Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

The Uphill Is Nearly Over

The Uphill Is Nearly Over

When you started up this hill you thought you could climb it easily. But after a time the going became more difficult, and now you are struggling to keep going. You want to stop and give up, and the enemy is there doing his best to discourage you and make you feel a failure.

But look behind you My child and see the progress that you have made. Look down and see how much ground you have gained since you began this climb. Then look ahead, and you will see that the top of the hill is not far ahead.

Take My hand and let me lead you the rest of the way, for when you reach the top of the hill you will come to a place that you forgot existed. You will see new things, and suddenly the heavy load that you have been carrying will no longer seem so heavy any more.

You did not make a mistake climbing this hill, for it is I who led you to this place. Not to place a heavy burden on you, but to lead you up to a higher place in Me, and a greater experience of My glory.

So do not regret that difficulties along the way. For as a woman who births a new child soon forgets the pain and sorrow and rejoices in the new gift of life she has received, so you will soon look back on this time with joy and not sorrow. And you will be glad, not only that you started this journey, but that did not stop or give up.

Press on now My child, and make one last effort to finish this course that lies before you. And though it might feel even more difficult than the way you have been already, it will not last forever, but will soon be over.

Then we will rejoice together, and you will enter into a new level of joy in Me. And new ways will open up before you, as I lead you into new things that you are now more able to do. For as you have climbed this mountain, you have increased your strength. And when the mountain is no longer slowing you down, you will suddenly accelerate and move forward at a faster rate than you have ever known before.

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