Kamis, 15 Juni 2017

Recognize the New Season Ahead

Recognize the New Season Ahead

Just like the sky changes its color as the sun rises and sets, also recognize the changes in your season my child. For when things are shifting, you will see the signs. Things will not be the same as they once were.
Yet I know how much you cling to the seasons that have past. You look back at the things you once had and the seasons you once enjoyed, but do you not realize that my blessing lies before you and not behind you? So do not look at the seasons that are past, but recognize the season that is changing right now. Look forward to the new season that is ahead.
For each season has a sweetness to it. There are some that are difficult, yet each one shapes you. Each one moves you forward along the journey of life that I have set before you. So take time to enjoy each season. Enjoy the sunsets. Enjoy the sunrises. Enjoy the dark times and the times that are full of goodness, for each one adds something new to you.
So look up! A new season is coming. Can you feel the changes in the air? Can you see the colors of the sky beginning to change their hue? The change is upon you - so move with it. Do not be discouraged. Do not hanker back to old seasons, but look ahead instead to what lies ahead and run towards this new season with all joy, says the Lord.

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