Pick Up Your Sword. It's Time to Fight!
There are seasons to rest and seasons to fight and this is the season for you to pick up your sword, my child. For as you have wandered through the desert and as I have led you by the wayside, I have been preparing you for the way that is ahead of you.
So, realize that although you might not understand all that I have done, that I have indeed trained your hands for war, so that your arms can bend a bow of bronze. For the enemy would like you to keep thinking that you are weak and that you cannot overcome the storms in your life.
He would like you to think that he has won this battle. However, it is time now to stand up, fully armed and to rise up against the lies that he has spoken over you. It is time to counter his blows with words of faith and of hope. It is time to stand against his darkness with the light of love and to do spiritual warfare on a level that will shatter his plans in your life.
For you are not weak. You have me dwelling within you and this battle is already won - if only you would step out in faith. So no longer focus on the impossible and on the difficult, but pick up your sword and fight! Fight on your knees in prayer. Fight on your feet as you stand on my Word. Fight in combat with actions of love!
Do not sit around any longer just waiting for the enemy to leave and the doors to open. Rather stand up, engage the enemy, overcome him and deliberately walk through the open doors that I have set before you, my child. Amen.
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