Selasa, 27 Juni 2017



For you already have the victory in my name my child and I have called you to overcome. I have called you to stand tall on the top of the mountain and to survey the land so that you might take it in my name.
So do not see yourself as defeated any longer! Do not look at the battle and think that it is too much for you - rather stand up tall now and see it from my perspective. Stand up strong and see that my hand is stretched out against the enemy and that it shields you!
For I shall indeed bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you, for as long as you walk in the shadow of my wings and under the covering of my hand. So do not look to the left or right now. Do not look at the battle and feel overcome. Rather stand in heavenly places with me and see that you have already overcome.
See that you do not stand in this battle alone. See that I fight by your side. So come now my child - take my hand and pick up your sword once again. See things through my eyes and gain your strength so that after you have seen the truth, you might stand to fight once again and this time, not to be defeated, but to overcome says the Lord.

The Field of Treasure

The Field of Treasure
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden
in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes
and sells all that he has and buys that field.”

For too long we have contented ourselves with what God can do for us and what He can give us. We come to the Lord with a need in mind, and the next day we approach with another need, and the following day we return with yet another request. This pattern repeats itself continually. We return again and again to withdraw a little more from the heavenly bank.

Surely we should let our requests be made known unto God, and we must also ask, that we may receive. But think: if a man owns a field, does he not also possess the buried treasure in the field? Does it not stand to reason then, that if we receive HIM, we possess all He has? How shall He not, with His Son, freely give us all things?

Source: “Lord of All" by Chip Brogden

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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden 

Dying to Live

Dying to Live
“If anyone desires to come after Me,
let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.
For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever
loses his life for My sake will save it.”
LUKE 9:23,24

Resurrection Life is that which has died, but now lives. It has the mark of the Cross upon it. It has passed through death once, and death can no more touch it. If we have not already passed through death then we are constantly fearful of dying, but the one who has already died and lives again has nothing more to fear from death. As we are decreased through the daily carrying of our cross, Christ in us is increased, and the strength of His Life is matured through our weakness.

Source: “Embrace the Cross" by Chip Brogden

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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden 

Listen to My Words

Listen to My Words

Take heed to my words for they are spirit and life. Do not dwell upon what you can or cannot do, but instead dwell upon my words and what I can do. It is me that will get you through every hard time and it is me that will give you the power to live a successful life.
My child, as you listen to the words that I speak, you will find that these words are all you need to inherit every blessing and take hold of every promise I have for you.
Do not allow the enemy to push you beyond what I desire for you. The enemy desires to get you to run ahead of me or walk far behind me, but I desire to get you to walk right alongside me. The enemy desires to wear you down, but I desire to build your faith and fill you with even greater hope.
Lay down the cares that weigh you down. Lay down the fears that make you worry and doubt. Listen to my words to you again and again. It is in you hearing my words time and time again that you will gain the confidence, faith, and hope that you need to walk triumphantly over every work of the enemy and fulfill the plan that I have for you, says the Lord.

What is Your Focus in Life?

What is Your Focus in Life? (Writer's Opinion)

By Carol Round, Special to ASSIST News Service (Writer’s Opinion)
GROVE, OK (ANS – June 26, 2017) -- “But God has blessed you, because your eyes can see and your ears can hear!” -- Matthew 13:16 (CEV).
Focus in LifeWhen I was in sixth grade, I was diagnosed with myopia or nearsightedness, meaning I had the ability to see near objects more clearly than distant objects. To compound the diagnosis, I also had astigmatism, an imperfection of the cornea preventing part of it from focusing light onto the retina.
At 10-years-old, I was fitted for glasses. Because my eyesight was so bad, the lens in my glasses were thick in appearance, almost like the bottom of the classic soda pop bottle. As usual, children forced to wear glasses earn the nickname, “Four Eyes.” I was no exception. I admit, it hurt at the time.
When I reached high school, my vanity led me to ditch the glasses out in public. My parents wouldn’t buy contacts until I graduated and headed to college. I put up with the hard lenses in my eyes for three or four years until allergies made me forgo them. I returned to glasses.
During the next three or four decades I tried contacts again, this time the soft ones. Again, allergies made me miserable and the contacts were uncomfortable. Finally, I decided to stick with glasses. By this time, the material used for lenses had improved. Although I still needed a strong prescription, the lenses were thinner. I no longer looked as if I were sporting pop bottle bottoms in my frames. I actually looked forward to picking out new frames each time I visited my optometrist. It was almost as good as shopping for new shoes.
Several years ago, I had cataract surgery and chose to have a lens implanted in each eye. Now, I can see far off, which means I can drive without corrective lenses. However, now I have a new problem. I must wear reading glasses because I wasn’t keen on having one eye corrected for far-off vision and the other for close-up, like reading. I’d tried monovision contacts at one time but they made me dizzy, and I’m almost positive strangers thought I was winking at them when I was forced to close one eye or the other.
In a “Guideposts” article by Susanna Foth Aughtmon, she addresses something more important than our visual eyesight—our spiritual vision. She writes, “Sometimes I forget that my ‘spiritual’ vision is just as important or even more so. I can tend to let pride or self-righteousness cloud my vision which is beyond dangerous in Jesus’ eyes. He often called the Pharisees ‘blind guides.’ Not the best nickname for someone who thought they were trying to follow God and lead others along that path.”
When we keep our focus on Jesus, our spiritual vision is perfected. We see things through His eyes, no glasses, no contacts, no surgeries required. Isn’t that what God desires for His children?
Why not ask Jesus to open your “spiritual” eyes to see what is important today, to clearly see His will for your Life. You will be surprised at what you’ve been missing.
Photo captions: 1) How's your spiritual eyesight? ( 2) Carol Round.
Carol Round very smallNote: I always love hearing from my readers. Please feel free to e-mail me at  with your thoughts, or visit my blog for more inspiration at Also, if you need a speaker or workshop leader, you can contact me at the above e-mail or website. I'd be delighted to hear from you.
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Your Jar of Oil

Your Jar of Oil
“Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil.”
2 KINGS 4:2

Every disciple of the Lord Jesus is at a different level of growth and spiritual maturity. But may I say that no matter how long you have walked with the Lord – be it several years or only a day – you have at least one “jar of oil” in your house.

Now what you do with that one jar of oil makes the difference between a victorious life and a defeated life. The single jar of oil is not much in and of itself. It is not sufficient to meet the demands of your creditors, nor is it sufficient to sustain your spiritual life. It is only sufficient when it is poured forth. The one who “saves” his life will lose his life, but the one who “pours out” his life will really have it in abundance.

Source: “Lord of All" by Chip Brogden

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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden 

Back to Basics

Back to Basics

My child, I know that when you are going through training and preparation, things can get intense and they can get tough. The fire in your heart burns brightly and strongly and you are ready to push through and do whatever it takes.
However, today I want to remind you, my child, that my joy is your strength! Why are you here? What is it that I gave you and what did I call you to do in the first place? It is time to remember the reason for your fire and passion and to put it into perspective with my joy.
I am calling you to do a mighty work. Do not lean on your own understanding to accomplish that work, but lean on my joy that is found right there in your spirit.
Look into my eyes and allow me to cheer you on as you press on forward giving your all for my kingdom! Allow my joy to be your fuel, and my love to be the wind in your sail.
So get back to the basics. Tap into my joy and run this race! Amen.

Kamis, 15 Juni 2017

God is Alive Today in Albania and Kosovo

God is Alive Today in Albania and Kosovo

By Harold J. Sala, Special to ASSIST News Service
GuidelinesteamALBANIA/KOSOVO (ANS – June 8, 2017) -- As Pastor Jeton (pronounced ye-TOHN) quietly speaks, one would never guess the horror he and his people have lived through in this picturesque area of the Balkans. Jeton is a Kosovar Albanian -- over 80% of the population of Kosovo are Albanian but in 1998 neighboring Yugoslavian Serbs sought to wipe them from the land.
Harold Sala preaching in AlbaniaThousands were slaughtered and over a quarter of a million were driven from their homes into Albania during the bloody conflict that pitted neighbor against neighbor, leaving deep hatred and distrust. Those that fled to Albania received a bleak welcome, in a land that had been isolated from the world for decades.
While both Albania and Kosovo are predominantly Muslim nations, Albania holds the distinction of being the first nation to officially write a belief in atheism into their constitution as it did in 1967. A dictionary published shortly thereafter doesn’t include the word “God.” He, nonetheless, chose to remain in both countries incognito.
Presently a $22 million-dollar gift from the President of Turkey is being used to build mosques throughout Albania on the sites where churches stood before the Communists destroyed them and also a mosque in Tirana that will be one of the largest in the Balkans.
Yet the church, in both Albania and Kosovo is alive and vibrant--a testimony to men and women who cherish their faith and refuse to capitulate to the darkness that has gripped the land. It’s a “first generation church,” that means pastors have no mature mentors, no established Bible schools or seminaries, but they have a radiant faith, a “can do” mentality and a desire to impact their culture in a positive way, often ministering to the whole person including medical needs, educational needs, pre-schools and the establishment of primarily independent churches.
Kosovo worship centerThe stories of both countries, today, is a collage of individual encounters that men and women have had with the grace of God, the story of grit and determination to break through the darkness with the light of the Gospel, facing what most elsewhere would be considered impenetrable obstacles. Their stories of triumph are thrilling and humbling.
I shall never forget the two hours I spent listening to Pastor Jeton as he explained that in 1999 Serbian soldiers burst into his home and lined up his entire family, excepting his father who was hiding, for execution. With scalding tears his mother screamed, “Have you no heart -- killing children?” Hearing this, the father came out of hiding, allowing his family’s lives to be spared, and was executed. Two years ago Jeton’s father’s remains were discovered in a mass grave in Yugoslavia and returned to the family for burial.
TWOWOMENFor 22 hours the family fled, trying to escape the onslaught that was taking place. Emotionally wounded, the survivors (a term most prefer over “victims”) returned to burned-out homes and very fractured lives. Emotional healing came slowly. The kindness of Christian missions organizations that came to Kosovo and rebuilt Jeton’s family home for them ultimately led him to Christ. But years later when Jeton was asked by an Australian visitor what he would do if he met the man who killed his father, he became very angry and said, “Never ask me that question again!” He had actually planned on tracking down the man who killed his father but then, yielding his hatred to the Lord, he forgave the person, completed Bible school training in Britain and established a thriving church, now able to minister to those whose hearts are yet filled with hatred.
While the Catholic Church is powerful in Kosovo, evangelical groups are growing rapidly in a nation that is 96% Muslim. More than 120 independent pastors are affiliated with the World Evangelical group. One challenging problem is the economy resulting in a lack of funds to provide support for most pastors. “If there were 100 adults in a church,” explained one pastor, “80 of them would be without income.” Another recounted, “For the last 20 years there has been an exodus of brain trusts,” resulting in a lack of economic stability. While many youth want to leave Albania and Kosovo for better paying jobs in Europe or North America, many want to simply rebuild their own country.
IMG 5987A catalyst bringing evangelicals together has been Media7 Albania, the host group who recently invited our Guidelines team to minister in both countries. Founded by a strong, visionary woman, Enkelejda Kumaraku, Media7 reaches Albania and nearby Kosovo. Their TV station in Kosovo has just begun 24-hour broadcasting, with Albanian coverage soon.
Honored as “International Ministry of the Year” in 2016 by National Religious Broadcasters (NRB), the ministry has overcome formidable obstacles in using both radio and television to share the Good News. Guidelines International Ministries is translating its “Guidelines for Living” and “Encouraging Words” into Albanian and releasing supporting publications to help reach and sustain those who are growing in the faith.
God is very much alive, and working in the hearts and lives in Albania and Kosovo today!
For additional information, please contact or
Photo captions: 1) The Guidelines team on their trip. 2) Harold Sala preaching in a church in Shkodër, a city in northwestern Albania. 3) A Kosovo Worship Center. 4) Two women conversing in the street. 5) One of hundreds of Mosques in Albania and Kosovo. 6) Harold (left) and Bonnie Sala (right) with Dan Wooding after Dan had interviewed them for his “Front Page Radio” show.

Recognize the New Season Ahead

Recognize the New Season Ahead

Just like the sky changes its color as the sun rises and sets, also recognize the changes in your season my child. For when things are shifting, you will see the signs. Things will not be the same as they once were.
Yet I know how much you cling to the seasons that have past. You look back at the things you once had and the seasons you once enjoyed, but do you not realize that my blessing lies before you and not behind you? So do not look at the seasons that are past, but recognize the season that is changing right now. Look forward to the new season that is ahead.
For each season has a sweetness to it. There are some that are difficult, yet each one shapes you. Each one moves you forward along the journey of life that I have set before you. So take time to enjoy each season. Enjoy the sunsets. Enjoy the sunrises. Enjoy the dark times and the times that are full of goodness, for each one adds something new to you.
So look up! A new season is coming. Can you feel the changes in the air? Can you see the colors of the sky beginning to change their hue? The change is upon you - so move with it. Do not be discouraged. Do not hanker back to old seasons, but look ahead instead to what lies ahead and run towards this new season with all joy, says the Lord.

Rabu, 07 Juni 2017

Time to Get Moving

Time to Get Moving

Look ahead and see the road before you my child and realize that I have equipped you to walk it. For it is a new road and you might not recognize the markers along the way, but I have indeed given you the strength you need to walk it. I have indeed ordered this path and it is for you to walk it now in all joy.
For I know that you have walked down some difficult roads. I know that you have become weary and that you are unsure of what lies ahead of you. Yet know that my hand is upon you and that I will lift you up and cause you to walk this road in all joy. This will not be like the roads of the past, for this road is ordered of me.
Walk it in faith and not in fear. Walk it in hope and love. Walk it holding my hand and allowing me to lead you every step of the way. For even though the road is ordered by me, you cannot walk it in your own strength - rather you need my strength to get to the final destination.
So walk in faith and not in self will. Walk in love and not in your own kindness. Walk in hope and not with your own ideas. Then you will see the treasures that I have laid down along the way for you to find. Come now. Step forward, but step forward in my blessing and holding my hand - doing it my way and you will surely walk in blessing says the Lord.

Its Time For the Impossible

Its Time For the Impossible

As you sink your roots deep into the soil of my presence, I will water you my child. For the world is dry and your spirit has become empty. It is time once again to come into my presence to get filled up again.
For the things of the world cannot satisfy. The world is like a desert that leaves you empty and the longer you are there the more incapable you feel. However in my presence you are filled up. Not only are you given strength again, but everything is possible in my presence. You see with my eyes. You feel with my heart. You see the possibility in the situation instead of the impossibility.
As you walk in the world and listen to all the voices that surround you, you only hear how things cannot be done. You are confined to the natural forces of this world. However when you come into my presence and listen to my voice, I can give you the possibility in your situation and show you a different way of doing things. I can show you the supernatural power I have to overcome in your circumstance.
So whose voice will you incline your ear to today? Where will you listen? Will you listen to the doctrines of the world that tell you that it cannot be done and who try to force you to conform to their worldly wisdom? Or will you incline your ear to me and allow me to renew your mind and allow you to see another way out? A way that is beyond your own ability, but is perfectly possible because of my power?
You cannot walk in both my child. Yet I extend my hand to you right now and I call you to come to me. Come into my presence. Incline your ear to my commandments and your heart to my testimonies and your eyes will be opened! Your ears will hear! Your mouth will be loosed and what looked impossible before will become possible now says the Lord.

Seeing the Person

Seeing the Person
“Simon answered and said to Him, ‘Master, we have
toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word
I will let down the net.’ And when they had done this, they
caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking.”
LUKE 5:5,6

To you and me this may sound like a coincidence, or luck. Some might call it a miracle, and it is miraculous, but it is more than a miracle; it is a sign given by Christ in order to reveal Himself to Peter. In Scriptural language, it is “revealing His glory.”

Jesus merely said, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch of fish.” Nevertheless, Peter perceived that Jesus was no ordinary man. For when he saw what happened, he fell down and sobbed, “Lord, depart from me, for I am a sinful man.” The One he called Teacher he now calls Lord, and Peter is immediately made to see the contrast of himself, a sinful man, and Christ, the Holy One of God. Everyone else heard the teaching, but Peter saw the Person.

Source: “Lord of All” by Chip Brogden

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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden 

Hunger for Righteousness

Hunger for Righteousness
“Blessed are those who hunger and
thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”

To hunger and thirst for righteousness is to look forward to the promise of new heavens and a new earth (2 Peter 3:13): to long for it, to desire it, to pine for it, to seek it, to prepare for it and to keep praying for it until it arrives. It implies that we are not content with things just the way they are, and we are not satisfied to just let things go along as they always have.

We hate sin, we hate the effects of sin upon this earth, and we mourn the consequences of man’s inhumanity to man and rebellion towards God; but we have hope for a better day, a better life, a better world where Righteousness Himself is living among us. Until such time, we are hungry and thirsty for more of what we have only just begun to taste.

Source: “The Irresistible Kingdom" by Chip Brogden

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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden 

Ignore the Fog

Ignore the Fog

Just because there is fog on the ground, does not mean that the road is not open before you my child. In fact, it only means that you are climbing the mountain and coming into my presence. So press on forward this day and soon you will see the sun burn away the fog and clear the path in front of you.
Do not think you are blind. Do not think that you are missing me! Trust in the words that I have given to you. Trust in the promises that I have given and continue walking forward my child. For if the enemy cannot divert you, he will discourage you from walking forward, thinking that I have let you down.
So do not listen to his lies today, but keep pressing on forward. Keep walking no matter how you feel and no matter how dark it might seem to you. For this is just fog. What you see is just a shadow and not the truth! So let my truth set you free! The truth that you are on the right road. You are headed in the direction and that my hand is on you.
So whose voice will you incline your ear to today? Where will you listen? Will you listen to the doctrines of the world that tell you that it cannot be done and who tries to force you to conform to their worldly wisdom? Or will you incline your ear to me and allow me to renew your mind and allow you to see another way out? A way that is beyond your own ability, but is perfectly possible because of my power?
For I am right here walking this road alongside you. So keep walking. Take each step as it comes and I shall surely direct your path says the Lord.

Why So Little Fruit?

Why So Little Fruit?
“We who live are always
delivered to death for Jesus’ sake.”

The answer to why there is so little power and genuine spiritual fruit in the lives of those who follow Jesus is a simple one: they desire the Life of the Lord, but not His Death. They want a daily pouring out of the Lord’s Life, but they shun the prospect of daily sharing in His Death.

The saints of the Lord are well instructed in living victoriously, being blessed, walking in power, overcoming the enemy, and living up to their potential. By comparison, the majority of them know next to nothing about self-denial, bearing their Cross, boasting in their weaknesses, being joyful in trials, winning by losing, gaining by giving up, working by resting, accepting both the bitter and the sweet as gifts from God, enduring hardness and accepting suffering. God desires to increase us and enlarge us; He therefore calls us to go back to the Cross and start over again.

Source: “Embrace the Cross" by Chip Brogden

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I am your brother,
Chip Brogden