Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

Don't Worry

Don't Worry

My child, do not fear the mountains that you see looming ahead. Do not fear what is to come in the future and what awaits you at the horizon but focus on me. Right now, as you look ahead you may think: "Oh no... another set of mountains to climb... I wonder what is going to happen…?"

Child, do not give in to worry. Worry is something designed to get you down. Plus it really is something you don't have to listen to because it wants you to panic about something that is not even here yet. Take a step at a time and trust in me.

Focus on the path that you are on right now. Look into my eyes and let me direct you each step of the way. The only foresight I want you to have is the fact that whatever lies ahead is part of my plan! I want you to stand in hope and trust in me completely.

So give your worries to me now my child. Let the loads go. Do not worry about what is to come because I have promised you a future of hope and of much blessing. Focus on what is important right here and right now and give your whole heart to the task at hand, says the Lord.

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