Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

Just a moment in My presence


Just a Moment in My Presence

For even as the sun rises to bring life to the land every day, so does my presences shine every day anew in your life. It takes but a few second of standing in the warmth of the sun to revive you and give you the strength that you need to face the day. It is the same with me my child. It takes but a few seconds of my presence to revive you and give you the direction you need.
It doesn't matter how busy you are or how many tasks you have on your mind. Just stop for a moment and soak up the power and strength found only in my presence so that I can give you what you need to tackle each one, says the Lord.
It is here that you will find the answers you have been seeking. It is from here on that the wisdom will start bubbling out from deep within your spirit. It is here that everything will come to life and the mountains ahead of you look small and climbable.
So come to me every day and just sit in my presence for a moment. Let my warmth, my strength and my power penetrate you to the core so that you have all that you need to rise up!

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