For you already have the victory in my name my child and I have called you to overcome. I have called you to stand tall on the top of the mountain and to survey the land so that you might take it in my name.So do not see yourself as defeated any longer! Do not look at the battle and think that it is too much for you - rather stand up tall now and see it from my perspective. Stand up strong and see that my hand is stretched out against the enemy and that it shields you!
For I shall indeed bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you, for as long as you walk in the shadow of my wings and under the covering of my hand. So do not look to the left or right now. Do not look at the battle and feel overcome. Rather stand in heavenly places with me and see that you have already overcome.
See that you do not stand in this battle alone. See that I fight by your side. So come now my child - take my hand and pick up your sword once again. See things through my eyes and gain your strength so that after you have seen the truth, you might stand to fight once again and this time, not to be defeated, but to overcome says the Lord.
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