Kamis, 22 November 2012


Curhat di pagi hari
Berikanku hati yang tenang, Tuhan..hati yang mengasihiMu..mengasihi sesamaku….terutama mereka yang sangat sulit untuk dikasihi….berikanku kasih karuniaMU yang memampukan anakMu ini untuk mengampuni dan menyerahkan pembalasan ke dalam tanganMu.
Kutahu dipanggil untuk melayani orang yang bermasalah berat tidaklah mudah, kadang kebaikan dan kasih kita diinjak-injak….tidak dihargai…. Kadang kurasa letih dan mau menyerah…. Kami tidak punya banyak tetapi dari apa yang kami miliki kami coba berbagi…..dengan mereka yang membutuhkan. Dari sekian banyak….ada saja yang tidak bersyukur malah berbalik menyerang atau merugikan keluarga kami. Lucunya….kalau bisa dibilang lucu…atau ironi lebih tepatnya….saat kami melayani orang yang betul-betul rusak dari kehidupan gelap atau kepercayaan lain….sedikit sekali kami dapat masalah besar. Kami sering dapat masalah dari mereka yang menyebut diri “saudara seiman” ….. dan ternyata mereka “saudara palsu”….Alkitab menyatakan mereka sebagai orang fasik…fasih mengutip ayat-ayat Alkitab, giat dalam berbagai kegiatan keagamaan dan sosial….hanya untuk menutupi keburukan dirinya. Perkataan dan tindakan mereka bertolak belakang…..
Pendeta juga manusia biasa…kadang orang berpikir bila pendeta itu berhati baja ….dan bisa saja diinjak-injak terus….pendeta harus penuh kasih jadi “diapa-apain” juga harus diam saja….. nama baiknya dicemarkan, keluarganya diteror, anaknya diancam, tuntutan palsu..dan lain-lain. Kami juga punya perasaan….
Sebelum jadi pendeta atau lebih tepatnya lahir baru….aku seorang pendekar (anak geng)….aku tahu..aku mampu untuk melawan kekerasan dengan kekerasan…kejahatan dengan kejahatan..fighting fire with fire…. Tetapi sekarang aku merupakan ciptaan yang baru dalam Tuhan, aku tidak bisa melakukan hal yang sama seperti dulu lagi….sebab manusia lama-ku telah mati dan hidupku yang kujalani kini merupakan kehidupan yang baru dalam Kristus.
Saat amarah memuncak tiba-tiba Roh Kudus mengingatkan….”Karena jikalau kamu mengampuni kesalahan orang, Bapamu yang di sorga akan mengampuni kamu juga. Tetapi jikalau kamu tidak mengampuni orang, Bapamu juga tidak akan mengampuni kesalahanmu.” (Matius 6:14-15)…..”Janganlah membalas kejahatan dengan kejahatan, lakukanlah apa yang baik bagi semua orang! Sedapat-dapatnya bila itu bergantung padamu, hiduplah dalam perdamaian dengan semua orang! Saudara-saudaraku yang kekasih, janganlah kamu sendiri menuntut pembalasan, tetapi berilah tempat kepada murka Allah, sebab ada tertulis: Pembalasan itu adalah hakKu. Akulah yang akan menuntut pembalasan, firman Tuhan.” (Roma 12:17-19)……”Berbahagialah kamu, jika karena Aku kamu dicela dan dianiaya dan kepada kamu difitnahkan segala yang jahat.” (Matius 5:11)
Melalui kasih karunia Tuhan…aku memilih untuk taat….aku memilih untuk mengampuni orang yang telah melukai kehidupan kami….tetap berbuat baik terhadap sesama kami…jangan karena perbuatan seorang saudara palsu lalu kami tidak melayani jiwa-jiwa yang terbuka bagi Kristus…Percaya bahwa pada waktuNya, Tuhan akan mengajar orang tersebut dengan caraNya….bersukacita dalam Tuhan sebab boleh merasakan penderitaan bagi namaNya.
Doa: Tuhan, aku terluka dan marah….terhadap orang ini…ingin kulampiaskan emosiku secara negatif…tetapi aku tahu hal tersebut hanya akan memperburuk keadaan dan tidak mempermuliakan namaMU. Pagi ini aku memilih untuk mengampuninya, berdoa agar Tuhan campur tangan dalam kehidupan orang tersebut agar dia tidak bertambah jahat dan merugikan lebih banyak orang lain. Pagi ini biarlah sukacitaku kembali penuh di dalam Engkau hingga kudapat melayani orang-orang yang kau pertemukan denganku dalam sukacita ilahi. Amien.

Rabu, 21 November 2012

I AM the cornerstone

I am the cornerstone

When a house is built, there is one component that is vital. Without it the house will not stand. That component is the corner stone. I am the corner stone in your life, says the Lord. Trust in me. Build your life on me.
Turn to me. If you are wondering about certain things that are going wrong in your life, check your foundation, check your corner stone, says the Lord.
I love you so much. I am right here by your side and you can trust in me. It is upon me you build. Take my word and build your life on the foundation of who I am and what I have promised. I am always there for you.
So take note right now and turn to me, says the Lord. Put aside all the striving. Put aside all the building, for it will be in vain unless I am the corner stone, says the Lord.


Suatu hari dalam perbincangan sebuah keluarga dosen yang mapan. “Aku tidak mau tahu, penghasilanmu sebagai dosen tidak cukup bagi keluarga kita ini. Rumah kita masih harus dibangun jadi tiga lantai, agar kita bisa buka usaha tempat kost untuk hari tua kita. Pa, aku juga ingin kita beli mobil baru….mobil kita itu sudah terlalu tua…malu aku sama teman-temanku….pokoknya aku engga mau tahu….mulai bulan depan kau harus bisa membawa lebih banyak uang ke rumah…aku juga perlu sosialisasi dengan teman ibu-ibu yang lain…kita mau jalan-jalan dan belanja ke luar negeri…pokoknya awas lho, Pa….kalau kau engga bisa bawa uang lebih…aku engga mau melayanimu…Jangan terlalu idealis jadi orang, keluarga ga makan…gara-gara kamu. Tuhan bisa mengerti kok kalau kita belum bisa memberi untuk pekerjaan Tuhan sebab kita belum jadi konglomerat…nanti Pa..kalau mau bantu gereja atau para misionaris…kalau kita sudah berkelimpahan…sekarang fokus pada keluargamu sendiri.”

Ayat ini langsung melintas dibenakku sesaat setelah mendengar perbincangan temanku dengan istrinya itu,”Tak seorangpun dapat mengabdi kepada dua tuan. Karena jika demikian, ia akan membenci yang seorang dan mengasihi yang lain, atau ia akan setia kepada yang seorang dan tidak mengindahkan yang lain. Kamu tidak dapat mengabdi kepada Allah dan kepada Mamon(harta, penekanan penulis).” (Matius 6:24)
Di tempat sebuah keluarga muda, dimana sang suami punya hati untuk missi tengah berbincang dengan istrinya untuk pindah ke luar pulau dan melayani disana. “Apa…ke pulau kecil itu…amit-amit jabang bayi…engga mau Pi….kamu aza yang tinggal di tengah hutan itu…aku dan anak-anak tetap disini. Aku engga mau jauh-jauh dari Mami-ku pokoknya titik.Pelayanan kok musti ke kampung, kita ini orang kota…yang namanya pelayanan tuh sama aza di kota atau desa…jadi kita di kota aza pokoknya…Tuhan ngerti kok, kita engga siap tinggal di kampung.”

Tiba-tiba kuteringat perkataan Tuhan Yesus,”Jikalau seorang datang kepadaKU dan ia tidak membenci bapanya, ibunya, istrinya, anak-anaknya, saudaranya laki-laki atau perempuan, bahkan nyawanya sendiri, ia tidak dapat menjadi muridKU.” (Lukas 14:26)

Ini hanya merupakan dua kasus dimana sebuah keluarga Kristen yang “taat beribadah”, dalam artian aktif melayani pada ibadah gereja dan aktif di dalam beragam program gereja….mereka bukan keluarga yang “malas ke gereja” tetapi “aktivis gereja”. Bagi saya ini sangat mengejutkan….keluarga yang satu sudah mapan tapi merasa selalu “kurang” hingga sulit untuk membantu orang lain…dalam benaknya selalu saja apa yang bisa kudapatkan…bila ditanya mengapa menjadi Kristen? Jawabannya sangat enteng, “Sebab Tuhan Yesus itu baik, IA selalu mendengar dan menjawab doa saya. Apapun yang saya minta IA berikan….tidak ada Tuhan yang seperti Dia…selalu memberi.” Mendengar jawaban itu saya sedih juga, sebab ia mengiring Tuhan karena Tuhan memberi….bila Tuhan tidak memberi apa yang ia kehendaki bagaimana? Bila ada orang membutuhkan sang istri selalu melarang sang suami untuk memberi atau membantu, sebab istrinya selalu berdalih mereka pun masih berkekurangan. Hingga kadang sang suami sembunyi-sembunyi, memberi di luar sepengatahuan sang istri.

Pada keluarga yang lain, sang suami mendapatkan panggilan Tuhan atas hidupnya untuk melayani suku terabaikan tetapi sang istri sangat berat untuk berpisah dengan ibunya, sangat berat untuk meninggalkan pulau Jawa, sangat berat dengan kemapanan kota metropolitan. Meski mereka rajin ke gereja bahkan pelayanan tetapi itu tak mengubah apa pun, sang istri berkeras dan suami tak dapat berbuat apa-apa. Saat saya menanyakan istrinya mengapa ia tak mau pindah ke luar pulau, ia menjawab,”Sama aza Pak, mau pelayanan di sini atau di luar pulau…Tuhan mengerti kok, kalau kita maunya tinggal di sini dan tidak di sana. Tuhan khan Bapa yang baik…jadi Dia engga maksa kita kok.” Sang suami kadang curhat padaku, mengenai panggilan atas hidupnya yang begitu kuat tapi tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa sebab sang istri enggan tinggal di luar pulau Jawa dan berjauhan dengan ibunya.
Melihat hanya dari dua kasus di atas timbul pertanyaan dalam benakku….di dalam gereja sudah diajarkan apa saja sih? Mengapa “output”nya jemaat Tuhan, sangat “kekanak-kanakan” ? Bila kita mengakui Yesus Kristus sebagai TUHAN, maka apa pun yang IA sabdakan pada kita…”kita harus mentaatinya”…tanpa kompromi. Yang jadi duduk persoalan adalah Tuhan kita sebenarnya itu Yesus Kristus atau Uang dan Kenyamanan Hidup atau diri kita sendiri sudah jadi tuhan? Kita bisa saja melakukan berbagai aktivitas keagamaan bahkan jadi pendeta sekalipun…tetapi sebenarnya hati kita bukan bagi Yesus Kristus…hati kita dikuasai penuh oleh Mamon dan diri sendiri. Orientsi hidup kita bukan untuk melakukan tujuan Allah di muka bumi..tujuan kita hanya bagaimana hidup kaya raya dan “enjoy” selama di bumi dan lalu masuk surga. Sebab itu berita Injil yang disukai kebanyakan orang; “Tuhan Yesus menanggung kutuk kita dikayu salib agar hidup kita diberkati (khusus penekanannya pada kaya dan sehat) alias prosperity Gospel” dan Tuhan Yesus mati di kayu salib untuk menyelamatkan kita hingga kita dapat masuk surga…sekali terima DIA pasti selamat meski kita masih hidup dalam dosa sekalipun (mau selamat di dalam Tuhan tetapi juga masih menggemari dosa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari). Ketika jemaat diajar untuk berbagi harta kekayaan untuk pekerjaan Tuhan, missi , sosial berbagi dengan saudara yang kurang beruntung, membangun kota-nya dstnya. Mereka memegang erat hartanya, mereka takut bahwa mereka tidak bisa menikmati hidup dan untuk berbagi sebab mereka sudah bekerja keras untuk mendapatkannya. Jemaat Tuhan kasihnya menjadi dingin terhadap sesama, falsafah hidupnya “ yang penting gua happy…orang lain susah itu karena mereka males atau lagi apes”…. Ketika mendengar kata penginjilan atau missi, kebanyakan mengatakan itu tugas pendeta dan penginjil…padahal Tuhan menyatakan bahwa semua orang percaya harus menjadi murid Kristus dan menjadi saksi, sebagai terang dan garam dunia sebab Tuhan Yesus ada di dalam kita. Jangankan menjadi saksi, mendukung pelayanan missi dan penginjilan pun tak pernah…..”Kalau Tuhan yang memanggil, pasti Tuhan akan cukupi pelayananmu…” Rasanya sedih melihat banyak rumahtangga Kristen….yang tidak mengerti rencana Tuhan atas hidup mereka. Tuhan Yesus tidak mati di atas kayu salib agar kita hidup “happy” dan lalu masuk surga. Kita ditebus untuk melakukan tujuan dan missi ilahi selama kita ada di muka bumi. Tidak cukup hanya menjadi orang Kristen cek-list….pergi ke gereja hanya sebagai formalitas seperti seorang anak masuk sekolah mengisi absensi….jangan pernah berpikir bahwa dengan memberi perpuluhan dan persembahan sudah habis tugasmu, dan menyerahkan tanggungjawab pekerjaan Tuhan pada pendeta atau full timer gereja…..atau berpikir sudah cukup dengan berdoa pribadi dan membaca Alkitab setiap hari, kita sudah jadi orang Kristen yang baik, berdoa dan membaca Alkitab itu baik tentunya tapi bila semua hanya jadi formalitas belaka…..semua sia-sia. Aku melihat dan merenungkan….ini bukan tentang seberapa rajinnya kita aktif dalam program gereja, meskipun itu baik-baik saja. Tetapi semua akan menjadi sia-sia…bila kita tidak sungguh-sungguh menjadi murid Kristus. Yang setiap hari datang ke kaki Tuhan, memikul salib dan bertanya,”Apakah kehendakMu Tuhan untuk hambaMU ini kerjakan pada hari ini?” Keluarga Kristen harus dibangun pada dasar yang teguh yaitu Yesus Kristus sendiri…kita harus membangun hubungan (relation) dengan DIA dan bukan sekedar keagamawian (religion). TUHAN memanggil kita untuk: Menjadi terang dan garam Mat 5:13 "Kamu adalah garam dunia. Jika garam itu menjadi tawar, dengan apakah ia diasinkan? Tidak ada lagi gunanya selain dibuang dan diinjak orang. Mat 5:14 Kamu adalah terang dunia. Kota yang terletak di atas gunung tidak mungkin tersembunyi. Mat 5:15 Lagipula orang tidak menyalakan pelita lalu meletakkannya di bawah gantang, melainkan di atas kaki dian sehingga menerangi semua orang di dalam rumah itu. Mat 5:16 Demikianlah hendaknya terangmu bercahaya di depan orang, supaya mereka melihat perbuatanmu yang baik dan memuliakan Bapamu yang di sorga." Menjadi Pelaku Firman Tuhan Mat 7:24 "Setiap orang yang mendengar perkataan-Ku ini dan melakukannya, ia sama dengan orang yang bijaksana, yang mendirikan rumahnya di atas batu. Mat 7:25 Kemudian turunlah hujan dan datanglah banjir, lalu angin melanda rumah itu, tetapi rumah itu tidak rubuh sebab didirikan di atas batu. Mat 7:26 Tetapi setiap orang yang mendengar perkataan-Ku ini dan tidak melakukannya, ia sama dengan orang yang bodoh, yang mendirikan rumahnya di atas pasir. Mat 7:27 Kemudian turunlah hujan dan datanglah banjir, lalu angin melanda rumah itu, sehingga rubuhlah rumah itu dan hebatlah kerusakannya." Menjadi murid dan memuridkan Luk 9:23 Kata-Nya kepada mereka semua: "Setiap orang yang mau mengikut Aku, ia harus menyangkal dirinya, memikul salibnya setiap hari dan mengikut Aku. Luk 9:24 Karena barangsiapa mau menyelamatkan nyawanya, ia akan kehilangan nyawanya; tetapi barangsiapa kehilangan nyawanya karena Aku, ia akan menyelamatkannya. Mat 28:18 Yesus mendekati mereka dan berkata: "Kepada-Ku telah diberikan segala kuasa di sorga dan di bumi. Mat 28:19 Karena itu pergilah, jadikanlah semua bangsa murid-Ku dan baptislah mereka dalam nama Bapa dan Anak dan Roh Kudus, Mat 28:20 dan ajarlah mereka melakukan segala sesuatu yang telah Kuperintahkan kepadamu. Dan ketahuilah, Aku menyertai kamu senantiasa sampai kepada akhir zaman." Gen 1:27 Maka Allah menciptakan manusia itu menurut gambar-Nya, menurut gambar Allah diciptakan-Nya dia; laki-laki dan perempuan diciptakan-Nya mereka. Gen 1:28 Allah memberkati mereka, lalu Allah berfirman kepada mereka: "Beranakcuculah dan bertambah banyak; penuhilah bumi dan taklukkanlah itu, berkuasalah atas ikan-ikan di laut dan burung-burung di udara dan atas segala binatang yang merayap di bumi." (Kejadian 1:27-28) Apa yang merupakan impian Tuhan (Wahyu 7:9-17): Why 7:9 Kemudian dari pada itu aku melihat: sesungguhnya, suatu kumpulan besar orang banyak yang tidak dapat terhitung banyaknya, dari segala bangsa dan suku dan kaum dan bahasa, berdiri di hadapan takhta dan di hadapan Anak Domba, memakai jubah putih dan memegang daun-daun palem di tangan mereka. Why 7:10 Dan dengan suara nyaring mereka berseru: "Keselamatan bagi Allah kami yang duduk di atas takhta dan bagi Anak Domba!" Why 7:11 Dan semua malaikat berdiri mengelilingi takhta dan tua-tua dan keempat makhluk itu; mereka tersungkur di hadapan takhta itu dan menyembah Allah, Why 7:12 sambil berkata: "Amin! puji-pujian dan kemuliaan, dan hikmat dan syukur, dan hormat dan kekuasaan dan kekuatan bagi Allah kita sampai selama-lamanya! Amin!" Rev 7:13 Dan seorang dari antara tua-tua itu berkata kepadaku: "Siapakah mereka yang memakai jubah putih itu dan dari manakah mereka datang?" Rev 7:14 Maka kataku kepadanya: "Tuanku, tuan mengetahuinya." Lalu ia berkata kepadaku: "Mereka ini adalah orang-orang yang keluar dari kesusahan yang besar; dan mereka telah mencuci jubah mereka dan membuatnya putih di dalam darah Anak Domba. Rev 7:15 Karena itu mereka berdiri di hadapan takhta Allah dan melayani Dia siang malam di Bait Suci-Nya. Dan Ia yang duduk di atas takhta itu akan membentangkan kemah-Nya di atas mereka. Rev 7:16 Mereka tidak akan menderita lapar dan dahaga lagi, dan matahari atau panas terik tidak akan menimpa mereka lagi. Rev 7:17 Sebab Anak Domba yang di tengah-tengah takhta itu, akan menggembalakan mereka dan akan menuntun mereka ke mata air kehidupan. Dan Allah akan menghapus segala air mata dari mata mereka." Keluarga Kristen ada di muka bumi dengan sebuah tugas; menjadi terang dan garam dunia, menjadi pelaku firman Tuhan, menjadi murid Kristus yang setiap hari memikul salib dan memuridkan bangsa-bangsa dan memperluas Kerajaan Allah. Hingga suatu hari kelak, kita dapat berkumpul bersama Tuhan dengan orang-orang dari setiap suku bangsa dan bahasa. Itulah panggilan bagi setiap keluarga Kristen…bukan hanya bagi para rohaniwan. Ayo keluarga Kristen bangkit berdiri dan keluar dari tempurung rasa nyaman dan aman sebab bila kita tidak siap akan tiba waktunya (Ibrani 12:25-29): Heb 12:25 Jagalah supaya kamu jangan menolak Dia, yang berfirman. Sebab jikalau mereka, yang menolak Dia yang menyampaikan firman Allah di bumi, tidak luput, apa lagi kita, jika kita berpaling dari Dia yang berbicara dari sorga? Heb 12:26 Waktu itu suara-Nya menggoncangkan bumi, tetapi sekarang Ia memberikan janji: "Satu kali lagi Aku akan menggoncangkan bukan hanya bumi saja, melainkan langit juga." Heb 12:27 Ungkapan "Satu kali lagi" menunjuk kepada perubahan pada apa yang dapat digoncangkan, karena ia dijadikan supaya tinggal tetap apa yang tidak tergoncangkan. Heb 12:28 Jadi, karena kita menerima kerajaan yang tidak tergoncangkan, marilah kita mengucap syukur dan beribadah kepada Allah menurut cara yang berkenan kepada-Nya, dengan hormat dan takut. Heb 12:29 Sebab Allah kita adalah api yang menghanguskan. Doaku,”Tuhan Yesus, pulihkan kembali fungsi keluarga Kristen di muka bumi ini. Pertama-tama mulailah dari keluarga hambaMu ini, ajar kami…mampukan kami untuk dapat menjadi teladan bagi yang lain. Amien


I love you!

This day I want to bring forth a new revelation of my love in your heart my child. You know what I have done for you. You come to me for help but so often you do not believe in your heart, says the Lord.
It was love that moved me to pay with my very blood so you could live. It was love that moves me each day to reach out to you and to pour my blessings upon you, says the Lord.
Are you starting to see my heart for you, my child? My heart is filled with love for you. It is because it is filled with love that I sometimes have to be strong and give you a clear direction.
My child, just come into the comfort of my presence and hide in my strong arms! I am right here. I have never left you nor forsaken you. My heart towards you never changes no matter what happens. My arms are always wide open.
So lay down your struggles. Lay down your fears and enter into my presence with gladness. Embrace my love and who I am, my child. I am your heavenly father and I love you so very much, says the Lord.

Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

Bangunlah, hai kamu yang tidur dan bangkitlah…(Efesus 5:14a)
Si bungsu, George dengan riangnya berlari di lapangan mengejar seekor anak kucing sambil bermain bola. Terdengar tawanya dan teriakan kegirangan yang menggema. Namun keceriaan tersebut berubah seketika kala ia terjatuh terjerembab. Pecah tangisan menggantikan tawa penuh keceriaannya. Segera kuberlari mendapatinya dengan bergegas kupeluk dan gendong dia. Segera kubergegas membersihkan luka itu dengan air bersih dan memberikan obat untuk luka luar, betadine. Pecah tangisan anakku, ia histeris tidak mau diobati. Rasanya hatiku tidak tega tapi kutahu bila luka di kakinya tidak segera kuobati maka kemungkinan ia akan terkena infeksi. Kubulatkan hatiku untuk mengobati lukanya.
Dalam perjalanan kehidupan kita, seringkali kita mengalami kejatuhan dalam dosa. Kita merasa tidak berdaya sebab telah terpedaya oleh bujuk rayu iblis dan kedagingan kita yang enggan untuk berkata tidak pada godaan dosa. Bila kita telah menyadari bahwa kita telah jatuh terperosok ingatlah selalu bahwa Tuhan ada di dekat kita, Ia tidak akan membiarkan kita jatuh sebab tanganNya akan menopang kita….memulihkan kita….walau saat koreksi itu datang…kita mungkin merasa sakit. Tapi rasa sakit itu adalah bagian dari proses pemulihan kita.
Doa: Tuhan, aku menyadari bahwa saat ini, aku tengah jatuh dalam kubangan dosa. Tuhan ampuni aku dan kuduskan aku dari segala dosaku. Amien.
Firman Tuhan: 1 Yohanes 1:7-9

Rencana Membeli TV
Jika Tuhan menghendakinya, kami akan hidup dan berbuat ini dan itu (Yak 4:15)
“Dave minggu depan, kau jemput Om ya. Om mau pergi untuk membeli TV baru.” Itu permintaan terakhir dari Om-ku, Howard. Om-ku hidup sebatangkara dan aku satu-satunya kerabat yang memiliki hubungan paling dengat dengannya. Saat kutinggal pulang, ia tampak sehat-sehat saja.
Beberapa hari kemudian saat aku hendak menjemput anak sulungku di sekolahnya, tiba-tiba kumendapatkan telpon dari induk semang pemilik tempat kost dimana Om-ku tinggal. Kuterkejut ada apa ini? Siang itu aku mendapat kabar bahwa ternyata Om-ku telah meninggal dunia. Aku sangat terkejut dan tidak bisa berkata-kata lagi. Kesedihan meliputi hatiku.
Kita manusia tidak pernah tahu kapan akan kembali ke Rumah Bapa. Kita bisa saja merencanakan ini dan itu. Tetapi semuanya berpulang pada rencana Tuhan dalam hidup kita masing-masing. Kita manusia boleh saja berencana tetapi selalu ingat agar kita mendahulukan untuk melakukan kehendak Tuhan. Sebab kita semua akan kembali padaNYA dan memberikan pertanggungjawaban.
Doa: Tuhan tolong kami agar kami dapat hidup dalam takut akan Tuhan setiap saat. Amien
Firman Tuhan: Yakobus 4:13-17

“..dengan mata yang tertuju kepada Yesus..”(Ibrani 12:2a)
Pagi itu seperti biasa aku berjalan sehat mengelilingi kompleks perumahan kami. Kuperhatikan seorang remaja yang sambil tersenyum-senyum matanya tertuju  pada “smartphone”nya dan tampak jempolnya sibuk bekerja mengetik sesuatu melalui diriku. Tiba-tiba di pagi yang indah itu aku mendengar teriakan anak remaja tadi yang menyusulku ternyata ia jatuh akibat terperosok ke dalam lubang got yang tengah direnovasi. Akibat terlalu asyik chatting menggunakan BBM, ia tidak memperhatikan papan kuning besar bertuliskan “Awas Ada Perbaikan Saluran Air” maupun tumpukan batu dan pasir di sekitarnya. Hingga akhirnya saat sudah terperosok, ia baru sadar akan kelengahannya.
Mungkin kita berpikir itu hal yang sedikit lucu tetapi bukankah kita juga sering terlalu asyik dengan diri kita sendiri hingga mengabaikan firman Tuhan?  Tidak selalu dosa besar yang manjauhkan diri kita dengan Tuhan. Kadang terlalu sibuk dengan usaha, kadang terlalu sibuk dengan teman atau kekasih, kadang terlalu sibuk dengan hobi dan kegiatan lainnya. Dalam perjalanan kehidupan kita perhatikan setiap langkah kehidupan kita, mintalah tuntunan dan bimbinganNYA agar kita tidak terperosok lebih dalam lagi.
Doa: Tuhan tolong tuntunlah langkah kehidupanku sebab ku tak dapat hidup tanpaMU. Amien
Firman Tuhan: Ibrani 12:1-4

Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012

Riding the Storms

Riding the Storms

As a ship tossed about in the ocean, so also do you often feel tossed about by circumstances. However, do you not realize that it is these very waves that contain the power to take the boat to its destination?
It is the strong winds that will catch the sails and transport it and although it is not comfortable, it has the potential for power. Yet you complain about the winds and the discomfort. My child, it is these very circumstances that hold the power to take you to your destination.
You are so focused on the discomfort, that you are not harnessing the power of these situations. Instead of fighting against them, learn to ride them! Learn to ride the waves and the situations that challenge you. Learn to use my power like sails to catch the winds of life that will carry you. When you use the circumstances in your life to challenge you and carry you, you will learn to rise above them.
Then when you do this, you will turn to see that I am the very one at the helm of your ship. I am here steering you and I will even at times steer you into the wind so that my sails can catch it. So stop fighting child! Stop struggling and yield. Then pick up my power and face these situations. Learn to use these travails. Learn to use your faith in these circumstances and instead of avoiding the storms, you will learn to travel through them.
Then when you get through to the other side, you will see that you have gone further than you could have imagined. You will see that you have covered ground that you could not have in calm seas. So embrace the heavy winds now. Embrace these storms and then you will surely ride high, says the Lord. Amen.

Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

The Hope of Life

Consider a fountain that gushes into the air. Not only is it beautiful, but it also brings the hope of life along with it. In the same way my anointing is a river of life flowing inside of you my child. If only you would let it gush out of you, it would bring beauty and the hope of life to all of those around you. You will not bring life with your own works or your striving. You will not bring hope with learning or trying. No my child, that life only comes from my spirit and that spirit is inside of you! Inside of you is the anointing and the answer to every need. So stop striving for a moment and hear my voice deep within. Realize that I have given you a treasure in your spirit and it is for you to pour out to others! It is not only for you to drink from, but to hand out. I have done something wonderful inside of you my child. I have created it, that when you pour out to others, that your own garden is watered! So put your own needs and fears aside for now and pour out to others. Take the rivers of living water inside of you and meet the needs of those around you. Pour out in love and in hope. Minister and encourage. Give where you can. Then you will be like that fountain gushing high into the air! You will become a thing of beauty that others are drawn to. You will become the hope of life to each one. So pour it out my child! Then as you pour out the small portion you have, it will increase until a trickle becomes a mighty rushing waterfall. Step out with what you have and I will surely increase you, says the Lord.


SAAT SAKIT GIGI Jika satu anggota menderita, semua anggota turut menderita; jika satu anggota dihormati, semua anggota turut bersukacita (1Kor 12:26) Sedang nikmatnya saya minum kopi saat sarapan pagi, tiba-tiba gigiku berdenyut. “Aduh!” setengah berteriak. Ternyata ada tambalan gigiku yang retak hingga saat air panas itu melaluinya gigi pun terasa sakit. Sepanjang hari semua akivitas saya terasa kurang menyenangkan akibat gigi yang sakit. Rasanya sulit untuk berpikir, sulit untuk berkonsentrasi, cepat jengkel bila ada teman yang mencandai diri saya. Sepanjang hari itu wajah saya terlihat masam dan bagai induk singa yang siap menerkam mangsa atau lawan. Gigi bukan merupakan bagian tubuh yang besar, gigi bagian yang kecil tetapi ketika kita mengalami gigi yang berlubang. Gigi tersebut dapat mempengaruhi seluruh tubuh kita. Teman-teman sekantor yang tahu penderitaan saya merasa turut prihatin dan memberi saran untuk sementara mengkonsumsi obat tertentu untuk meredakan rasa sakit sebelum pergi ke dokter gigi. Ada pula yang lalu memberi diri untuk pergi ke apotek membeli obat yang dibutuhkan. Mereka juga menyarankan dokter gigi yang memiliki reputasi baik untuk saya berobat. Hati saya terhibur dengan kebaikan dan perhatian teman-teman sekantor. Kita merupakan tim kerja yang kompak dan sudah seperti keluarga. Terlintas dalam benak saya kehidupan kita sebagai anak-anak Tuhan. Akan sangat indah bila kita bisa saling mendukung dan memperhatikan seorang dengan yang lain. Ketika ada seorang diantara kita yang sakit, kita datang memberi semangat, mendoakan dan bila ia tak mampu kita bawa dia untuk berobat. Setiap anak Tuhan merupakan bagian dari tubuh Kristus. Penderitaan satu bagian, yang terkecil sekali pun akan membawa dampak bagi tubuh secara keseluruhan. Saudara-saudaraku, mungkin kita selama ini bila pergi ke gereja hanya mengharapkan Tuhan memberkati hidup kita. Kita berdoa dan berharap rumahtangga langgeng, anak-anak hidup dalam takut akan Tuhan, pekerjaan dan harta diberkati agar berlimpah, diberikan kesehatan dan bisa hidup bahagia sampai ke rumah Bapa. Tidak ada yang salah berdoa untuk hal tersebut hanya ingat bahwa kita ini merupakan bagian dari tubuh Kristus. Dimana Tuhan mengingatkan agar kita saling mengasihi, memperhatikan,mendoakan dan peduli terhadap sesama kita. Mari kita saling mengasihi dalam Tuhan. Doa: Tuhan tolong kami mulai hari ini untuk saling mengasihi dan peduli. Amien. FT: 1 Korintus 12:20-26

Senin, 09 Juli 2012

Take a rest and fill up

Take a rest and fill up

 Even as a car can run out of fuel very quickly when it drives uphill a lot, so can you lose your power after having had to push on forward for a long time. Just like an engine needs to rest from time to time, and the gas tank needs to be filled so do I want you to rest and be filled. It is good to press on forward and to journey forward up the hill. But if you push the car for too long without taking breaks in between, you will have the hood smoking and the gas running out sooner or later. Just like you would not do that while driving a car in the natural, do not do that by following me in the spiritual. You need times to rest and to be filled up. You need to give your engine time to cool down and regenerate and you need to fill that tank. So take time to steal away with me each day, to let that engine cool and that tank be filled. As you do that, you will reach the mountain top much more quickly and much less frustrated! I love you and my strong hand and favor is with you all the time. Trust in me and take my power with you wherever you go, says the Lord.

Launching you like a bullet

Launching you like a bullet

 I am preparing you to be shot forth into the kingdom of darkness. Even as a bullet rests in the gun shaft for a while and is being lined up perfectly before the trigger is pulled, so am I lining you up perfectly before you are shot out into the darkness to bring light. I have given you all you need, I have already empowered you. All you need to do is let me line you up. Allow me to bring together the circumstances, allow me to polish you and place you in the spot you need to be, so that when I pull the trigger, you can be shot out in power. Trust in me says the Lord. I am preparing you for greatness. I am preparing you for the right time. I am lining you up in perfect accordance. So just surrender and allow me to do what only I can do, says the Lord.

Fix your eyes on the goal ahead

Fix your eyes on the goal ahead Although the clouds are think and dark around you, I am right here by your side, says the Lord. For yes, the fire may be hot right now and the waters may overflow you, but my hand is not too short to reach you. My hand is not to short to touch you and pull you out of the heat! Do not focus on the storms around you, put fix your eyes on the goal ahead. for the fire is there to make you shine. The storm is there to lift you higher and to equip you to withstand more. I am making you into my mighty warrior. I am making you into my star! Trust in me and fix your eyes on what lies ahead, says the Lord. Expand your vision and do not only look at what is happening right now but look at what is in the future. There is more that I have for you. There is more that I have called you to my child. Fix your eyes on me and on the goal ahead this day, says the Lord.

Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

Leave it up to me

When a farmer plants a seed, he takes a step of faith each time. For he doesn't know what will become of that seed once it is planted into the ground. Once it is out of his hands and touches the soil, the farmer has no control over what happens any longer. He can water that seed and make sure that insects don't have easy access to it, but even then, he cannot go and dig up the seed to make sure it is okay. Once it is planted, a process of growth begins that the farmer cannot interfere in. It is the same with you. Each time you sow, each time you give you are handing me that seed in the spirit. It is then up to me to make sure that seed sprouts. It is not up to you. You can water it and keep watch over it in the spirit, but it is up to me to bring the growth, says the Lord. Trust in me. Give me your seed and once you placed it in my hands, leave it there. Do not go around trying to dig it up to make sure that it is growing. Each time you do that, you are blocking the growth. Each time you do that you are interfering with my process. So just let it go and place your trust in my ability to make something magnificent out of what you have given to me, says the Lord. For I delight in bringing in great harvests on your behalf. It is in me that you will see miracles come to pass and your needs met. So trust in me afresh today and allow me to bring growth to the seeds you have sown, says the Lord.

Take me into the hidden parts

Take me into the hidden parts Your heart is like a house with many rooms. There are rooms that are available to anyone to walk into and enjoy. But there are other rooms that maybe not everyone has access to. My child, when it comes to your relationship with me though, you can rest assured that if you give me access even to those hidden and private rooms of your heart, that you will be safe and understood. I am your heavenly father and I love you. I want to be there for you when you feel shattered and broken. I want to be there for you when you rejoice. I want to be there for you as you experience things in life that evoke different feelings. When you are angry, I want to be there for you and support you with a solution. When you are sad, I want to be there to comfort you. When you are full of joy, I want to be there to rejoice with you. When you hide away, I want to be there to give you company. I am your Daddy and it is most definitely not my way or intention to hurt you. So rest assured that I am on your side. Rest assured that I want to help you in every area of your life. I want to be part of what you go through. So come and rest in my arms right now. Open those hidden parts of your life to me, and experience how I take you through a transformation. As you allow me to touch those parts, so will you be more easy to approach by others and you will be able to also pour out to others more. Come away with me now and experience the power of my touch, says the Lord.

Senin, 18 Juni 2012

I will reach out to you

I will reach out to you My child, you know that you can reach out and touch me. All through my word, I was there among the people. When I walk the streets, people crowd around to get one touch of me. But how often my child, have you asked me to touch you? To touch your problems, to come and be your savior in every area of your life? For I am your heavenly bridegroom, and I don't need much to come running to you. Just a whisper of "Lord I need you", and I will move mountains for you. Yes, so many of my children think they have to struggle and strive, because I don't want to bless them. Or others think they have to pick up the sword and do it themselves. No my child, I am your provider, I am your healer, I am your deliver. You reached out with simple faith and you came to know me. Just reach out with that same faith and ask me to touch you and I will. For my arm is not shortened that I can not deliver, and my power has not diminished one tiny bit! I parted the red sea, and slew the Egyptians, can I not make a way for you? Stop trying to do it all by yourself, and just fall into my arms, for all I ask my child, is faith, hope, and love. I love you my child, and I am with you always.

Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

Just for a Moment More

When a dark cloud gathers over the earth it casts a shadow and everything seems bleak for that moment. However, the cloud cannot remain forever and a time must come when it will open up and reveal the sun that was always there. My child, the enemy often sends dark clouds into your life to block out the sun - but it does not mean that I have forsaken you. It might seem bleak at times and the shadow that the cloud casts makes things seem cold and for that moment you feel distant from me. Do not be afraid when this happens my child, but hold onto hope. For the cloud can only hold on for so long and then it will dissipate. For the enemy has only so many resources and then he can no longer continue. So press on with faith! Press on with hope, knowing that I am right there with you. Then very soon you will see that cloud split in two and the sun shine again. Then you will feel the warmth of my presence and you will feel peace again. So hold onto me this day my child. Hold onto your faith! Hold onto your hope and you will see that the darkness lasts but for a moment, but my love and mercy is forever, says the Lord. Amen.

That Still Small Voice

That Still Small Voice My peace is the power that you are looking or my child. For it is in my peace that you will accomplish great things in my name. For it is only when you are at peace that you can hear my voice deep in your spirit. It is only when you are at peace that you can think clearly enough to handle the problems that you face. When there are many voices shouting at you and responsibilities that overwhelm you, it is easy for the enemy to sway you. However, when you can settle your spirit and walk in my peace, then you can hear my still and small voice. For the enemy comes as a roaring lion, trying to lead you in the way that he wants to go. He comes to push you and to demand from you. I come to lead you to victory and I do it with peace. So walk in my peace this day and put aside the things that are pushing you and causing you to become discouraged. Listen to the still small voice that is speaking clearly in your spirit right now. Listen to my soft words and to the nudging of my spirit. Listen to those things and you will not have to be afraid of being led astray. For I will always confirm and I will always speak in peace. So listen for the peace in my voice and the doors that would not open before will suddenly swing wide in front of you, says the Lord. Amen

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

Enjoy The Race

Enjoy the Race Consider a long distance runner that runs races right across the country. Although it is a long race and the end goal is to finish it, the joy of the race is the journey itself. In the same way, I call you to enjoy the journey that you are on my child. Too often you can keep your eyes focused on just finishing the race instead of enjoying the moment that you have right now. There will be many races and many goals for you to reach in your lifetime, but with each race you end, be able to look back and see the good that came from it! Remember the sweet moments and the tender moments. Even remember the difficult moments and the uphill you sometimes had to run. With each memory, you will realize that I added something new to you. For the purpose of the journey that you are on right now is not simply to take you to your goal my child. Instead the purpose of this journey is to equip you as you run it! If you try to run too fast, you will not take hold of everything that I have for you. If you run too slowly, you will lose time along the way. So run in perfect time. Run to my heartbeat and to my leading. Then you will see that this is indeed a good race that you are on. You will see that I have already done many good things. So take time today to enjoy your race and thank me for the precious moments along the way. Amen

Senin, 07 Mei 2012

Wait For the Rain

Wait For the Rain A farmer does not consider it a waste of time to bury his seed into the soil. Although it takes a lot of work to plough the ground and plant that seed, he keeps the hope in his heart of the harvest to come. He does not get discouraged when there are not immediate results either. He is confident in the seed that he has planted and he knows that it is just a matter of time before it will break through the soil. Sure enough, the rains come and the season changes and the land that looked desolate before suddenly starts to flourish with life. In the same way, you have spent a long time planting seeds my child. You have invested into the natural and in the spirit. Was the time you invested a waste of time? No, the seeds you planted were good and it is time now to wait for the rain and the change of season to come. The farmer rejoices in his weariness after a day of good work. In the same way, rejoice in the effort that you have put in and do not see it as a waste! For what looks like barrenness right now will transform in the right season into something incredible! So come now and wait for the rain to come. For it shall indeed come. Then all of that work will be worth it. As you see the fruit of your labor, you will understand the process of having to plant and then to wait. So rest now and know that I am surely in control. I have not forgotten your hard labor and I have seen every seed that you have sown my child. Put your trust now in me. Put your faith in my rain and in my season and then when things are silent, you will suddenly see the first signs of life and the seedlings begin to sprout. Be encouraged my child! For what looks barren now is about to break into new life. Your new season will soon be upon you says the Lord. Amen.

Senin, 23 April 2012

Look Up

Look Up When the day is clear and the skies are blue, you cannot help but feel joy in your heart. In the same way I want to give you a clear day in the spirit today my child. Unfortunately though so often you are looking down at where you are walking instead of looking up towards the sky. So often you are analyzing what you are doing and if you are doing the right thing, that you forget to simply look up to me and to take my hand. For I am the one that is leading you and I am the one that is opening the clouds in front of you. However, if you never look up to see the good things that I am doing then you will not experience the joy that I have for you! So look up! Do not get bogged down with getting it right or by trying so hard. Look up and trust that I am opening up the way ahead of you. Have more faith in my ability to see you through than in your own to walk this road. For although I have called you to walk this way my child, it is I that made the road and it is I that am opening the skies before you. Never forget that I hold this world in my hands and if I could create it, then I am also well able to lead you in the way that I have for you today. So look up and let my hope start to fill your heart. You will see that I have never let you go and that I did not forget about you. You will see that I have gone ahead of you to prepare the way and that I have paved the road for you. You will see that I have taken everything into account. So look up and rejoice, for I am making the skies clear for you this day my child. Amen.

Jumat, 13 April 2012

Get Empowered

Get Empowered

Let me water the dry ground today my child. For it does not take long for your spirit to become thirsty and dry. The problems of life and the struggles you face quickly take away the goodness and the anointing in your life. That is why I call you to my presence once again.

To drink deep from me and to experience my love and joy once again. In the world you will often have tribulation, but be of good cheer, because I have overcome the world! I have overcome it with my power and when you come to me you can partake of that power. This is not something that you can only taste of once, but you can take hold of it again and again.

If you would only take time aside with me to hear my voice and to reach out to me, you would be watered and empowered again. So when the tribulation comes and you feel dry, it is time to run to me child. It is time to embrace me and to allow me to fill you up once again. As I do this, you will grow stronger.

The more you do it, the stronger you will become. Right now you might look at your circumstances and feel overwhelmed by them, but just a bit of my power will give you what you need to overcome. So do not just come to me when times are difficult, but come to me especially when times are easy so that I can prepare you for the tribulations up ahead.
When you come to me all for the time to be empowered, then no matter what happens, you will always be ready and will be able to overcome, says the Lord. Amen

Kamis, 12 April 2012

Different Seasons

Different Seasons

The rain lasts only for a season and then the sun comes out to finish off the work. In the same way, I am taking you through different seasons that might seem contradictory. The rain and the sun seem so opposite, yet they are both needed for growth. In the same way my child, I will take you through seasons of rain and of sunshine.

There will be times when the season you are in might feel bleak. You will feel as though the goodness is gone and that you have to push through. Do not become discouraged when you face a season like this, because it is all part of the process that I am taking you through. Soon enough the rain clouds will clear and then the sun will break through.

As I take you by the hand, I have only good things in store for you my child! So do not become discouraged or wonder why I am leading you in the way that I am - for I am doing a good thing in your life! I know where you are headed and the best way to take you there. I know what you need and what it will take to bring the goodness out of your life.

So trust me again this day and thank me for every season I take you through. For as you are diligent to submit to each one and to learn from each one, you will begin to see the fruit of it. You will see the growth and know that I led you clearly and that I desire only good things for you my child. Amen

Rabu, 11 April 2012



"God is not looking for brilliant men, is not depending upon eloquent
men, is not shut up to the use of talented men in sending His gospel
out in the world. God is looking for broken men who have judged
themselves in the light of the cross of Christ. When He wants anything
done, He takes up men who have come to the end of themselves, whose
confidence is not in themselves, but in God."
- H.A. Ironside

"When we become too glib in prayer we are most surely talking to
- A. W. Tozer

"Some people read their Bible in Hebrew, some in Greek; I like to read
mine in the Holy Ghost."
- Smith Wigglesworth

"I am convinced that many evangelicals are not truly and soundly
converted. Among the evangelicals it is entirely possible to come into
membership, to ooze in by osmosis, to leak through the cells of the
church and never know what it means to be born of the Spirit and
washed in the blood. A great deal that passes for the deeper life is
nothing more or less than basic Christianity. There is nothing deeper
about it, and it is where we should have been from the start. We
should have been happy, joyous, victorious Christians walking in the
Holy Spirit and not fulfilling the lusts of the flesh. Instead we have
been chasing each other around the perpetual mountain.

What we need is what the old Methodists called a sound conversion.
There is a difference between conversion and a sound conversion.
People who have never been soundly converted do not have the Spirit to
enlighten them. When they read the Sermon on the Mount or the teaching
passages of the epistles that tell them how to live or the doctrinal
passages that tell how they can live, they are unaffected. The Spirit
who wrote them is not witnessing in their hearts because they have not
been born of the Spirit. That often happens." - A W Tozer

"With all your getting get unction." - Leonard Ravenhill

Minggu, 08 April 2012

Keep Praying

Keep Praying

No matter how dark the clouds are, the sun will surely make its way through. My child as you have been reaching out to me, I have heard your prayers and although your needs are as dark clouds, your faith will shine through and break them apart. For the difficulty is only for a season and the enemy can only bring his attacks for so long and then he must step away.

So do not grow weary in reaching out to me. Do not grow weary in praying and calling on my name. For the prayers of the just avail much and I have surely heard your cry and will answer. I will not delay, but I will reach out to you and break through the need and the obstacles. I will reach through my child.

So press on today. Keep reaching out to me and I will reach out to you. Keep holding onto me and I will hold onto you. Keep praying and trusting in me and I will come through for you.

Look and see my child - the clouds will part quickly and then you will be able to revel in the warmth of the sun and see those needs met once again.

Jumat, 06 April 2012

Know My Love

Know My Love

My child, I call you as a groom to the bridal chamber. I call you to lie down on roses and to enjoy the warmth of my presence. For in the world, you will face tribulation, but I have overcome the world. It is here in my presence that you will also learn to overcome.

As you receive more from me and hear my words, it will impart the power to you that you need. Then you will stand up again and know that you can overcome any obstacle that faces you. So come to me for this moment and drink in my presence and my love. Let my love be like milk and honey to you.

Let my words feed you like fresh bread and let my touch be as warm oil over your head. For you are indeed lovely to me my child. You are indeed precious and I gladly died for you to give you everything that you could ever need.

So come to me and develop this relationship with me. Let me show you my love. For it is this very love that will empower you. It is this very tenderness that will give you what you need to overcome.

So come away with me. Steal this moment away with me and taste and see that I am indeed good, says the Lord.

Unlimited Power

Unlimited Power

My child is anything too hard for me? Why then do you look at the things that you cannot do instead of the things that I can do? For as you look at your own limitations you overlook my boundless ability.

For as I created this world with the breath of my mouth, so also am I able to create miracles in your situation. As you look at your resources and abilities, you will always feel like you are coming up short. You will always feel that you lack and are not able to meet the standard.

But my child, I did not call you to live up to your own standard but mine. I did not call you to walk in your own ability, but in my power. For you can only do so much in yourself and then your resources run dry. My power and resources though will never run dry. I will always have more to give you.

So why struggle with your limitation? Grab hold of my limitless power instead. Let go of your weaknesses and your failed attempts then. Let go of your inability to reach the goals.

Then grab hold of my hand and I will take you to the goals. Where your abilities end, mine will start and I will surely lead you further and higher than you have ever been, says the Lord.

Selasa, 03 April 2012

Your one source of everything

Your one source of everything

Do you feel weak and powerless? Do you feel like you have somehow been disconnected from the source of life? My child, just come to me afresh and let me revive you.

Open yourself up to me and let me overflow you with my living waters. Stop for a moment and come to me to receive my cleansing. For the dust of life has accumulated on you and it has made you weary. Come and drink from my living waters that are gushing like a waterfall at all times.

If you want to stand in that waterfall all you need to do is to come to me to receive. Do not be satisfied with the little portion you have but come to me for more. I delight in blessing you and I delight in giving you more. You have to just come and ask and I will gladly give, says the Lord.

Let me overflow you with my joy. Come and let me overflow you with my love. Come and let me give you what you have been crying out for, says the Lord. For I am your one source of everything. I am your father. AMEN

Minggu, 01 April 2012

A Sweet Song

A Sweet Song

As spring comes you can hear the birds singing their song, heralding in the season. However, when you are busy and rushing from one place to another, you do not hear their song. It does not mean that they are not singing, but rather that you are just too distracted to take it in. It is only when you are quiet and take time to sit and listen, do you suddenly hear the melody.

My direction to you is like that my child. It is a sweet song giving you the joy and hope that you need. Unfortunately, you can get so busy with so many things that you do not hear my song.

Your mind often gets filled with so many thoughts and fears and frustrations, that you miss out on the melody. Then there are other times when you are so busy praying and talking and trying to reach me, that again, you do not hear my sweet words.

My child, just take a moment to be silent in my presence. Do not rush me. If you had to suddenly rush at a dove that was letting out its song, it would fly away and you would lose the moment. In the same way, each time that you rush and push and try to demand, you miss out on the opportunity to just listen.

Just listen to me today. Trust me to speak to you. Trust me to get my song through to you. So often you struggle and cry out to me for my direction. In fact, you are crying out to me so much that you cannot hear my song through your cries.

So have faith in me and listen to the words deep inside of your spirit. Listen to my sweet song washing over you even now. As you do this, you will feel the peace that you have been asking for.

For I do indeed sing over my beloved and even now I am washing over you with a sweet and tender song with words of love and hope. So stop to listen. Quiet your spirit and trust me to get through to you.

Trust me to break through the clouds and the noise around you. Then suddenly my voice will become clear and the words that you hear will revive you once again. Listen for me child and you will not be disappointed, says the Lord. Amen.

Leave It There

Leave It There

I watch over the seasons and the tides. I watch over the lilies in the fields and I make sure that the grass flourishes in its season. If I can care for the grass that is here today and gone tomorrow, do you think that I have overlooked your needs my child?

My child, I see the needs and I see your struggles. I have heard your prayers and I see the things that you have need of even before you ask them of me. So come to me child. Come to me and give me your needs. Put your needs at my feet and then trust that I will take care of them for you. For your failure has not been to put your needs at my feet, but rather not to leave them there.

When circumstances get difficult and you suddenly do not see a way out, you quickly try to fix things yourself. In that moment, you take back the needs you put at my feet. Does this mean I do not see your needs any longer? No my child, I see them. Rather it means that you take away the power I could have used to meet those needs.

So trust me again! Do not just put your needs at my feet, but leave them there. As you do that, I will pick them up and I will answer your prayer. Your prayers avail much and I will surely move on your behalf.

So leave your cares at my feet and as you do that I will show you the right road to take. I will arrange the circumstances and show you what you must do. However, let me decide what it is that you must do - do not try to make this decision yourself.

For when I am the one to decide for you, then you can rest assured that every last need will be taken care of. So bring me all of your needs once again and then leave them there. Then you will overcome and just as the grass enters into a new phase of growth and abundance, so also will you see a new season start to manifest in your own life, says the Lord. Amen.

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

Take Me Along

Take Me Along

You do not need to go far to feel my presence my child. I am not hidden from you, but right within arms reach. When you are sad, I am standing right by your side. When you rejoice, then I am dancing at your side. Everything you face through the day, I am right there, facing it with you.

So take me along on your adventures as you walk through the day - knowing that I am right there with you. I am there to give you comfort and I am there to give you strength. When you face difficult situations, I am there to give you power. When you are facing temptations and you feel weak, I am there to make you strong.

So rely heavily on me. Lean on me. Reach out for me and you will find that I have been there all along. My child, you do not need to struggle to find me, so do not search any longer. When you finally come to rest, you will realize that I was there all along, chasing after you.

So take me along with you today. Talk to me and share your conflicts with me through the day. Tell me your temptations and your fears. Then as you share, you will feel a deep peace in your heart.

You will see my hand move on your circumstances. Talk to me just as if I was sitting right next to you. As you do that, you will touch me and my power will touch you in return, says the Lord. Amen.

Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Follow My Breeze

Follow my breeze

Even as a gust of wind throws a leaf around and changes its direction all of the time, so does my spirit blow upon you as well. When you walk with me and tap into the power of your spirit then the direction I am taking you in can change with the wind. My child, I just want you to come to me and be open.

As you walk in the spirit, be sensitive to my voice and listen to my direction. For even as a leaf can be tossed from east to west in just one gust, so can I change your direction. I love you and I am not bringing that change because I want to toss you around and harm you but because I love you. I am blowing my wind because I know what is best for you.

So come to me afresh and trust in me. Let me blow upon you and point you in the direction you need to go today. I have wonderful things in store for you. As you listen to my still small voice inside of you, you will be able to rise up and follow my gentle leading, says the Lord.


You are my arrow

I want to make you into an arrow that will hit its mark 100 percent of the time. I am the archer and you are my arrow. Let me sharpen your tip and make you straight.

For the plans I have for you are bigger than your own. The places I want to send you to are beyond your imagination. Before I can shoot you into the dark to hit the enemy's camp though, you need to come to me and receive all that you can.

If you have been feeling a lot of pressure and change has been staring you in the face everywhere you go and with everything you do, then rejoiced for I am making you into my arrow. I am not just making you into any arrow though.

I am forming you to become my sharpest one yet. So just trust in me and let me do what only I can do, says the Lord.