Jumat, 09 September 2016

Look Beyond the Mountain

Look Beyond the Mountain

When you look at a mountain, it can look so difficult and scary to climb. It can appear that there is no way over it or around it and that you should just leave it for the "experts" to do and just walk away.
However, it is beyond the mountain that the Promised Land resides. So, if you give up now, my love, how will you reach the land that I have so nicely prepared for you and eagerly been anticipating you to arrive to!
It is at the time that you feel the most incapable, when you need to reach out for my power. Just as I gave the power to jump over walls and leap over troops, the power to outrun chariots, and to pick up city gates, so will I give you the power to climb the mountain ahead of you and reach the Promised Land.
So, do not lose hope. Fight with faith. Take my hand and climb, knowing that I will see you over the mountain, says the Lord.

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