Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013

Do Everything With all of Your Heart

Do Everything With all of Your Heart

Have you ever looked at a tree planted by the rivers, my child? If you look at it you feel a deep peace and rest overwhelm you. This tree is not stressed to stand there and take the goodness out of the water.

I desire that you can be as this tree when you come to me and put your roots deep down into the stream of my living water and my refreshment.

You are stressed in your day to day life though and when you come to me you are stressed as well. Instead of enjoying this moment to the fullest you are already thinking of the next thing that you need to do.

My child, I desire that you can do everything that you do to the fullest. Do your work to the fullest of your capacity. Spend time in my presence to the fullest of your pleasure. If you have time to relax then do it to the fullest as well.

If you can do this it will make your life rich. All the stress that pushes you to do things all day long will suddenly disappear and give room to my peace that will capture you like never before. Enjoy each moment of your day and do whatever you do with all your heart. Enjoy it to the fullest and only when you have completed it move on to the next thing and start doing this one with all of your heart as well.

You will indeed become like this tree planted by the rivers that everyone will be drawn to, just because you reflect my deep peace that is so desperately needed in today's world.

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