Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

A Changing Season

A Changing Season

Smell the freshness of the air my child. For just as the rain washes away the dirt and grime, so also has this season that has past washed away those things from you that have held you back.

For the rain is not always pleasant. It can be cold and at times it can cause discomfort. Yet when the sun breaks through and the water sinks deep into the soil, you begin to realize that a good season has come.

In the same way, no matter how difficult the season is that you have been through, it has been used to cause you to grow. The lessons are like the water that sink deep into the soil and cause the seeds to grow.

So do not look at the past and regret the things you did not do. Do not regret the difficult or the challenging times, for each of these have brought you to the place that you are now in me.

Instead stand and enjoy the freshness of this new day. Look forward to a new season, knowing that the one that has past had its purpose. For you are in the palm of my hand and I can cause even the bad things to be turned around for my good.

So hand to me all the negative things and uncomfortable things. Then watch as I turn a seemingly difficult season into a good thing. For I am God and I can do what you cannot.

Stand now in my presence and enjoy this moment. For this is a changing moment. This is a moment where you will step into the new season that I have for you, says the Lord. Amen.

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