A Time To Pour Out
Do not be afraid my child to step forward and to do what I have called you to do, for it is not in your own strength that you will step out, but in mine. For I have called you and I have separated you.
I have put my hand over you and I have protected you. And so as you have received through the years and you have learned, so is it time to give out those things that I have put inside of you.
For each thing you received of me is like a seed inside of you. It has remained dormant for so long, but I will begin to breathe on it now and bring it to life. For you look at your problems and your daily concerns and you are overwhelmed with these needs. However, it is time to put these things aside and to pour out to others now.
For as long as you look at your own cares and needs, you will continue to be discouraged. However, as you look at others and begin to pour out, something miraculous will happen. You will start to feel life again.
You will start to feel something bubble up from inside of you. Then as you look to the needs of others and pour out in any way that you can, you will turn to see that your own needs are also met.
For this is indeed the hidden secret that you have my child. This is where the true power is of my grace. It is not only in my love that you feel, but the true power lies in pouring out that love to others.
So today put your own needs aside and look at those around you. See how many have such heavy burdens on them. See those that need a word of encouragement or blessing.
Then reach out and as you do, I will give you the anointing and the power you need to bless them. Then feel as your own needs and cares wash away, says the Lord.