Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

Your Promised Land

Apostle Colette Toach

Your Promised Land

For I have called you to walk a road less traveled says the Lord. And at first it might feel to you that you are struggling to reach your goal. You have perhaps wondered if you took the wrong road or if you made a wrong turn. Just because the way is not opening up easily, do not think that it is not of me my child.
For just as I led the Children of Israel into the desert and even to face the Red Sea, it was not for the purpose of making them suffer. Rather I saw the treasures and the good things that they had asked for. Had I not diverted their road, the Egyptians would never have drowned.
Had I not led them this way, they would not have seen water come from the rock or my glory on top of the mountain. So do not be discouraged my child if the way seems hard. For you have not missed it and you are in the palm of my hand.
Take my hand now and I will give you the strength that you need to follow through. I will impart to you the wisdom that you need to face the situations that you are in. For although this road might feel dusty and difficult, it leads to the Promised Land that I have promised you.
And surely, says the Lord, not a single word or promise that I have given you will fall to the ground. For I will see that each one does come to pass. Simply follow the road. Even if it goes through the wilderness.
Follow it and soon you will see the land ahead of you. Soon you will taste the fruit and be satisfied. And then you will see that I have not forsaken you, but led you to the place of promise that I have prepared for you says the Lord.

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