Kamis, 25 Februari 2016

Change Your Perspective

Change Your Perspective

When you look at ants, they look so small and insignificant. You can crush them with your finger and they are a bother every time that they appear. However, if you take a closer look at an ant, they are incredibly strong and can carry weights that would be impossible for other powerful looking animals. So it is with you my child.
You may see yourself as insignificant and perhaps someone that is a bother to others in the Kingdom, but see with my eyes, my child. The gifts and abilities that I have given to you is for your specific purpose and your call. Though it may not seem so grand in the eyes of others, change your perspective and see that what you accomplish for Me in faith, hope, and love is what will have an eternal impact.
So see yourself through my eyes, and know that no matter what it looks like on the outside, pour out what you have been given in love. Consider that each has their own race to run, so run yours with passion and joy!



“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.” -JOHN 1:1,2

When you read the first chapter of John’s gospel you discover the presence of Someone Who “in the beginning” was with God and was God at the same time. We will not attempt to explain the unexplainable; suffice it to say, the Word that was with God, and was God, and eventually “became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14) is the Lord Jesus Christ.

When God created man, it says He breathed the breath of life into him (Genesis 2:7). Here, John states that the Light (Jesus Christ) is the Life of men. What is the point? That before anything was created, God determined in advance that the universe, and everything in it, would be established, presided over, and governed by, through, and for Jesus Christ – and God has never altered from that original intention and purpose. This forms the basic principle of the Heavenly Order, which in turn governs the Irresistible Kingdom.

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I am your brother,

Chip Brogden

Walk With Me

Walk With Me

There are times, my child, that it seems that the storm rages all around you so fiercely that you do not know up from down, or left from right. You try to make sense of what is all around you, but nothing seems to work.

However, do not be discouraged my child, because in this whole time, I have never left your side. I am aware of every single circumstance, problem and obstacle that lies in your way. I can make sense of everything that is happening and also give you the wisdom to see as I see as well.

So do not worry that your path looks dark, or whether you are going the right way. Take my hand and walk in faith that as you journey with Me, I will be your light to illuminate the way. You may not see any further than your next step ahead, but if you trust Me and go as I lead, that next step will always be the right one.

So do not fear the storm, or the wind, or the obstacles in your path. Rest in my presence and continue your journey with confidence and with joy because you are walking with Me.

Rabu, 24 Februari 2016

No Wrong Turn

No Wrong Turn

My child, as you run the race that I have called you to, know that each twist and turn that you make in accordance to my direction, is the right way, no matter what it looks like. Sometimes it may seem that I have led you to a dead end, or to a situation that does not provide any visible fruit, however as you continue to follow Me, you will realize what you have been learning and gaining each time you follow where I lead, and go where I tell you to.
For I know what you need in this season and in the next. I know whether you need to run faster for your legs to build muscle, or that the situation that you think you have failed in, has created in you a wisdom that you never would have gained, if you had succeeded.
So trust in Me in the road that I ask you to travel. As you continue to step forward in faith, know that with every step, I am training and equipping you, and I am organizing every circumstance for you to make an impact on the body of Christ.
So take My hand, and let us travel together, not focusing on the destination, but on the journey that we are taking together. Know that you are growing with each and every step that you take!


Today's Message from Chip Brogden

“Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore receive one another, just as Christ also received us, to the glory of God” (Rom. 15:5-7).

Christians have a tendency to judge one another over things that seem really important but usually turn out to be non-essential and inconsequential.

There are many occasions where we expect others to be exact duplicates of our own selves, mirroring precisely our belief, faith, practice, opinion, custom, and interpretation before we will consider any kind of relationship with them. How much easier our lives would be if would look for areas of agreement, and grant leniency to others in differences of opinion!

Like-mindedness, according to Scripture, is not necessarily having the same opinion about everything. When we receive one another as brothers and sisters in Christ, love compels us to overlook some of the things we think we see in others, just as they are compelled to overlook our own weaknesses. Scripture says we are to be like-minded “according to Christ Jesus.” If we are in agreement concerning His Son, agreement on everything else is nice, but not a necessity.

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I am your brother,

Chip Brogden


Today's Message from Chip Brogden

“And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us'” (Acts. 16:9).

The natural tendency is to expect God to always speak to us and lead us in the same way each and every time. This natural tendency must be avoided.

For example, Paul had a dream to go to Macedonia, and so he went. Perhaps God will give us a dream, too; then again, He may not give us a dream. If we believe God will lead us through dreams and dreams alone then the adversary will use this to his advantage. On Sunday we will have a dream that says, “Come over to Ephesus and help us.” On Monday we will have a dream that says, “Come over to Rome and help us.” On Tuesday we will have a dream that says, “Come over to Jerusalem and help us.” And so forth. We will run all over the place following voices, dreams, visions, and words. Such is the confusing work of the enemy, and we should not be ignorant of his devices.

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I am your brother,

Chip Brogden

Let Me Give You Rest

Let Me Give You Rest

My love will never fail you. No amount of pressure, sin, stress and any evil plan of the enemy can come between my love for you, child. Know that my arms are always open and that you can run to me whenever you want.
You do not need to ever fear that I will reject you. I will never condemn you, but I will wash away the accusations of the enemy and the weariness of your soul. In my presence, child, you will find rest. Just as a child runs to the arms of his mother when it feels joy and even pain... so you can come to Me. I will never turn you away, but be there to comfort you and to rejoice with you.
Indeed, I will wash away every hurt. I will be like a tree that gives the weary shade. I will love you and never forsake you, child. So come to me today and allow me to give you rest. Amen.


Today's Message from Chip Brogden

“But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24).

May I say that all the accomplishments and blessings of a lifetime are worthless if you do not finish well. Running well is important, but finishing well is even more important. We can run poorly, walk, stumble, crawl, go in circles or make mistakes our whole life; but if we find the right path and finish well, that’s all that matters in the end.

I have stated before, and I repeat: the majority of Christians today are not on track to finish well. They do not run well. In fact, they do not run or advance at all. They sit just inside the Narrow Gate, rejoicing in a future hope and a future salvation, relaxed and comfortable in the knowledge that they have passed through the Gate, so all is well. They are not walking the Path of Christ-centered spiritual growth and maturity. They are content to look backwards to what God was doing in their life twenty, thirty or forty years ago; to what God told them then, what God showed them then. They are nostalgic for the “good old days,” but have no present truth, no fresh clear vision that compels them to keep moving forward, no motivation or incentive to finish well – to finish with joy, to go out with a bang, to be full of fire right up until they take their final breath.

I don’t know when I will live my last day on earth. Neither do you. And I don’t know about you, but I do not want to get old and content and spiritually lazy, and take my relationship with God for granted like Solomon. The wisest, richest, most blessed man who ever lived ended up worshipping idols in his old age. Where will you be? Where will I be? Will we stay on the Path, or be distracted from the goal? I don’t want to spend my whole life teaching and praying and proclaiming the Kingdom of God, only to come to the end of my life and fall flat on my face the way Solomon did. Christ in us is better than that.

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I am your brother,

Chip Brogden

Kasih terhadap sesama

Kasih terhadap sesama
Pagi itu seperti biasa aku berjalan pagi mengelilingi kompleks perumahan di mana aku tinggal. Terdengar suara keributan di arah sebuah warung, ternyata ada sepasang pemulung tua yang tengah tidur di depan warung tersebut. Pemilik warung itu merasa terganggu dengan adanya kedua orangtua tersebut. Ia mengusir mereka dengan kasar sambil menyiramkan seember air pada mereka. Pemulung tua itu pun berteriak-teriak marah dan menyumpahi pemilik warung. Hatiku trenyuh memandang peristiwa tersebut, melihat sepasang orangtua yang sudah tua harus menjalani kehidupan yang berat seperti itu. Aku tak tahu siapa mereka dan mengapa mereka sudah setua ini menjadi pemulung dan gelandangan. Dimana anak-anak mereka? Apa yang membuat mereka menjadi gelandangan dan berprofesi sebagai pemulung?
Andai aku bisa membantu mereka…..andai paling tidak aku bisa memberi mereka sebuah tempat untuk untuk beristirahat pada malam hari. Sayangnya aku belum mampu menyediakan sebuah rumah singgah. Aku teringat pada pembicaraanku dengan Omaku mengenai pelayanan bagi para gelandangan di negeri Belanda. Bagaimana pelayanan Bala Keselamatan di Belanda  membuka asrama atau rumah singgah khusus bagi gelandangan agar mereka dapat beristirahat pada malam hari. Banyak kasus di Eropa, gelandangan yang mati kedinginan karena musim dingin atau cuaca yang ekstrim. Aku tahu di Indonesia tidak ada musim dingin tetapi aku melihat ini juga merupakan sebuah kebutuhan bagi para gelandangan yang ada di negeri ini. Sebuah tempat dimana mereka merasakan rasa aman dan mendapatkan berita harapan yang baru.
Gelandangan juga manusia…. Hatiku sedih melihat mereka yang terlunta-lunta hidup di jalanan. Permasalahan ini merupakan hal yang kompleks tetapi bila tubuh Kristus bersinergi melakukan bagiannya, aku percaya kita dapat menjadi gereja yang berdampak dan memberkati kota (desa) dimana kita berada. Akan lebih mudah bagi kita untuk melayani dalam kebersamaan sebagai bagian dari tubuh Kristus meski kita berbeda organisasi atau denominasi sekalipun…kita harus fokus pada Tuhan. Kita menyembah Tuhan yang sama dalam Kristus Yesus.
Aku tahu bahwa melayani kaum ini tidak mudah, kadang suka-suka….tidak mau diatur….sama persis dengan bangsa Israel saat baru keluar dari Mesir. Mentalitas “budak” melekat….. aku tahu bukan dari teori….sebab aku pernah mengalami sendiri menjadi bagian dari kaum terbuang saat orangtuaku mengusirku dari rumah saat remaja. Kehidupan yang tak pasti, penuh kekerasan, penuh dusta, penuh manipulasi, mengorbankan orang lain demi kepentingan diri sendiri, penuh kecemasan, ketakutan, kecurigaan terhadap orang asing dan lain-lain. Citra diri yang rusak dan rasa rendah diri banyak menggelayuti kaum terbuang ini, seolah tidak ada harapan bagi mereka.
”Roh Tuhan ALLAH ada padaku, oleh karena Tuhan telah mengurapi aku; IA telah mengutus aku untuk menyampaikan kabar baik kepada orang-orang sengsara, dan merawat orang-orang yang remuk hati, untuk memberitakan pembebasan kepada orang-orang tawanan, dan kepada orang-orang yang terkurung kelepasan dari penjara. (Yesaya 61:1-2) Bila kita mengklaim diri kita penuh Roh Kudus maka kita akan secara otomatis dipimpin Roh Tuhan melakukan kehendakNya.
Bagaimana kita sebagai gereja Tuhan? (catatan: gereja tidak berbicara mengenai denominasi tetapi sebagai umat percaya) Akankah kita mulai bergerak memberikan harapan bagi mereka? Atau akankah kita kembali menjadi “penikmat Firman Tuhan” tanpa pernah melakukannya dan lalu menyerahkan semua tanggungjawab pelayanan pada para pelayan Tuhan (full time) di gereja? Apakah anda berpikir dengan memberikan persembahan sudah cukup dan anda tak perlu melakukan perintah Tuhan? Dalam surat Yakobus Tuhan berfirman,”Demikian juga halnya dengan iman: Jika iman itu tidak disertai perbuatan, maka iman itu pada hakekatnya adalah mati. Kamu lihat bahwa iman bekerjasama  dengan perbuatan-perbuatan dan oleh perbuatan-perbuatan itu iman menjadi sempurna. (Yakobus 2:17, 22). Apa yang selama ini kita dengar baik dari atas mimbar gereja, persekutuan, kelas pemuridan atau apa pun media itu (mendengar radio Kristen, khotbah di TV, membaca buku Kristen dll) bukan untuk menggelitik telinga atau memuaskan keingintahuan kita tetapi untuk diterapkan dalam kehidupan kita. “Para hamba Tuhan” dipanggil untuk memperlengkapi orang-orang kudus bagi pekerjaan pelayanan, bagi pembangunan tubuh Kristus. (Efesus 4:11-12) Kita dipanggil untuk melakukan bagian kita dalam pembangunan tubuh Kristus bukan sekedar penghangat bangku gereja.
Hal praktis apa yang dapat kita lakukan? Ada banyak hal yang bisa kita lakukan, kita bisa menyediakan rumah singgah bagi mereka, memberikan pelatihan kerja, bimbingan dan konseling, pendidikan bagi mereka (ekstra kurikuler), menyertakan mereka yang sungguh-sungguh untuk kembali sekolah atau mengikuti ujian persamaan, pemeriksaan kesehatan, memberikan peluang kerja atau usaha bagi yang sudah siap dan masih banyak lagi.
Bagi rekan-rekan yang memiliki visi atau misi yang sama, saya akan dengan senang hati berjejaring dengan anda. Baik yang ada di kota Bandung maupun luar kota. Dapat menghubungi saya melalui inbox Facebook.
Bagaimana kita sebagai gereja Tuhan dapat menjadi perpanjangan tangan Tuhan yang penuh kasih dan kepedulian. Kasih yang bukan saja memberi yang terbaik tetapi berani untuk berkorban bagi sesama kita sebagai sebuah persembahan bagi Tuhan. Tuhan Yesus merupakan teladan kita, Ia menghendaki kita untuk mengikuti teladan kehidupanNya. Saat kita mentaati panggilan tersebut maka Roh Kudus akan memberikan kemampuan tersebut pada kita. DIA DATANG KE DUNIA KARENA DIA PEDULI PADA MANUSIA……. PEDULIKAH ANDA PADA SESAMA?

Align Your Circumstances

Align Your Circumstances

When the world seems to push down upon you and the circumstances in your life seem to speak contrary to the words that I have given you, it is time to enter warfare, my love.
It is not time to cower in the shadows and accept the circumstances that are before you. I have called you to rule and reign over your circumstances. I have called you to subdue and have dominion over this earth.
I have given you the authority to bring the rebellious circumstances in your life into line with my words to you.
Stand up today and call your circumstances in line with my Word. Displace the enemy in your heart and mind with my truth and know that there is nothing that can hold back what I have for you, says the Lord.

Eyes to See

Eyes to See

In the dark, every shadow looks daunting. A small object casts a huge shadow and a toy in the dark can look like a giant in the room. 
In the same way child, the enemy's battle against you is in your mind. Do not entertain the thoughts of the enemy. Do not allow the enemy to give you his thoughts and fears, but turn to me and come into the light.
I will show you the way I see things. I will reveal my plans for you that you do not know. For even when it looks hopeless in your natural surroundings, I am at work behind the scenes. No matter what it looks or feels like, child, know that my plans are bigger and that even when you rest, my hands are at work.
So shut out the lies of the enemy, and turn your gaze and your ears to Me. I will show you things you cannot see with your natural eye. I will show you that the giant shadow that you see, is but a small toy that the enemy is using to bring fear.
I will give you eyes to see that I am in control and that I am everywhere. Gaze upon Me and you will see the light switch on in every dark place in your life. Amen. 

Kamis, 18 Februari 2016

Lift Up Your Eyes

Lift Up Your Eyes

My child, do not look behind you any longer and dwell on the failures of the past. For right before you are many opportunities to succeed and to be victorious. Remeber that when your eyes are behind you, you miss out on the open doors that lay right in front of you. 
The enemy would like you to think that you cannot recover, that where you failed, you cannot be redeemed. Indeed, he desires to distract you so that you will give up and not move forward. However, I will see to it that all things work in your favor.
So forget the things of the past, and look ahead. When you lift up your eyes you will see that I have lined up many good things for you.  If you would focus on Me, you would see that my arm is not too short that I cannot take care of you. There is still so many promises to lay claim of child.
Lift up your eyes and see that the past is behind you and that your future lays ahead. It is filled with richness and gifts and victory. Take hold of my hand, child and take hold of this life that I have given you. Amen.


Today's Message from Chip Brogden

“…All men forsook me… Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me…” (2 Tim. 4:16,17)

We need to learn the kind of spiritual contentment that is completely dependent on Christ – not on Christians! How do we learn this lesson? Paul learned it when everyone deserted him. This would be a serious blow to most people, but Paul had learned something many years prior to this that prevented him from losing hope. Have we learned it?

“I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound” (Php. 4:12). Both! Learning contentment is not just figuring out how to make do with little, it is also making do with a lot. How we respond to having too little says something about us, but how we respond to having too much says something also. “I know both,” says Paul, whether full or hungry, whether abounding or suffering need. He is independent of his circumstances. He is the same, whether he has a lot or whether he has a little.

Regardless of what state you find yourself in today, you too can do “all things through Christ” Who strengthens you. The greater your deficiency, the greater His sufficiency. In your weakness His strength is more clearly revealed. Even in your most difficult moments you will find in Him a rich storehouse of spiritual sufficiency that exceeds all your expectations. There are no quick fixes, easy answers, or instant solutions to all your problems – but there is a Person Who lives in you, One Who has already proven Himself to be Sufficient for Anything and Master of Everything. Let Him be Enough.

Share your comments:

I am your brother,

Chip Brogden

Stand as a Beacon of Love

Stand as a Beacon of Love

My child, I have called you to be a beacon of my love wherever you go. I have called you to stand in weakness so that my love could flow through you and touch each one that comes your way.
My child, just like you desire your heart to be filled with my love, so do those around you. So come to me afresh today and let me fill you up because you are called to be an offering that is to be poured out as a gift to my church.
I am bringing about a mighty move right now, and you are part of that move. I have put something so precious and unique inside of you. Don't ever think that you are not special. Don't ever think that you don't have what it takes. Because I have called you, and I have set you apart no matter how foolish you feel. I have called you to take my hand, receive all that I am and have and spread it into all the world.
If you don't do anything but share my love with those I send your way, you would have accomplished such an amazing task already. For I came to give you life and love. So take a hold of my hand this day, my child, and don't be afraid to spread my love! AMEN

Selasa, 16 Februari 2016


A lot of people get spiritually filled, and then stay at that one level of glory.  They keep eating the same food.  They do not open their eyes to see what is next.  They do not walk in faith toward the next thing God desires for them.  But that's the way God
Those who "hunger and thirst for righteousness" will be filled.  To go on to the next glory, you have to be filled first, embracing the present glory.  God does the filling.  He satisfies your longing.  But He always leaves room for you to hunger after more.
by Roberts Liardon
createdspiritual hunger to be.  While you're eating and feasting on what He's given you, your eyes should look for and desire the next glory of God. God said that's what you need to do before you ever flow in His Spirit.  Hunger causes you to flow beautifully.  Hunger causes you to avoid being bogged down with questions.  You simply devour what God gives you and go on.
People who are really hungry don't ask where the food came from.   They don't ask, "Who prepared this nice steak for me?  Are you sure they prepared it right?"  They just start eating. This truth sheds light on how Gideon (in the book of Judges) started out with an army of 32,000, which was then narrowed down to 10,000 because God said He wanted it to be known that this battle would be won by Him—not by a multitude of soldiers.  And God didn't stop there.  He had Gideon take the army of 10,000 down to the water, saying that they were still too many.  There at the water (which is so often a type of God's Spirit), God said,
JUDGES 7:5-7
Everyone who laps from the water with the tongue, as a dog laps, you shall set apart..."
And the number of those who lapped, putting their hand to their mouth, was three hundred men....
Then the LORD said to Gideon, "By the three hundred men who lapped will I save you...."
I believe that God is looking for people who are so hungry and thirsty for Him that they don't worry about posture or manners.  They don't worry what people might think of them.  They are not caught up in who cooked the meal or the pot it was cooked in.  They just say, "Here I am, Lord! Send me."
Here is another truth about spiritual hunger.  Spiritual hunger knows spiritual food.  If you are hungry for a steak you won't eat an empty milk carton.  You know that's not food.  Nobody has to tell you.
It's not really complicated—developing spiritual hunger, following the leading of the Spirit, and flowing with God.  Just remember that you must develop this hunger before you can move on, before you progress to the next glory.  And when that glory hits, don't stop on that one glory.  You'll lose ground.
Think of the glory as a steep mountain leading to heaven.  You have the ability to climb it, and you are never to stop.  Once you stop climbing, you start sliding backwards.  Standing still is not an option.  Keep moving or you will slide back down and have to start over again.  Folks who think they've arrived eventually end up with nothing.
Taken from the book: SCHOOL OF THE SPIRIT: Operating Powerfully In the Spirit Realm.
(Copyright 2012 by Roberts Liardon)

Click here to BUY School of the Spirit


Today's Message from Chip Brogden

“…The master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him and at an hour that he is not aware of, and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Mt. 24:50,51).

The Kingdom parables are not telling us the destiny of unbelievers, but the judgment coming upon those who claim to be believers but are not – the hypocrites.

What is that judgment? Why is there weeping and gnashing of teeth? These are not the cries of regret from those who never “prayed the Sinner’s Prayer”. They are the cries of anger and pain and shame from those who thought they were destined to rule and reign with Jesus, but are excluded because they (among other things) never embraced the Cross and became a disciple. They called Jesus “Lord” but didn’t do His Will.

Like it or not, Matthew has shown us this a dozen different ways. We have foolish virgins, unprofitable servants, goats and much more. Understand that all the virgins were waiting for the same Bridegroom. All the servants had the same Master. Both the sheep and the goats had the same Shepherd. But Jesus separates between the wise and foolish, between the profitable and the unprofitable, between the ones who do what He wants and the ones who don’t. The whole point of this is to warn us to be ready and be faithful. Why warn us at all if our entry into the Kingdom of God is a foregone conclusion?

You may say, “I’m not sure how that fits into my ‘once-saved-always-saved’ theology.” And I say, “You might need a new theology, if the one you have doesn’t fit in with what Jesus is saying.” Read the Book and see what you think. I’m not really looking to Jesus to confirm MY beliefs; I want to know what HE believes. We must be adjusted to Him and not the other way around.

Share your comments:

I am your brother,

Chip Brogden

Build on the Rock

Build on the Rock

My child, sometimes because of the passion and fire I have put in you, you run ahead with such zeal and and desire to build something for Me, but you forget that in your excitement, you may not have the full picture, or instructions. My child, wait and let me fill in the spaces in your picture with all the things that you do not yet understand.
For I can see the obstacles and challenges ahead of you. I can see the places where you will feel overwhelmed and want to stop, or when the enemy throws an obstacle at you that you may think you cannot overcome. My child, as you wait upon Me and my timing, I will give you every weapon, tool and resource to overcome every challenge that comes your way.
I will give you the strength to continue when all may seem lost, and I will give you the wisdom you need when you cannot see your way forward. My child, the dreams and visions that I have given you are for you and I to build together!
So be patient, and savor every moment that you spend with Me. Do not run ahead and rush to build your house upon sand. Know that every moment spent in my presence is preparing you for the road ahead. Be patient and build with Me on the rock, and build something that will remain!

Open Your Heart

Open Your Heart

When you look at a small child, they come to their parents for each and every need. From a bumped knee or a discovery of a new toy, they are so eager to share each and every detail of their life with their parents. So it is with you my child. There is no concern that is too small, or too big in your life that I will not be interested in, nor will I not want to hear about.
So come to Me and open your heart. Share each and every thing that is in your heart to share. Come to Me and know that my arms are open to you and I long to take you upon my lap and listen to all that you have to say.
Always remember, no matter how much you do, or how much you have grown, you will always be my beloved and precious child that I love and adore. So remember the freedom and joy of being a child, and let us enjoy one another in this journey we are walking together.

Fill Up on Me

Fill Up on Me

There are times that you run the race with joy and great enthusiasm, and others where you feel weary and wonder where you are going. In those times, do not focus on how tired your muscles are, or how dark and rocky your path is, but just come to Me.
Come and rest in my presence. Come and drink to satisfy your thirst, come and eat to satisfy your hunger, for in Me, you will find what you need to refuel your body, soul, and spirit.
My child, just know that you donÕt have to wait until you are nearly out of strength before you come to Me, but you can enter my presence at any time. Come to Me no matter the circumstance before you so that you can know that you do not travel this journey alone, and that every resource that I have is available to you.
So though the night may be dark and you may feel that your path is uncertain at times, know that all your strength, wisdom and endurance to run this race comes from Me. So come and let Me fill you up so that you can continue running this race with all joy!

Selasa, 09 Februari 2016

Your Strength is in Me

Your Strength is in Me

My child, when you look at the task ahead of you, sometimes it seems that it is such a huge and overwhelming thing that I have called you to do. This is very true. I have called you to do something for my kingdom that is impossible in your own strength, but is only possible with mine.
If the task I have given you is possible for you to accomplish in your own strength, would anyone not be able to do the same thing in theirs? I have called you to do the impossible, so that my strength through you will be a shining light to those living in darkness. So do not be afraid of your own weakness, and your own places of lack, for I have strength and power enough to fill you to overflowing for what you need, for any and every task.
So come child, come to Me with your hands empty and weak, and I will give you the tools and the wisdom you need for the task ahead of you. Let us accomplish many things, together!


Today's Message from Chip Brogden

“While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word” (Acts 10:44).

We know the Early Believers were fruitful, powerful, and “on fire” for the Lord. But the secret of their “success” was not in how they “did church” or even in having the presence of powerful apostles like Peter, James, John, or Paul. Nor can we simply attribute their power to the Holy Spirit.

This text gives us the whole story. Two different Greek words are used here for “words” and “word”: rhema and logos. While Peter was still speaking these words (rhema), the Holy Spirit fell upon those who heard the word (logos). The Rhema is the revealed, spoken, Holy-Spirit inspired word of God that points people to Christ. The Logos is the living word, either Christ Himself or the Scriptures that testify of Him. These do not cancel each other out, but they complement and build one upon another. Peter preached Jesus (rhema) and the people met Jesus (logos) in what he shared!

Notice that the Holy Spirit did not fall upon them until they heard the Word, and for them to hear it, someone had to proclaim it. Study the Book of Acts and you’ll see a consistent balance between the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. God does not pour out His Spirit on people who do not honor His Word, whether written, spoken or living. If you reject the Word then the Holy Spirit rejects you. The early believers were focused on Jesus, they were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they received the Word of God with joy! This three-fold cord is the secret to spiritual strength and power.

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I am your brother,

Chip Brogden

Senin, 08 Februari 2016

Keep Getting Up

Keep Getting Up

My child, when you have fallen and feel like you have make mistakes that are beyond repair, know that my arms are always open to you. Know that my grace is greater than any mistake that you can make, that I knew you were going to fall, and I have already made a way. However, also know that I have made you an overcomer and a warrior. I did not make you to be someone who would fall and not get up again.
For each time that you choose to get back up, I will give you the strength and wisdom to continue your journey and overcome. Yes, you will not succeed in every endeavour. But do not be discouraged, because in your failure, you will recognize the strength and tenacity that I have given you to not let any of the enemyÕs ploys get in the way of what I have called you to do.
So stand boldly, and if you fail or fall, get back up knowing that I have given you every resource and weapon to defeat the enemy, and to overcome every obstacle and circumstance you encounter, no matter how many times you have to get back up to do so!

Loving Concern or "Spiritual Molestation?"

Loving Concern or "Spiritual Molestation?"

By Jeremy Reynalds, Senior Correspondent, ASSIST News Service (Jeremyreynalds@gmail.com )
Jeremys story pictureALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (ANS-FEB 6) Joshua Stout, manager of a Chick-fil-A in Murfreesboro, Tennessee was willing to buy a homeless man, Justin Burkeen, a full meal.
There was just one requirement-that Burkeen allow Stout to pray with him.
The interaction was observed by area resident Joey Mustain taking his daughter out for supper, and chronicled on Facebook. The post went viral.
Mustain said in that post, “All I could pick up on of the conversation was the manager saying that he'd love to give him a full, warm meal--not just scraps or extras-- and the only thing he required was that the man let him pray with him.”
Mustain did not immediately respond to a request from me asking for additional comment.
In addition to a meal, that Chick-fil-A interaction resulted in the creation of agofundme page.
Interestingly, as the page states, Burkeen wants to “travel around the country feeding those who are much like (him) and to spread a little more hope where hope itself seems hopeless. He wants to pay it forward and has always had a passion to do so but never had the means to.”
The page notes that Burkeen “has lived a rough life that eventually led to him being homeless just over 10 years ago. Even in moments of despair he has found hope in a higher power that he hasn't let go of.”
While praised by many, one Christian minister spoke out vehemently against the incident.
Writing in his blog, Hugh Hollowell called it “ abusive. It is wrong. It is spiritual molestation. And speaking as a Christian minister, it undermines and contradicts the entirety of the message and teachings of Jesus. This is not what Christianity looks like.”
I first heard about this from Facebook friend Gary Johnston who wrote that, “Not everyone is religious, but everyone deserves food. So I was promoting that if you want to bring up religion, simply feed/help them FIRST and then you may talk about other things.”
I asked our Joy Junction Facebook friends what they thought about Johnston’s point of view. A number of people responded quite quickly.
Eliane said, “My thought has always been that if you want to help you do it without conditions. If you want to pray do so, silently even, as God knows what is in your heart. You can ask if the person you are helping wants to pray with you, but never make help conditional.”
Vanessa said, “Help the person and if they mention anything about God then talk about God if not pray for them in your own solidarity. People will always have an opinion, I wouldn't worry about it. Everyone does it their way or thinks in their own way.”
Ira said she totally agrees with Johnston. “You should never make ‘praying’ or your view of God a ‘condition’ of feeding another human being. I go to church every Sunday and pray on a daily basis. But when I help others, I do just that; help them! God already knows my actions and (there is) no need to stop and force that on another.”
So should prayer and/or religious services be a prerequisite for helping the homeless? Some time ago, I heard about the head of a homeless agency reportedly thinks it is “immoral” to mix religion with delivery of services to the homeless.
Maybe he or his clients have had bad experiences with those who combine religion with helping the homeless. If that’s the case, it’s sad, because the gospel is supposed to be “good news.”
My question to anyone who doesn’t believe in sharing the gospel when assisting the homeless, would be, “What other form of real encouragement is there for a homeless and hungry person after basic human needs have been taken care of it?”
And perhaps that’s the key. Let’s share the gospel after rumbling stomachs rumble no more and tired and weary limbs have found a place to rest.
Joy Junction is unashamedly a gospel ministry, as opposed to just being an agency, and sooner or later our guests will hear the gospel, one way or another. I was curious how our gospel component registers on their appreciation scale, so one of our staff asked a handful of our guests what they are most grateful for at the shelter.
One man said, “The spiritual guidance that (staff) provide shows you that God is with you all the way. I am forever grateful for all the staff and residents who have taught me. I have been truly blessed here and now I can use what I've learned to bless others.”
Another man commented, “The Bible classes help us to find ourselves along with Jesus. JJ has given us opportunities to grow. I like the family friendly atmosphere. That has helped my wife and I to continue to stay together, even when our life together has become difficult.”
Talking about two of our supervisors, one woman said “(Staff members) Sophie and Marcos are just two who really are my ‘go to’ supervisors to be real with me. Marcos always has a word of advice and a prayer. I thank God everyday that JJ is here to help me provide for my kids.”
So what does it boil down to? Respect and concern for others. Facebook friend Mary had a good point when she wrote that situations should be dealt with individually.
She said, “Some people need prayer first, and through that help is sought. Some need help first, and through that is an opportunity for prayer. Some are only seeking help, not prayer. Pray for them after you have helped them and they have left. Some only need prayer, and will refuse help that is offered. The biggest issue is respect for the person and his/her needs.”
In summary. Whatever you do, make sure it’s mixed with a generous dose of love, mercy and grace. That includes making sure noone goes away hungry.
Jeremy and Elma Reynalds use
Photo captions: 1) Deep in conversation. (via Joey Mustain). 2) Jeremy and Elma Reynalds.
About the writerJeremy Reynalds is Senior Correspondent for the ASSIST News Service, a freelance writer and also the founder and CEO of Joy Junction, New Mexico's largest emergency homeless shelter, www.joyjunction.org. He has a master's degree in communication from the University of New Mexico, and a Ph.D. in intercultural education from Biola University in Los Angeles. His newest book is "From Destitute to Ph.D." Additional details on "From Destitute to Ph.D." are available atwww.myhomelessjourney.com. Reynalds lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico with his wife, Elma. For more information contact: Jeremy Reynalds atjeremyreynalds@gmail.com  

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** You may republish this and any of our ANS stories with attribution to the ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net)

What Do You Suppose God Wants?

What Do You Suppose God Wants? (Writer's Opinion)

By Carol Round, Special to ASSIST News Service
CLAREMORE, OK (ANS – February 7, 2016) -- If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but are yourself lost or destroyed?”—Luke 9:24-25 (NLT).
Some people might be surprised to learn the world does not revolve around them. What? You mean it doesn’t!
As infants, we sure thought it did. We cried and someone tended to our needs. We got fed. Our diapers got changed. We were picked up and rocked to sleep. In my case, the rocking chair didn’t work for my eldest, so I had to dance him to sleep. I’ve known other parents who had to place their infant in a car seat and drive him repeatedly around the block until he dozed off.
However, some never outgrow this demanding behavior. If I whine enough, people will do what I want. If I stomp my foot, they’ll jump. If I pucker up, ready to burst into tears, they’ll do anything to keep me happy.
Guess what! That’s not what God wants from His children. If we hang onto our lives, always seeking to please ourselves, we’ll never grow up.
Max LucadoIn his book “It’s Not About Me,” Max Lucado writes, “When God looks at the center of the universe, he doesn’t look at you. When heaven’s stagehands direct the spotlight toward the star of the show, I need no sunglasses. No light falls on me. Lesser orbs, that’s us. Appreciated. Valued. Loved dearly. But central? Essential? Pivotal? Nope. Sorry.
“Perhaps our place is not at the center of the universe,” he adds. “As John Piper writes, ‘God does not exist to make much of us. We exist to make much of him.’”
So, how can we make much of God? Max writes, “What would happen if we accepted our place as Son reflectors?”
In a recent sermon series titled “Rise and Shine,” our pastor said, “We shine most brightly when we give ourselves away.”
In this particular sermon, Pastor Ray cited the answers of several church members who replied to his question, “Why do you do what you do?”
One 17-year-old who volunteers as a youth small group leader said, “I love being able to minister to others. I don’t need to be paid to find great satisfaction in serving.”
Another church member, a young adult who plays the guitar in the Praise band said, “When I help other people connect with God, I feel complete.”
Showing up for practice one evening, another worship band guitarist replied to Pastor Ray’s question. He said, “It’s for the kingdom. I get weary but there’s something inside—a light that keeps me going.”
It’s that light—God’s light—that keeps another church member traveling to third-world countries to make a difference. “For me, this whole crazy world makes sense when I serve. It puts things in perspective for me.”
Another way to look at Luke 9:24-25 might be, “Less of what I want” and more of “What do you suppose God wants?”
Carol Round use
Photo captions: 1) Max Lucado. 2) Carol Round.
Note: I always love hearing from my readers. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts at carolaround@yahoo.com . You can also visit my blog at www.carolaround.com .
** You may republish this or any of our ANS stories with attribution to the ASSIST News Service (www.assistnews.net).

I Have What You Need

I Have What You Need

My child, I am always here for you. Whether you need instruction or an encouraging word, I have what you need to face the day ahead. When you keep pushing and pressing ahead, you do not realize that you need to refuel until you are completely drained. So do not wait until you are empty to realize that you need Me, but come to Me daily for power and life and anointing for the day ahead.
Know that the road you walk is not one that you have to walk alone, child. I will never leave your side and I have all the wisdom that you need. Remember to be aware of Me in every moment of the day.
Ask and I will tell you, knock and I will open my door to you. Whatever you stand in need of, child, remember that you can simply lift your eyes up and reach out to Me. I will never hold any good thing back from you, but give to you abundantly. Come to Me and refuel today. I stand here ready to pour into you and give you the power that you need. Amen.


“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (Jn. 16:33)

Regardless of what you believe about the Rapture and the Tribulation, Jesus says that we will experience tribulation in this world. Many Christians around the world currently suffer persecution without the comfort of other people to support them or encourage them. Yet, these same Christians have shown us time and again that they have a strong spiritual life, and they continue to produce spiritual fruit (including joy!) in spite of deep affliction.

If your spiritual life is based on church, or meetings, or regular face-to-face fellowship with others, what happens when those things are taken away, or denied, or not available, because of persecution or tribulation? It has happened before, and it could happen again; and if it does, many will stumble and fall because they have not learned how to live in Christ, and find their joy in Him, without fellowshipping with others. It is only by the grace of God that they can maintain their testimony, and they will be the first to fall when persecution arises.

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Sabtu, 06 Februari 2016

Shining a Light Before You

Shining a Light Before You

Just as there is an author to every book, so you too, have an author to your life. I am always near you. Whether you turn left or right, or make the wrong turn, my hand is ever upon you to bring you into the path of blessing.
I can turn every situation into your favor. Remember that you do not walk through this life alone, but I am always working on your behalf.
When you rejoice, I rejoice with you, and when you hit a dark chapter, I will not leave your side. For indeed, in these times, I protect and comfort you with my presence.
Know that you are not alone, child. Reach out to Me whether in sunshine or rain. Know that you have a partner alongside you, who can change that winds of life with a simple breath.
Lift up your eyes to Me and take my hand. Know that I am walking this journey with you. I can help you in times of trouble, and you can lean on Me when you are weak.
Give Me all your troubles today, and watch as I shine my light before your path. For indeed, the future ahead is one I have filled with many blessings that you do not know of. Amen.

Hang on to My Words

Hang on to My Words

When you begin to walk the road that I have set before you my child, the enemy will come to try and deter you. He will come with distraction to try and choke the word that I have given you. He may come with opposition to make you doubt your call.
But my child, that is why you need to hang on to the words that I have given you. Meditate on the promises that you have received from me. Feed the flames that I have ignited in you, child.
For my calling was not a dream and the fire that burns is real. Set your face like a flint and do not be conformed to the world. Know that I am here with you every step of this journey.
I am here to give you wisdom, to encourage you, and to shine my light when you do not know which step to take. And when you are lost, I will find you where you are. So do not fear pressing forward in the goals that I have given you.
For indeed, you are not alone on this journey, but where I have started a work, I promise that I will also finish it. Take my hand, child, and let us press on towards the mark of the high calling. Amen.

You Bring Me Joy

You Bring Me Joy

My child, sometimes you can get so caught up in the work and worries of life that you forget that you were created with one purpose: to love and be loved by Me.
You do not have to perform, impress Me, or try to be perfect. I love you with a everlasting love that transcends all of your weaknesses and sin. There is not one thing that you can do to make Me love you less, and there is nothing that you can do that can make Me love you more.
I love you because I choose to, and because you are my child. I do not see you with all of your failures and flaws, but I see you through the blood of my Son. So come to Me my child, and let Me love you. Lay your head on my chest and find comfort in knowing that you are always welcome, and that arms are always open to you. Amen.

Remember Who You Are

Remember Who You Are

My child, I designed you with my very own hands. I formed in you the nature that you need to overcome the enemy and the heart in you to press passed your limitations. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made.
There is nothing that you cannot accomplish, no stronghold that you cannot tear down. The work that I have done in you is a perfect work. I have clothed you with my blood and showered you with my favor and protection.
So always remember who you are and never be concerned about the trials that may come your way. For I have given you my authority and power. I have given you my seal and I have put a big bold title in front of your name. It reads - overcomer, says the Lord.

Take a Dip in My Presence

Take a Dip in My Presence

There is nothing more refreshing than jumping into a pool of water after a hot day in the sun. My child, my presence is like that refreshing dip in the pool. When the sun has been hot, and the pressure has been high, I want you to jump into my presence as you would into a pool, and I want you to relax and allow me to refresh you, says the Lord.
Come away with Me today and escape into the pool of my presence. I love you so much and I desire to strengthen you and give you what you are lacking at the moment.
You have pushed through hard, and have taken every challenge I have given you to heart. So, today is the time for you to be refreshed and to recharge in my presence. So just come, and allow Me to soak you and give you the power you need to press on, says the Lord.

Apple of My Eye

Apple of My Eye

There is never a day that goes by that I do not think of you, my beloved. You are always on my mind. You are the love of my life, the apple of my eye. I have moved heaven and earth for you and will continue to do so to give you the greatest and most abundant life.
I have paid the price that was needed to get you to walk in right standing and to remove the veils that were between you and the Father. You can now come boldly to the throne of grace and experience a relationship that is rich and full.
You are mine and I am yours. There is nothing or no one in this world that can separate you from Me. There is no bondage too strong or no distance too long that will stop Me from pouring my love on you.
So, come to Me afresh today. Let's take our relationship to the next level. There is yet a deeper intimacy and love that I have to give you, says the Lord.