Selasa, 16 Februari 2016

Fill Up on Me

Fill Up on Me

There are times that you run the race with joy and great enthusiasm, and others where you feel weary and wonder where you are going. In those times, do not focus on how tired your muscles are, or how dark and rocky your path is, but just come to Me.
Come and rest in my presence. Come and drink to satisfy your thirst, come and eat to satisfy your hunger, for in Me, you will find what you need to refuel your body, soul, and spirit.
My child, just know that you donÕt have to wait until you are nearly out of strength before you come to Me, but you can enter my presence at any time. Come to Me no matter the circumstance before you so that you can know that you do not travel this journey alone, and that every resource that I have is available to you.
So though the night may be dark and you may feel that your path is uncertain at times, know that all your strength, wisdom and endurance to run this race comes from Me. So come and let Me fill you up so that you can continue running this race with all joy!

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