Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

Rejoice in my Goodness

Rejoice in my Goodness

This is a day to rejoice in my goodness my child. There are many circumstances that will come and go, but my goodness remains forever. There are conflicts that will come and go, but my peace remains forever. Do not doubt then whether I love you or not. Do not doubt if I have heard your prayers or not, because I called you since the beginning of time!
I have you in the palm of my hand and I continue to pour my grace over you. Only look at my goodness! Do not look at the struggles or your lack. Do not look at your weaknesses or inability to follow through. Instead look only at my goodness and you will suddenly see that all things are possible in my name.
For it is in my name that you will find my goodness and it is through faith that you will experience it. So look to me now. Trust that I have every good thing planned for you. Then as you keep looking at me and remembering all the good things I have done for you, the way you view yourself and your life will change. The veil will lift and you will see yourself as I see you.
You will struggle if you keep trying to look into yourself to find the solutions and the answer. You will only dig up more of the flesh. However, if you look to my goodness and how perfect I am, then I can come and conform you to that image.
I can begin to bring that goodness into your life and along with it the peace that you need. So look into my eyes and dwell on my goodness alone and see how your heart begins to be encouraged and how much it will change who you are, says the Lord. Amen.

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