Beauty Not Ashes
Look around you and see all of the beautiful things I have created. There is not a single thing that I made that is not perfect my child. In the same way, I desire beauty for you and not ashes. I desire the good things that will bring joy to your heart. For as you look at the flowers in the fields and the complexity of the creation around you, you see my nature there.
There is nothing that I forgot. Each detail has been perfected right to the smallest molecule. Even before you understood any of this, I still created it, for you. I did not create the garden of Eden simply for the sake of creating. I created it for a purpose. I created it for Adam. My child, I created it for you. I did not give restriction, other than to obey me. I did not hold anything back.
Today my message is the same. I do not withhold anything from you my child, but I give all that I have to you. I do not withhold my blessings or my perfection in your life. I do not withhold the beauty or the good things.
My hand is outstretched and all that you need to do is take it from me. For I am moved by faith and if you would only reach out and take hold of my hand, you would find the abundance that you are looking for in it.
So take hold of my hand and know that I am a good God. I desire good things for you and I desire beauty for you and not ashes. Then your heart will rejoice and you will revel in the good things that I have.
Then you will see that even though you could not see or did not know, that I was working in the silence. You will see that while you slept, that I was creating something wonderful. Have faith in me once again my child and take my hand, for I have many good things in store for you, says the Lord. Amen.