine righteous anger in Christ, we see that it only surfaces when He confronts those who defile God, not those who deny God. When He is personally beaten, insulted and attacked, there is no anger or retribution. Christ does not lash out. He is a man of integrity who is willing to take a stand for God’s kingdom and His truth while sacrificing His personal pride for the greater glory of the kingdom of God.

As opposed to the very mild reactions to personal attacks, Jesus becomes very angry when He encounters those who represent themselves as God’s people behaving in a way that is against His desires. These people who defile God are set aside for the harshest treatment. Our God hates hypocrisy.

In our daily lives this translates to holding ourselves, who call ourselves sons of the King, to God-inspired ideals. Just as Christ, we need to be men of integrity who are willing to take a stand for God’s kingdom and His truth while sacrificing our personal pride for the greater glory of the kingdom of God. Since true righteousness is the perfection of living this way without fail, we know that, in and of ourselves, it cannot be achieved. It is only possible for us to strive every day to this ideal through our relationship with Christ. If you call yourself a Christian man then you have been commanded to do just this.

Ask for the strength to pursue righteousness in yourself while being compassionate towards others and not condemning of their faults.

Ask Yourself
How do your actions stand up to the light? Do you back up your talk with proper action or do you present to the world an image that you don’t live up to when doors are closed? Do those who observe you get pointed towards Christ or does hypocrisy “shut up the kingdom of heaven” to them?

Take Action
Examine your public behavior this week. Take care to be holy without acting holy. Do not make a show of your obedience to God, simply be obedient.
©2010 Out of the Wild | 8127 Camella Lane | Tampa, FL | 33647

Senin, 27 Desember 2010

The Treasure is in the Journey!

The Treasure is in the Journey!

Look out and see a winding road ahead of you, says the Lord. Some parts of it you can see and other parts you cannot see. Only when you travel the road, will the hidden things be clear. In the same way, do not get frustrated when you cannot see all the details of your road ahead.

For some things are best discovered along the journey. Do not become frustrated because I have not mapped out all the details for you, but rather look forward to the new journey with anticipation. Think of it as a treasure map where you will discover many exciting things along the way.

For My hand is on this road and I have paved it. I have hidden many good things for you to discover along the way. As you reach each point in this road and see the next stretch ahead of you, you will understand my wisdom in this. You will come to discover that with each portion of the road that you travel, that it changes you.

It will mature you and cause you to become stronger. Then when you reach the next part of the road, you will be ready for it. I have many good things in store for you my child, so start walking out now in faith. Look forward to this time and realize that it is a matter of time and things will become clear to you once again.

Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

In Me Your Needs are Met

In Me Your Needs are Met

My beloved child, today I want to simply remind you that in me you have everything you could ever need. In my presence you find everything you are so desperately seeking.

You know in your head that you can find everything in my presence, but in your heart you are still looking everywhere else.

You do not come to me long enough to just receive. You often come to me and you are so rushed. You often come and sit and then you run off to the next thing.

But my child today I want to usher you to come and sit and just receive. For when you do that you will receive what you so desperately seek.

You will receive the acceptance that you crave in your heart and you will receive the recognition that you desire to receive out there from those who are above you. I have those things for you. I am your Father and I want to give you all these things.

I have the peace and rest you seek, I have the joy and the love you need. This world can be a cruel place and things that are happening out there often seem unfair.

But when you come into my presence, you will receive peace beyond all understanding so that you can go out there, your head held high, shining as an example.

As you come to me and receive from me, you will go out there and make a difference. You will find people suddenly flock around you because you have such a lovely fragrance about you.

You will find that you will have success in areas that you have struggled in before. So just come to me and receive all the things that you have cried out for in your heart for I am indeed the answer to every single one of those cries.

Let this truth touch you deep down in your heart and take my hand now and steal away with me for a moment. Let me show you the secret place that I have reserved just for you and I.

Let me reveal to you the secrets that you have been wondering about and let me pour into you all that you need.

I love you so dearly my child and I am awaiting you in the secret place. Run to me now. Shake off the loads you are carrying.

Shake off the pressures you are facing. Leave the world behind you and come to me to have all your needs met and to be filled up once again, says the Lord.

Jumat, 17 Desember 2010


“….sama seperti Tuhan telah mengampuni kamu, kamu perbuat jugalah demikian.”(Kolose 3:13b)
Sore itu saya melihat seekor anjing dekat rumah saya nampak berjalan terpincang-pincang. Saat saya dekati ternyata ada duri di salah satu kakinya. Tergerak oleh belas kasihan maka saya memberanikan diri untuk mendekati anjing itu untuk menolongnya. Dengan sedikit bujukan akhirnya anjing itu mau didekati tetapi saat saya tengah mencabut durinya, ia berbalik dan menggigit. Seketika itu juga tangan saya terasa sakit dan berdarah. Anjing itu berlari menjauhi saya. Ternyata durinya telah lepas, sayangnya kini tangan saya yang terluka.
Saat saya tengah mengobati luka gigitan anjing itu, saya diingatkan Tuhan bahwa seringkali kita ingin menolong sesama tetapi lalu kita dikecewakan oleh sikap mereka yang ibarat membalas air susu dengan air tuba. Kita sudah dengan tulus menolong tetapi lalu kita disakiti. Mengapa hal itu bisa terjadi? Tuhan memberikan hikmat sebab orang yang kita tolong kondisi hatinya pun masih terluka dan luka itu belum dibereskan sampai kini. Hingga tanpa sadar entah sikap atau perkataannya menjadi “kutuk” bagi orang lain.
Kita perlu mendoakan dan tetap berbuat baik terhadap orang-orang yang sulit untuk dilayani ini. Bila saat ini kita mengenal Tuhan maka kita juga perlu menyadari bahwa Ia ingin agar kita pun memiliki belas kasihan, kemurahan, kerendahan hati, kelemahlembutan dan kesabaran terhadap sesama. Bila saat ini kita tengah terluka akibat melayani sesama kita, datanglah padaNya sebab hanya di dalam Dia ada kesembuhan, pemulihan dan kelegaan. Jangan berhenti melayani sesama sebab apa yang kita kerjakan tidak sia-sia.
Doa: Tuhan saya sempat terluka kala tengah melayani sesama saya. Pulihkan saya Tuhan di hari yang baru ini.
Firman Tuhan: Kolose 3:12-17

Senin, 06 Desember 2010

There's a Fire Burning Just for You!

There's a Fire Burning Just for You!

Just like a fire brings warmth and peace as you gaze upon it while the storm is raging outside, so do I bring peace to your heart when your circumstances seem to swing out of control. My child, just trust in me. That is all I require of you. I just need you to trust me and to come to me.

You are trying so hard to fix things and you are running around trying to calm the storm. You run out there into the rain and try to find ways of making it stop. You are running around and you are completely wet and drenched.

You are exhausting yourself. You do not realize that there is a warm fire burning inside the house, just for you; where you can go and sit and rejuvenate and fill up, while I take care of that storm out there.

I am God. I have created this world; don't you think I can take care of the storm raging in your life also? Don't you think that my promises are true even now for you? I have taken care of every single thing already and my angels are busy working on your behalf.

But you are interfering with them all the time by running out there and trying to fix things on your own.

You think you need to help me. But child, all I need you to do is to love me. All I need you to do is to trust me and to surrender your all unto me. Then I will be able to do what I do best and that is bless you abundantly. This is my greatest desire and my greatest joy. I just want to love you and bless you.

Just like a husband's heart is moved when His wife lets go and runs into His arms to receive strength and comfort, so is my heart moved when you just give up and surrender everything to me.

When you come weak and foolish as you are and run into my arms and give me all your trust, my heart is moved.

So just stop running around out there in the rain. It is cold and you are not meant to go and try to make the storm stop. Just run inside. Sit by the hearth and enjoy the warmth. Sit in my arms and let me fill you up with my love and peace.

I love you dearly my child. Know that I am even now calpming that storm and that I am working on your behalf to align all the circumstances again that have gotten out of control.

As you just come to me and trust me, things will fall into line one by one. I love you dearly. So just trust me afresh and run into my strong arms, says the Lord.

Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

I Love You!

I Love You!

My child do you realize how much I love you? It is not a love that you can strive towards or earn. It is a love that you can only receive. I loved you before you even knew me. When you were sinning and failing, I still loved you.

My love is not conditional and no matter how you feel or what you have done, my arms are always open to you. Yet the enemy comes with his lies and convinces you that you must earn my love. He points out your failures and where you could have tried harder. And so instead of just running to my arms, you try to perform and do well.

You do not need to perform for my love, because it is freely yours. All you need to do is to open your arms and to receive it. When you receive it, you will find that it is a powerful force that will heal and bring the peace that you have been looking for.

It will be like a rich ointment sinking deep into the hurts in your life. It will be a river of blessing that will fill you to overflowing.

When you can realize how much I love you, you will not fear any longer. You will not feel that you need to strive. For when you work for me, I want you to do it out of love also. When love is your motivation then everything will be clear.

So come now child and take my hand. Remember my love for you. Remember that you did not need to earn it for your salvation and that you do not need to earn it now. Come and receive and when you do, the way will be made clear ahead of you again.

What does not make sense now, will suddenly make sense. For it is in my presence where you will find the answer to every need and my love in abundance, says the Lord.