Sabtu, 23 Mei 2015

Listen to My Voice

Listen to My Voice

When a child gets lost in the crowd, amid all the other voices, he will recognise the voice of his mother calling him and then he will know that he is not lost. This is so with you my child. When the world seems to be against you and you feel like you are a fish swimming against the current, take a moment to come into my presence and listen to my voice.
Know that in my presence, there is a solution to every problem, and wisdom and courage to overcome any obstacle. Sometimes all that you need is to hear my voice and know that I am standing right next to you in every circumstance, and to know you are walking in the right direction.
Do not feel like you have to do anything fancy or special to hear Me, just come!  Let me give you everything you need to keep walking this journey and know that I am with you every step of the way.

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