Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

Take a Moment

Take a Moment

After a race it feels like you have spent all of your resources. Your mouth is dry and your hands are shaky. You are much like Samson when he slayed the thousand with the jawbone of a donkey. He had pushed through and at the end of it all, he felt so weak.

The anointing had lifted and suddenly he realized how human he was. Even as he lowered his arm, I did not forsake him, says the Lord, and even now I do not forsake you. As you have pushed through and even done the things I asked of you, I know that you are weary.

Yet my child, now is not the time to try and find the strength that you need from external sources. Samson cried out to me and I gave him water from the rock. In the same way, I am telling you to cry out to me so that I can lead you to water.

For when you reach out your hand to me in your weakness, you will realize that there are rivers of living water bubbling up from deep inside of you. A well of life that never runs dry. No matter how thirsty you are or how weak you feel, there is an abundance there to give you life once again.

So reach out to me now and let the water that is inside of you begin to bubble out. Take a moment to stand still and to feed on my Spirit. Take a moment to hear my voice. Stand in silence for only a moment, so that you can get direction for the rest of the journey ahead.

When you take this time to hear from me, not only will your spirit be fed, but you will also hear my voice and receive the direction you need. When you do it this way, then I go with you and I will not let you down. When you do it this way, you will never run out of resources.

Take a moment to reach out to me, and let my strength fill you once again. Amen.

Blog ini merupakan bagian dari pelayanan dunia maya (e-ministry) dari Eagles Nest Ministries dan pelayanan pastoral (e-church) Eagles Nest Fellowship. Pelayanan kami memiliki visi untuk “Memberitakan Kabar Baik, memuridkan dan mengutus setiap anak Tuhan untuk ‘menjadi gereja’ dimanapun mereka berada”.
Pelayanan kami fokus pada penginjilan, missi penanaman gereja, pemuridan dan memperlengkapi tubuh Kristus. Kerinduan kami dapat mengutus setiap anak Tuhan untuk dapat menjadi terang dan garam dimanapun mereka berada sebagai saksi Kristus hingga Kerajaan Tuhan ditegakkan dan diperluas.
Pelayanan kami berada di bawah naungan Tuhan Yesus Kristus, di dunia kami merupakan utusan Injil dari lembaga United Christian Faith Ministries.
Bagi saudara seiman yang mau konseling, turut terlibat pelayanan, mendoakan, bersahabat dengan kami atau menyalurkan dana untuk perluasan Kerajaan Tuhan dapat menghubungi kami di 081330135643 atau email: davebroos@yahoo.co.uk atau melalui Facebook (Dave Broos). Sedangkan bagi mereka yang mau mendukung pelayanan ini melalui dana dapat menyalurkannya melalui Bank BCA no rek 0081824788 atas nama Dave Broos.
God bless you all,
Salam dan doa,
Ps. Dave Broos

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