Wait for the Rain
When you have toiled, sweat,
and worked tirelessly to sow good seed into the soil, know that you
have done all that you can do, and that the next step is up to Me. Trust
in the work that you have put in, and do not worry or be concerned if
you do not see results right away. For I know when your field needs
water or sun, and how much time each seed needs to grow.
So when you have done all
that you can do, know that we are working together to see a plentiful
harvest. Know that all your work is not in vain, but rest in knowing
that the rain will come, the sun will shine, and that you will see the
fruit of your labor in good time.
So rejoice my child, for
your part is over, and let Me do what only I can do to bless and prosper
the work of your hands, says the Lord.