Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

There is Hope!

There is Hope!

How hard it is to imagine the beauty of a rose until it has fully opened up. When you look at a rosebud, you get a sense of what it will look and smell like. But only when it opens do you really get to appreciate its beauty. So is it with you my child. You have heard my voice and I have given you many promises. Each one like a rosebud. Full of hope and of promise. Yet as you have waited, you have wondered when these promises will come to pass.

You have not seen the fullness of everything that I will do with you. You only have a part of the picture now, but soon you will see the full picture. So my child do not be discouraged anymore when you look at the promises I have given to you. Do not get frustrated when things seem to be moving slowly. For I have everything in hand. I have a perfect timing and just as the rose opens when the time is right, so also will my promises come to pass when the time is right.

And when they do says the Lord, it will far surpass all your hopes and expectations. So look on today with a new hope. Pull out all those promises I have given to you and let the hope rise inside of your heart again. I have not forgotten you and I will surely bring every single one to pass. Then when the time comes, they will blossom and you will find yourself holding a bouquet of various roses of different colors and fragrances.

I desire only the best for you my child. So do not give up hope. Do not be discouraged any longer, but look forward to the future now. For many wonderful blessings wait for you says the Lord.

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