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Train Up a Child by Bryant Wright Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. — Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV) This directive from Proverbs gives us great instruction on rearing children: Train up means to lead and to teach; you must teach your young child to obey and to understand who is boss. In the early days of childhood, there is a battle of the wills between the parent and the child. This is a battle the parent can’t afford to lose. Mom and Dad need to be in charge. In the way he should go means being a student of your children. God has created each of them uniquely, and we want them to discover who God wants them to be. This means understanding our children’s interests and weaknesses. It means teaching them right and wrong and that there will be consequences for doing wrong. When he is old he will not depart from it. “Old” doesn't mean teenager or young adult, but aged man. Some kids “get it” sooner than others when it comes to God, right and wrong, and what their purpose is. Others take a long time. Along the way, some kids break their parents’ hearts, but God’s Word offers hope that they will eventually come around. Take time to be both a leader and a student of your children when they’re small, and there’s a far better chance they’ll listen to you and do what’s right when they’re old. * * * Your Turn Parenting is both a tremendous blessing and also a challenge! If you are a parent, what are you doing to "train up a child" in the way he or she should go? Do you have older kids who are breaking your heart right now? Take a moment now to pray for your children and for your leadership of them. Please leave a comment on our blog. We would love to hear from you! ~ Devotionals Daily! | ||||

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