My Heart Yearns for Yours
My precious child, all I desire is your heart. I don't need your talents, I don't need your abilities. All I yearn for is your heart. If you would just surrender your all to me and trust in me, then everything you have ever sought me for, would come into perspective. Everything you always longed for, will come to pass right in front of your eyes.
Let go of the striving and let go of your own ideas. As you do that, I will raise you up, says the Lord. Just let go of trying so hard to impress me. For I have created you. I wanted you, and I chose you. And now this day, my desire remains the same. My desire is for you and you alone. It's not for what you can accomplish in my name or what you can create for me, says the Lord. My desire is for you and the love in your heart. So come to me afresh and let me ignite your fire. Let me enable you to do above and beyond what you ever thought you could. It's in me and in my power that you will accomplish all these things. It's by my spirit, my child. Not by might nor by power. So come now and allow me to wash over you with the power of my love, says the Lord.
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