Rabu, 06 November 2013

Stand in the Wind

Stand in the Wind

Just as you feel the effects of the wind, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes, so also are my ways beyond finding out. For even if you knew my ways, would this take away from my effects in your life? My child instead of trying to understand everything, stand in faith rather and believe that I am moving on your behalf.

Do not try to understand why or where I will move, only stand and feel my wind blow through your life. See that I am here and that I will finish what I have begun. Have I said it and will I not do it? Do not allow your heart to be troubled today child and do not try to understand my ways. Instead just have faith in me. Trust that I will not forsake you. Trust that even now I am blowing my wind through your life to bring about the changes.

For I will not forsake you and what you do not understand, I understand. What you do not see, I see. So put your life in my hands and stand in my wind. Then you will see the great things I will do on your behalf says the Lord.

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