Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

My Abundance


My Abundance

Look up and see my glory says the Lord for I am about to manifest my goodness in your life. I will cause your hands to prosper and everything you touch to turn to blessing. For it delights me to bless you my child. It delights me to open the way ahead of you and to see you dance along your journey. For I am a tender father that is delighted in your joy.
So praise me today and know that I have you securely in my hands. I have not let you go and I do not just want to provide your needs, but I want your heart to rejoice with the goodness and blessings beyond measure. I am not withholding anything from you my child, for I am filled with abundance!
When I created the earth I did not restrict it. I caused the earth to be filled. I caused the animals to reproduce without measure. Did you think then that I would stop this with you my child? No I am the same yesterday and today. I desire abundance in your life. I desire the richness of my blessings to be manifested in you. So rejoice then and see that I withhold nothing from you today. Reach out by faith and trust that I want all good things for you says the Lord. Amen.

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