Senin, 14 Desember 2009

Are You A Twin?

Apostle Les D. Crause

Are You A Twin?

Consider the image that you portray to the world. When identical twins are seen by strangers they cannot be distinguished. They both bear the same physical image, and it is easy for outsiders to be confused between the two.

I have placed my image into your spirit, and you hold my spiritual DNA. Therefore in the Spirit, you should look like me. And those who look upon your spirit should think that they are seeing Me.

But you have taken upon yourself many outside influences and you have picked the spiritual DNA of those who have influenced you in life. And when you try to display what is in your spirit, these are the things that come out.

Consider the closeness of twins, how they know each other so well that each can easily pose as the other. And realize that in the Spirit you are able to do the same. For as you allow My Spirit to live in and through you, the image that you display to the world will be My image.

And those who come into contact with you will come to know Me better just by their association with you. This is something that should take place naturally, without any effort on your part.

Therefore spend more time in My presence, and get to know me more intimately. Allow My nature to become such a part of you, that anyone looking in from the outside cannot tell the difference between you and Me.

Did they not say of the early disciples, that they could see they had been with Me? Can this also be said of you My child? When others look upon you, can they see that you have been with Me?

Are you indeed My spiritual twin, or do you rather manifest the nature of others who have influenced your life? Does My DNA show, or do people see something else?

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