Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

Look Up!

Look Up!

Look up and see that the sun is breaking through the clouds. Just as the sunflower follows the sun, so also am I calling you to follow me my child. When you look up into my face and look at the promises that I have given to you, then you do not see the darkness around you. You no longer see the lack or the problems.

You no longer see the impossibility of a situation, but only the possibility. So look up to me child! Look into my eyes and as you do that, the rest will fade away. Soon you will begin to see like me and understand like me.

Your problems will fade and what you thought to be a mountain in your life will suddenly become a molehill. What seemed so impossible before, will suddenly be possible.

If you are trying with your own strength, you will always come short, but my power is limitless. And so as you begin to follow me and listen to my voice, you will feel a load lift off your shoulders.

You will see that you can run this race and win it. You will see that you can cast any mountain into the sea. It only begins as you lift your face up to follow me. Look up now child and follow me and everything else in your life will make sense once again.

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