Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

A Season of Blessing

Apostle Colette Toach

A Season of Blessing

Look up and let your heart rejoice my child for ahead of you lies a season of blessing. Have I not said it and will I not do it? For you will see the former and the latter rain come on you and overflow you. You will be drenched in my goodness and you will eat only the best fruits.
For I will cause these blessings to come upon you and overtake you. Not because you are righteous or because of the works that you have done, but by my power and also by my grace. So look up to the sky as Elijah did and see the cloud forming in the distance.
Look up and see how it is forming even now. For what started out as a small cloud turned out to be a torrent of rain to soak the dry land. It is the same with you. Can you feel the breeze and smell the rain in the air? It is coming and it will not be by what you have done, but it will be because of what I have done.
So stand now and be soaked by my rain. Let the dust and the struggle of your journey be washed away now. Raise your hands up now and rejoice. Praise me for it. Expect it and take hold of it.
Then you will see that I have been there all along, blessing you and preparing you for the good things that I have in store says the Lord.

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