Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

Take me into the hidden parts

Take me into the hidden parts Your heart is like a house with many rooms. There are rooms that are available to anyone to walk into and enjoy. But there are other rooms that maybe not everyone has access to. My child, when it comes to your relationship with me though, you can rest assured that if you give me access even to those hidden and private rooms of your heart, that you will be safe and understood. I am your heavenly father and I love you. I want to be there for you when you feel shattered and broken. I want to be there for you when you rejoice. I want to be there for you as you experience things in life that evoke different feelings. When you are angry, I want to be there for you and support you with a solution. When you are sad, I want to be there to comfort you. When you are full of joy, I want to be there to rejoice with you. When you hide away, I want to be there to give you company. I am your Daddy and it is most definitely not my way or intention to hurt you. So rest assured that I am on your side. Rest assured that I want to help you in every area of your life. I want to be part of what you go through. So come and rest in my arms right now. Open those hidden parts of your life to me, and experience how I take you through a transformation. As you allow me to touch those parts, so will you be more easy to approach by others and you will be able to also pour out to others more. Come away with me now and experience the power of my touch, says the Lord.

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