Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013


You Are Unique

My child, I am shaping you into a vessel that will contain my glory. Not every vessel looks the same and so I just desire for you to trust me and to stand strong in what I have given you. Don't compare yourself to everyone around you. Do not try to be like everyone else and strive to become a vessel like them, for I have made each one unique.

When you are working in the kitchen there is a reason that you have many different bowls and pots and even tools. It is because each one accomplishes a specific task and makes the chef's job much easier. Well, consider me to be the chef in your life. I pull out the right pot at the right time for the right job. When I need a measuring cup I grab hold of it and when I need a frying pan I use that.

It is the same with you. So let me make you into what you need to be. Let me bring out your uniqueness my child. Because then when you are just content to be who I have called you to be, you will be used powerfully and you will stand strong in comparison to the other vessels. No other vessel does what you do and so you are unique in my body.

So stop comparing yourself and just take my hand and remain teachable. Keep the attitude of submission and rely on me in everything you do. As you do that, you will see me work miracles in your life and you will come face-to-face with me like never before, says the Lord.

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