Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Come Eat and Drink

Come Eat and Drink

I am the bread of life and when you come and eat of me every need you have is satisfied my child. For I know the cravings that are in you and the things that you hunger for. I know the struggles and desires that you have. However, you will not have these needs met by others, but only by me, my child. You will only have that hunger satisfied in my presence.

So come and see that I have everything you need. I see the cries of your heart and I see your hidden desires. I see your hunger and your thirst. I am the well of living water that can quench that thirst and cool you down from the heat of the sun. So run to me and find that I have everything that you need.

Then when you are full and satisfied, you will feel the peace you have been struggling to find. You will feel the fullness that you have been craving. Then when the peace comes you will see things as you have not seen them before. Just like Abraham saw the ram in the thicket, so you will suddenly see things that have been there all along.

For I desire to meet the deep wishes of your heart. I desire to meet your need and cover you with every blessing. But first come to me and be satisfied. Come to me and eat of me first and drink of me first. Only then will you be truly full. Only then will you see the blessings that I have for you, says the Lord.

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