Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

Your Promised Land

Apostle Colette Toach

Your Promised Land

For I have called you to walk a road less traveled says the Lord. And at first it might feel to you that you are struggling to reach your goal. You have perhaps wondered if you took the wrong road or if you made a wrong turn. Just because the way is not opening up easily, do not think that it is not of me my child.
For just as I led the Children of Israel into the desert and even to face the Red Sea, it was not for the purpose of making them suffer. Rather I saw the treasures and the good things that they had asked for. Had I not diverted their road, the Egyptians would never have drowned.
Had I not led them this way, they would not have seen water come from the rock or my glory on top of the mountain. So do not be discouraged my child if the way seems hard. For you have not missed it and you are in the palm of my hand.
Take my hand now and I will give you the strength that you need to follow through. I will impart to you the wisdom that you need to face the situations that you are in. For although this road might feel dusty and difficult, it leads to the Promised Land that I have promised you.
And surely, says the Lord, not a single word or promise that I have given you will fall to the ground. For I will see that each one does come to pass. Simply follow the road. Even if it goes through the wilderness.
Follow it and soon you will see the land ahead of you. Soon you will taste the fruit and be satisfied. And then you will see that I have not forsaken you, but led you to the place of promise that I have prepared for you says the Lord.

A Season of Blessing

Apostle Colette Toach

A Season of Blessing

Look up and let your heart rejoice my child for ahead of you lies a season of blessing. Have I not said it and will I not do it? For you will see the former and the latter rain come on you and overflow you. You will be drenched in my goodness and you will eat only the best fruits.
For I will cause these blessings to come upon you and overtake you. Not because you are righteous or because of the works that you have done, but by my power and also by my grace. So look up to the sky as Elijah did and see the cloud forming in the distance.
Look up and see how it is forming even now. For what started out as a small cloud turned out to be a torrent of rain to soak the dry land. It is the same with you. Can you feel the breeze and smell the rain in the air? It is coming and it will not be by what you have done, but it will be because of what I have done.
So stand now and be soaked by my rain. Let the dust and the struggle of your journey be washed away now. Raise your hands up now and rejoice. Praise me for it. Expect it and take hold of it.
Then you will see that I have been there all along, blessing you and preparing you for the good things that I have in store says the Lord.

You Are Making Progress

Apostle Colette Toach

You Are Making Progress

When you are on a long journey, it is hard to see how much ground you have covered. All that is in your mind is the destination and how far away it still is. At times you wonder if you will ever get there and at other times you are discouraged thinking that your time of arrival will never come.
But my child, can you not see the road that you have already traveled? Can you not see the progress that you have already made? For even though your destination might seem so far away, turn now and see how much change I have done in your life.
See the blessings that I have brought to you and the roads that I made for you. See the doors that you walked through and the changes that you face. For if you only look at what you have not accomplished or what you have not got yet, you will continue to become discouraged. So take time today now to look at how far you have come.
Sit in my presence today and take a time to reflect on what you have done. Take this time to see now the good things that I have done. Then lift your hands up and praise me. Praise me for the progress you have made. Praise me for the situations that have challenged you.
Praise me for the pressures that have made you into what you are right now. Then when your heart is filled with hope and joy , look forward to the road again. For there is much I will still do in your life. There are many good things that I still have in store for you.
However for today, rest in my Presence and praise me. Thank me for all the progress you have made and you will see that I have you on a clear road and will continue to lead you on a clear road says the Lord.


Apostle Colette Toach


I am all around you, surrounding you like the strong fragrance of a rose in bloom. Can you see the fragrance as it wafts through the air? Can you take hold of it with your hands my child? No you cannot see or touch it, yet you experience it with your whole body.
As you smell its sweet perfume, your mind goes back to good memories and a smile comes to your mouth. In the same way it does not take a lot to experience me, for I am around you always.
I am the fragrance of the rose wafting through the air all around you and all that you need to do is take time to smell that fragrance. I am there ready to fill you up and give you my joy and all you need to do is to take the time to enjoy me. My child it is not an effort to come into my presence.
It is not an effort to seek me, for I am seeking you. It is not an effort to run after me, for I am chasing you. It is not an effort to try and touch me, for I am surrounding and touching you even now. Simply rest in me by faith, knowing that when your knees get weak, that I am there to catch you.
Let this reminder be your food today to give you strength. Reach out to me during the day. Stop for just a moment to take in my presence. Remember child. Remember that I am right here. Remember my love and my sacrifice. Remember how much I love you. Remember that I stand by you always.

Take Root

Take Root

When a gardener begins to plant a flower bed, he takes into account the condition of the soil, the weather and the environment, and chooses to plant the flowers that will thrive in those conditions.
He does not plant a delicate flower that will die in a dry place, if that is the condition, but chooses something that can weather it. Nor does he plant a sturdy desert plant where there will not be plenty of sun. So too, I have chosen you and planted you in a place that you will thrive.
I have plucked you out of where you were, and planted you in a place where you will indeed flourish. So trust in me, when I have led you to a place. Trust that in that place, you will flourish and spring up into life.
So take root and make yourself at home. Allow yourself to be planted. Just as a plant brought in from a nursery is transplanted, you will feel out of place and perhaps vulnerable at first. But just as that same plant grabs hold of the new soil and weaves its roots in with the new, so you must commit yourself to where I have led you.
As you take root and allow me to water you here, you will indeed flourish and come to life. You will blossom and bloom as a flower naturally does, but first trust in me and take root in this flower bed, says the Lord. Amen.

Admire Me!

Denise Jordan

Admire Me!

Even as a little son might idolize his father and desires to become just like him one day, so do I desire for you to look to me my child. As this little child admires his father and looks up to him in everything, so do I desire for you to look at me.
The son will begin to rise up by simply imitating the things the father does. My child, look in my Word and spend time in my presence so that you can walk and imitate me. As you imitate what I do, you will begin to walk on the road that I have set before you, says the Lord.
Then take my hand and listen to my voice. Receive my word and act on my word. Do what I show you to do and open your heart wide to my ways. As you do, you will rise up into maturity and you will mirror my reflection to my people. You will become an example and a leader that will stand out as a shining light in the darkness.
I love you so much my child. Come, follow me. Come imitate me and walk on the road that I would show you to walk on, says the Lord.

My Anointing Breaks the Yoke

My Anointing Breaks the Yoke

My child, my anointing breaks any yoke. I am the one who will set you free. Come to me afresh and let me wash you clean. Give me your heart and your life and let my anointing wash over you.

There are so many things my child that you try to sort out by yourself. There are so many loads you try to carry in your own strength. There are so many things in which you think that you have to be smart and strong all on your own.

Yet, no matter what you put your hand to or what circumstance you're in, it is my anointing that will set you free. It is my truth that will give you the pattern to keep walking forward in the way I would have for you my child.

So just stop for a moment and lay down your burdens my child. Let me wash over you with my anointing and set you free. Let me make you clean so that you can keep going forward and defeat the enemy who is trying to make this walk a heavy one for you.

Let me set you free so that you can walk in my spirit and don't have to walk in the flesh! I love you my child. My anointing is here right now and it is here to break that heaviness off you, says the Lord.

Choose the Blessings

Apostle Colette Toach

Choose the Blessings

My child, you will see my beauty all around you, however the enemy comes and tries to distract you from that beauty. He tries to put your eyes on things that would discourage you and cause conflict in your heart. All you need to do is stop and look at the good things I have given and you will find peace in your heart again.
For the enemy knows the power of unity and the first thing that he will try to destroy in your life are your relationships. He knows that when my people walk in unity that they are unstoppable. And so instead of seeing the good things, he will cause you to see the things that are wrong.
He will bring up the conflicts and the things that upset you. Instead of walking in unity, he brings strife and conflict. In the enemy my Body suffers because it is being torn apart. My child there are so many good things that I have given to you.
There are so many blessings in the relationships that I have given to you. Today choose to hold onto the good things. Choose to believe all things and to hope all things. Yes, it is true that people will let you down and that there will be times when you will be hurt.
I am here though to mend and to heal so that you can go on believing and hoping. So come to me child and put away your fears and hurt. Let me heal the things that have caused you pain so that you can have hope once again.
Then look up at the good things! See the blessings and the things that make your heart glad in every relationship you have. For as long as you look at the blessings and for as long as you see me in those around you, you will find joy coming up from inside of you again. You will discover new hope and above all you will walk in unity and power and shake this world for me says the Lord. Amen.

Senin, 27 Mei 2013

Appreciate What is Yours

Appreciate What is Yours

Appreciate the beauty that I have brought into your life, my child. You may have thought you planted a rose, but what came out was a sunflower. Instead of appreciating it though, you are still watching and waiting for the rose to spring up. Can’t you see the beauty that is already in front of you, my child?

If you keep looking for the rose, you will miss the sunflower that is in season and right in front of your face. You will neglect to take care of the blessing that I did bring into your life.

So appreciate what I have given you. I am the gardener after all. I am the one who causes the seeds to grow and to spring up in your life. So do not be like the world and covet what is not yours.

In the world, people covet what they do not have and only desire a thing once they cannot have it. They are never satisfied and never filled.

But you my child, are mine and you are not of this world. So do not look and compare with others, but be content with what I have given you. Take care of the blessings that are in your hands and instead of coveting what others have, others will covet what you have, because you have learned to appreciate and care for what is yours.

Learn from me my child and be like me, because you are mine and so you should also be like me. When you can come to this place of contentment then it will not matter what blessings spring up in your garden... you will be able to rejoice in them all! Your blessing will always look better because you took time to care for it. Amen.

Rabu, 08 Mei 2013


Jawaban bagi Indonesia
Indonesia dikenal sebagai sebuah negara kepulauan yang memiliki keragaman suku, budaya dan bahasa daerah. Mayoritas penduduk Indonesia merupakan orang non Kristen dan merupakan negara Muslim terbesar di dunia. Masih ada sekitar 129 suku dari 23 rumpun suku di Indonesia yang sama sekali belum pernah mendengar berita Injil. Gereja Tuhan di Indonesia mungkin telah berupaya memberitakan Injil dalam masyarakatnya namun hasilnya belum optimal. Begitu banyak orang yang menolak berita sukacita tersebut karena menganggap berita tersebut sebagai “kepercayaan asing”. Sebab dibagikan dalam kemasan yang kebarat-baratan, yang mungkin tidak cocok dengan budaya setempat dari masyarakat yang hendak dijangkau. Ada banyak suku yang siap dan terbuka seandainya kita memberitakan berita keselamatan itu dengan menyajikannya sesuai kebiasaan, adat istiadat serta budaya mereka.
Eagles Nest Ministries berdiri 1 Juli 2007 di kota Bandung, salah satunya untuk menjawab tantangan ini. Pelayanan ini dirintis oleh suami istri Dave Broos dan Novie Durant yang merindukan umat Tuhan meresponi Amanat Agung Tuhan (Mat 28:19-20, Karena itu pergilah, jadikanlah semua bangsa muridKu dan baptislah mereka dalam nama Bapa dan Anak dan Roh Kudus, dan ajarlah mereka melakukan segala sesuatu yang telah Kuperintahkan kepadamu. Dan ketahuilah, Aku menyertai kamu senantiasa sampai kepada akhir zaman) untuk menjadi murid dan menjadikan segala bangsa murid Tuhan hingga kerajaan Tuhan diperluas, suatu umat yang bukan “sekedar beragama Kristen” tetapi mengetahui panggilan Tuhan atas hidupnya dan membawa dampak bagi komunitasnya. Dave Broos merupakan hamba Tuhan yang ditahbiskan oleh United Christian Faith Ministries dari Amerika Serikat, ditunjuk sebagai regional director dari Shadow of the Cross di Indonesia (sebuah pelayanan bagi sub kultur di perkotaan), pendoa syafaat Global Prayer Network – Johan Maasbach Wereld Zending dan utusan Injil dari Gereja Oikos Indonesia jemaat Surabaya.
Visi Eagles Nest Ministries adalah “MEMBERITAKAN KABAR BAIK, MEMURIDKAN & MENGUTUS SETIAP ANAK TUHAN UNTUK “MENJADI” GEREJA DIMANA PUN MEREKA BERADA”. Kerinduan kami adalah bekerja bersama dan memperlengkapi semua denominasi gereja, persekutuan, pelayanan Kristen lainnya dalam menyelesaikan amanat agung. Pelayanan ini berjejaring dengan pergerakan pemuridan dan penanaman gereja dunia Zoe Ministries, LK10 dan Outreach Fellowship International.
Missi kami adalah:

Kami menyadari bahwa kami tidak bisa bekerja sendiri tetapi diperlukan kebersamaan dan kesadaran bersama akan kehendak Tuhan. Diperlukan sebuah kesehatian dan kesatuan (meski kita berbeda organisasi tapi satu dalam Tuhan Yesus) agar kita dapat berfungsi sebagai tubuh Kristus yang menjadi berkat dan dampak bagi mereka yang belum mengenal Tuhan.
Bagaimana Anda dapat menjadi rekan kami?
Keberhasilan pelayanan ini berarti juga keberhasilan umat Tuhan di Indonesia. Roma 10:13-15,”Sebab barangsiapa yang berseru kepada nama Tuhan, akan diselamatkan. Tetapi bagaimana mereka dapat berseru kepadaNya, jika mereka tidak percaya kepada Dia? Bagaimana mereka dapat percaya kepada Dia, jika mereka tidak mendengar tentang Dia? Bagaimana mereka mendengar tentang Dia jika tidak ada yang memberitakanNya? Dan bagaimana mereka dapat memberitakanNya, jika mereka tidak diutus? Seperti ada tertulis:”Betapa indahnya kedatangan mereka yang membawa kabar baik!” Kami mengajak Anda untuk dapat terlibat bersama dalam menjangkau jiwa terhilang melalui 3D
Bagi mereka yang mau terlibat dalam mewartakan Injil, pemuridan, penanaman dan pengembangan gereja. Kami memberi diri untuk memperlengkapi baik seorang pribadi maupun gereja atau persekutuan yang hendak bermultiplikasi atau menanggapi amanat agung. Bukan jumlah orang tetapi kesediaan menanggapi panggilan Tuhan adalah tujuan kami. Kami memiliki bahan-bahan pemuridan yang dapat digunakan baik untuk pribadi, persekutuan maupun gereja yang hendak bertumbuh.
Anda dapat berdoa syafaat keluarga kami dalam memenuhi panggilan Tuhan dalam kehidupan kami. Kami juga menyediakan blog yang berisi berita dan pokok doa bagi suku-suku terabaikan baik di Indonesia maupun mancanegara.
Bagi mereka yang mau mendukung kami agar kami bisa pergi memperlengkapi umat Tuhan maupun gereja Tuhan di daerah terpencil atau tak mampu hingga kami dapat memperlengkapi dan mengutus lebih banyak lagi anak Tuhan dalam pemuridan dan perintisan gereja. Bagi yang terbeban dapat menghubungi kami lebih lanjut.
Saya percaya Anda dapat menanggapi salah satu atau bahkan ketiga hal tersebut sebagai anggota tubuh Kristus yang telah mengalami kasih karunia dan anugerah keselamatan. Anda dapat merenungkan dan mendoakan ke tiga hal tersebut demi menjangkau mereka yang berseru,”Menyeberanglah kemari dan tolonglah kami.” (Kis 16:9). Dapatkah Anda mendengar seruan mereka yang terhilang? Tuhan menunggu partisipasi dan pengabdian Anda kepadaNya.
Salam dan doa,
Dave Broos
Kontak kami dapat melalui inbox Facebook atau direct message Twitter, email: davebroos@yahoo.co.uk , telpon 022-92050322 atau SMS 087832744286.