Minggu, 31 Maret 2013

Open That Door

Open That Door Behold I put before you an open door that no man can close this day. For this is the day to stand in your authority and to know that I am God. When you stand in this authority then you can surely tell the mountains that are ahead of you to move and they will move! You can tell the dark clouds to open and the winds and the waves to be still. For you have waited for things to happen, but now it is time to make things happen. It is not me that put the closed door before you. For I put before you an open door! It is not me that has caused the winds and waves, for I have given you the authority to make them still. So face the winds and face the door and stand in boldness my child. Use the key I have given to you to open the lock and to walk through to the other side. Use the authority that I have vested in you and know that I have called you to rule and to reign this day. For even though you will find tribulation in the world, I have given you the power to overcome! The enemy would like to get you down and steal my goodness from you, but you do not have to just accept it. Rather you can stand up and open those doors. You can rise up once again in my name and in confidence. For the world suffers violence and they have no hope to overcome – however in my name you can always overcome! You can rise up today and overcome. For this is a day to walk in victory and confidence, with me at your side says the Lord. Amen.

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