Kamis, 22 Oktober 2015

Do Not Follow Your Circumstances

Do Not Follow Your Circumstances

My child, never allow your circumstances to push you to get off the track that I have placed you on. Realize that the enemy is using your circumstances to get you down and wear you out. ItÕs one of his most common tactics.
So know that if you come to me and allow me to guide and direct you with every step you take, you will rise up and run on the path you need to run on, says the Lord.
If you seek my will and put it above all else in your life, you will always be securely footed. So just come to me even now and enter into my peace. For my peace indeed surpasses all understanding. My peace is key to what you need to do. So take my hand now and allow me to direct you, says the Lord.
Look into my eyes, and grab my hands. DonÕt lean on your own understanding or what you see around you. Trust in me, says the Lord and I will raise you up to where you need to go.

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2015

Surat dari Ps Steven Agustinus

Attn Saudara teman sejawat :

Saya ada renungan dari seorang hamba Tuhan pada jaman dahulu dan ditulis ulang oleh seorang hamba Tuhan  , yang patut kita renungkan :

Sekali waktu, saya menemukan suatu tulisan dr Charles Finney - seorg pembawa kebangunan rohani dr abad 18. Tulisan tsb adl merupakan saduran khotbah dia dlm suatu konvensi hamba-hamba Tuhan di Amerika. Secara spesifik dia menyoroti keberadaan dr hamba-hamba Tuhan yg melalui khotbah-khotbahnya justru mengalirkan kematian rohani: membuat banyak umat jd makin mencintai dir sendiri, mencintai dunia ini & makin cinta uang... 
Finney berkata, khotbahmu jadi sia-sia bila: 
1. Engkau berkhotbah dg motivasi utk menambah ketenaran dirimu - sudah pasti khotbahmu itu akan engkau sesuaikan dg tujuanmu itu dan bkn utk memenangkan jiwa-jiwa bg Kristus. 
2. Engkau menghindari jenis khotbah/ pengajaran yg menyerang pikiran-pikiran & gaya hidup duniawi agar para para pendengarmu tdk berkata kpdmu seperti yg pernah diucapkan kpd Yesus sendiri: 'Perkataan ini keras, siapakah yg sanggup mendengarnya...?' 
3. Engkau tdk menarik garis yg tegas & tdk berusaha utk menggugah kesadaran hati pendengarmu sehingga mrk memutuskan utk hidup sesuai dg firmanNya. 
4. Engkau menjauhkan sgl bentuk ilustrasi, pengulangan & penekanan kata-kata/ prinsip firman yg mungkin memaksa pendengarmu utk mengingat apa yg kau katakan. 
5. Engkau menghindari sikap yg tegas & penuh semangat dlm penampilanmu, sehingga tdk memberi kesan bhw engkau sungguh-sungguh yakin dg apa yg kau katakan. 
6. Engkau mempermainkan emosi pendengarmu dan bukannya menggugah kesadaran hati/ pertobatan mrk. 
7. Engkau tdk menyaksikan pengalaman pribadimu ttg kuasa injil sehingga pendengarmu tdk yakin bhw engkau memiliki sesuatu yg mrk butuhkan. 
8. Engkau takut utk mengungkit kenangan-kenangan yg tdk enak dg mengingatkan pendengarmu ttg dosa-dosa mrk dimasa lalu yg blm dibereskan dibawah anugerah korban darah anak domba. 
9. Engkau hanya menyerang dosa scr umum namun tdk memerinci dosa-dosa tertentu dr pendengarmu yg hadir. 
10. Engkau tdk memberikan penegasan bhw Tuhan memang menghendaki utk mrk ada disini & pd saat ini jg mematuhi kebenaran itu. 
11. Engkau membiarkan mrk berpikir bhw engkau tdk mengharapkan mrk utk dg segera, ditempat ini juga utk menyerahkan hati mrk kpd Tuhan. 
12. Engkau tdk menegaskan bhw mrk hrs segera meninggalkan dosa-dosa mrk & mempertimbangkan kembali semua keinginan yg mrk miliki. 
13. Engkau lbh banyak bersandar pd ketidak-mampuan pendengarmu utk melakukan firman & engkau menekankan bhw mrk hrs menunggu utk Tuhan sendiri yg mengubahkan sifat-sifat mrk. 
14. Engkau mengkhotbahkan keselamatan sbg anugerah, namun tdk menyinggung ttg kesesatan & penghukuman org berdosa sehingga pendengarmu tdk mengerti apa yg engkau maksudkan sbg anugerah sehingga mrk merasa tdk membutuhkannya. 
15. Engkau mengkhotbahkan injil sbg suatu obat, namun tdk pernah mengatakan betapa fatalnya penyakit dosa itu. 
16. Engkau tdk membicarakan ttg arti rohani dr Hukum Kekudusan Tuhan (yg dpt mendatangkan pengetahuan ttg dosa - Rom 3:20) sehingga pendengarmu tdk menyadari kesesatan mrk & hrs tertimpa murka yg akan dtg. 
17. Engkau tdk membangkitkan ketakutan org berdosa, malah sebaliknya, mengatakan kpd mrk bhw tdk ada alasan utk menjdi takut. 
18. Engkau hanya mengkhotbahkan Kristus sbg seseorg yg amat baik & lemah lembut, namun tdk menyatakan teguran-teguranNya yg amat tajam kpd org-org berdosa & munafik yg sering membuat para pendengarNya gemetar. 
19. Engaku mengakui baik scr terang-terangan maupun sekilas, bhw semua org sedikitnya mempunyai kebaikan dlm hidupnya, sehingga pendengar-pendengarmu tdk mengerti bhw membutuhkan perubahan radikal/ total dr hati mrk - dr hidup dlm dosa berubah kedlm hidup kekudusan. 
20. Engkau sedikit skl mengkhotbahkan ttg neraka, sehingga pendengarmu beranggapan bhw engkau tdk mempercayai ttg keberadaannya. 
21. Engkau mengatakan jikalau Tuhan sebaik dirimu, Dia tdk akan pernah mengirim seorgpun ke neraka. 
22. Engkau tdk menunjukkan hal-hal yg hrs disangkali dlm khotbahmu (mengenai penyangkalan diri, memikul salib & penyaliban kedagingan) sehingga pendengarmu tdk yakin & tdk bertobat. 
23. Engkau tdk menegur kinginan duniawi jemaatmu krn engkau takut melukai perasaan mrk & akibatnya mrk tdk mau bertobat. 
24. Engkau takut mencela dandanan jemaatmu yg berlebihan, krn engkau takut membuat kesan yg tdk enak thd jemaatmu yg sombong & duniawi. 
25. Engkau mendorong banyak terjadinya kegiatan sosial dlm gereja & engkau menghadirinya. 
26. Tujuan utamamu adl utk jd terkenal & diterima di setiap golongan pendengarmu. 
27. Tujuan khotbahmu adl utk menyenangkan pendengarmu, agar mrk senang thd diri sendiri & terhadap dirimu; dan engkau trs berhati-hati utk tdk melukai perasaan mrk. 
28. Engkau selalu menghindari utk berkhotbah scr langsung kpd mrk yg hadir. Engkau berkhotbah ttg org berdosa, tetapi tdk scr langsung kpd mrk. Engkau mengatakan 'mereka' dan bukan 'engkau', sehingga pendengarmu tdk menerima perkataanmu & menterapkannya dlm kehidupan mrk scr pribadi. Akibatnya, mrk tdk bertobat & diselamatkan... 

Kita sbg para pemberita firman adl merupakan ekspresi dr mulut & pikiran Tuhan, pastikan kita berfungsi scr maksimal & merepresentasikan keberadaanNya scr akurat dihadapan umat Tuhan. (Ps. Steven Agustinus)

View from the Top

View from the Top

My child, when there is a mountain in front of you, most times you may embrace the challenge. However, when the cares of life have weighed you down, you may see that mountain as something that is bigger than it is, or you may just feel incapable to climb. But turn your eyes to Me my child, and let Me show you what you can do in My strength!
Know that with Me, you can conquer any mountain, ford any stream, and cross any desert. In Me, you will find the strength, the courage, and the inspiration to do anything that is set before you. Know that if there is a mountain in your path, this time it may not necessarily that you have to climb, but perhaps I desire you to speak to that mountain to be removed from your path! My child, with Me, you are never alone. You have all that I am and every resource at hand each time you step into My presence. If you need to climb, just focus your heart on you and I sharing the view when we reach the top of the mountain together.

Joy That Fully Satisfies

Joy That Fully Satisfies

My child, I desire for you to live this life to the fullest. I have made you in spirit, soul and body. I have given you emotions and thoughts and I have also given you a will. All of these things are at your disposal to experience the fullness and the deliciousness of life the way that I have designed it, says the Lord.
So if you are experience a difficult time, savor that taste. If you feel sad, feel it, and run to Me. If you experience happiness, then savor that taste to the fullest. For each of the emotions you feel, the thoughts you think and the decisions you make are what make life sweet. So if you surrender everything to me, and share all this with me, you can be sure that your life will truly be full.
For I have come to give you life, and life abundantly, says the Lord. I have not come to put you through difficulties or to give you a hard time. I have come to give you fullness. However, you often run ahead of me, or don't come to me at all. You often take the long way around.
However, in Me you truly have joy that fully satisfied and in me you have every answer you need. So run to Me today, my child. Express what you are feeling. Express what you are going through and then take my hand so that I can lead you from glory to glory, says the Lord.

Let Us Walk Around the Wall

Let Us Walk Around the Wall

When you feel exhausted and have hit the wall in front of you for the hundredth time, it is time to come to Me my child. Stop trying to travail and push through in your own strength and believe that I have not only the direction and wisdom that you need, but I also have the strength you will need to walk the road that lies ahead of you.
I have not called you to do something that will crumble and exhaust you, but I have called you to do something that will propel you forward and fill you with joy. I have called you to be full of fire and passion and to walk your road with joy.
So stop hitting the wall. Stop trying to do the work on your own, and allow Me to step in, my child. Allow Me to take over and lead you around that wall so that you can see the road that lies right behind that wall, and continue walking it filled with joy.

The Road to Run

The Road to Run

My child, I have made you to run this race. I have set the route, I have marked the path. I know every twist and turn, and every uphill and bit of rocky terrain I have called you to run. Just know that even though you may not see what is ahead, you are not running alone. I am with you, and I have given you everything that you need to run with passion, and with joy. When you run with Me, I will point out the best way to go, and also when to rest, and when to run full speed ahead.
Remember this race is not just about the destination. There are also so many things to experience, and to see that we can do together on this race. The enemy may try to distract you, or throw rocks and debris on your path to get you off track, however as you keep your eyes on Me, I will always show you the way to go. So trust in where I am leading you, and know that you are ready to run!

The Cool Wind

The Cool Wind

My child, just as the wind blows through the air on a hot summer day, bringing a coolness to your body, so does my spirit blow through your life in every area to help you with the tasks and problems that are before you.
Perhaps you have felt that the cares of life are too much for you to handle and it feels as if the heat has gone up to unbearable temperatures. Yet, my child, I am here to be the cool and gentle breeze that you need in your life.
I am here, speaking my words into your heart and mind, giving you the peace that you need, and the faith that you need to see that all is well and that you will not be overcome by the heat waves of this life.
I am here to let you know that I have stepped into the fire with you, just as I did with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. You will not be burned and you will not be defeated, says the Lord.

Wait on Me

Wait on Me

If you feel that you are stuck where you are at and arenÕt moving forward, then stand still and wait for me, says the Lord. The worst you can do when you feel stuck is to try and rush in a hundred directions at once. When you feel like you cannot see ahead, itÕs so tempting to try and find a way forward, to try and put your hand to something.
My child, this right here, is a time for you to stand still and know that I am God. Am I not the one who has called you? Did I not say that I would do it? Did I not place your feet on solid ground and led you as far as you have traveled?
I will take you even on this next leg of the race, but I need you to wait. So donÕt rush things. DonÕt just try something but indeed rest in me and trust in me. My hand is not too short to reach you and I will pull you up in time. I will set your feet on the path that they should go and I will make everything fall into place perfectly.
So keep your eyes on me and trust in me. Receive my love for you each day and revel in my goodness. When the time comes I will move you and I will put you where you need to be. Rest and wait, says the Lord.

Shine the Light of Love

Shine the Light of Love

When you look directly into the sun, it is too much for your eyes to handle. You begin to squint and are forced to look away in order to make sure that you do not damage your eyes.
This is exactly what it is like when you apply the power of love in your life against the enemy. When the light shines, the darkness cannot comprehend or take in this light. It must flee and turn away.
My child, if you need an answer to the trials that you are facing, you do not have to look far and wide. The answer is simple. The answer is love. Love is the beginning and the end of warfare. The beginning and the end of relationship with Me.
It is time for you to apply the power of love to every circumstance that you are facing, to every relationship that you have, and to every frustration that comes upon you. Love until the darkness can no longer remain.
Love until the air is filled with My presence. Here is where you will find that my power is available for you to grab hold of, says the Lord.