Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

A new vision for you

A New Vision for You

When a fire has raged across the land and brought everything to death, it is difficult to imagine that underneath all the ash that a new beauty is waiting. With the same magnitude that the fire brought destruction, so also will the ash that remains bring forth a greater beauty.
In the ash lie seeds that have never had the chance to flourish. So even though everything looks dark, within a small time and with a little rain, what was desolate will suddenly start to blossom.
Then you will look across the land and see new flowers and seeds growing that you never knew existed. In the same way there are things in your life that have been burned to the ground. There are dreams and hopes that have been dashed and in the same way you are tempted to look at these things and see only the ashes. However, my child I have come to give you beauty for ashes. I have come to bring life to seeds that you did not know of before.
For every vision and dream that has died, I have so many more waiting just under the ashes that are ready to come to life. They sit and wait for my gentle breeze and for my rain to fall. So do not look at the ashes any longer. Do not look at what you have lost any longer. Do not look at the past and become discouraged.
Rather look at the flowers that are about to blossom. Look at the promises that are to come and the new visions that I have prepared for you. When you look at these things, you will not remember the bad things any more. You will not struggle with the past, but you will have tremendous hope for the future!
So look up! Look up and be encouraged and see that I have given you a blessing and done a new thing in your life, says the Lord.

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